How to Get Umbra and Guillotine Guns and New Weapon Attachments — Patch 1.5 for Cyberpunk 2077

Hey Choombas! Wondering how you can get two new Guns and Weapon Attachments added by Patch 1.5? First method is pretty simple, since a few of the new items have been added directly to good ol’ Wilson’s gun kiosk, but there are still a few others that you will just have to find in the world (as loot).

Still, if you are just looking to grab a couple new toys for a couple of thousand of eddies, we got you covered.

DA8 Umbra and Guillotine at Wilson’s 2nd Amendment

If you took a bit of a break from the game and need a refresher — Wilson’s 2nd Amendment is one of the stores on the 7th floor of Megabuilding H10 in Watson, same place as V’s starting apartment.

cyberpunk 2077 get umbra and guillotine at wilsons 2nd amendment patch 1.5

It’s located directly across from the elevator shaft: you can recognize it by its red neon sign. Wilson will likely be attending to the store on the inside, but he could also be hanging out by the entrance (like he is doing in the Featured Image).

Wilson’s store will get you the Uncommon versions of the DA8 Umbra and Guillotine, as well as some Uncommon Muzzle Brakes (a new Weapon Attachment). However, you won’t be able to get anything more rare or iconic in the store.

Let’s go over what you can buy here and what is missing.

What You Can Buy at 2nd Amendment


  • DA8 Umbra (Uncommon) — Power Assault Rifle, 160.4 DPS. 2513 €$
  • Guillotine (Uncommon) — Power Submachine Gun, 169.3 DPS, Thermal Damage. 2345 €$
  • Guillotine (Uncommon) — Power Submachine Gun, 168.1 DPS, Chemical Damage. 2325 €$
  • Guillotine (Uncommon) — Power Submachine Gun, 175.4 DPS, Chemical Damage. 2453 €$

Muzzle Brakes:

  • RC-7 Babaroga [Handguns] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Increases ricochet damage by 125%. Halves Crit Chance. 120 €$
  • RC-7 Yokai [Assault Rifles/SMGs] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Reduces spread by 20%. 120 €$
  • RC-7 Varkolak [Assault Rifles/SMGs] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Reduces recoil by 6% and spread by 6%. Increases ricochet damage by 35%. Halves Crit Chance. 120 €$
  • RC-7 Strigoi [Assault Rifles/SMGs] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Reduces recoil by 10%. Increases ricochet damage by 60%. Halves Crit Chance. 120 €$
  • RC-7 Kutrub [Handguns] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Reduces spread by 20%. 120 €$
  • RC-7 Dybbuk [Handguns] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Reduces recoil by 6% and spread by 6%. Increases ricochet damage by 35%. Halves Crit Chance. 120 €$
  • RC-7 Ifrit [Handguns] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Reduces recoil by 10%. Increases ricochet damage by 60%. Halves Crit Chance. 120 €$
  • RC-7 Zaar [Assault Rifles/SMGs] (Uncommon): Increases ricochet angle by 10° and ricochet chance by 20%. Reduces spread by 10%. Increases ricochet damage by 60%. Halves Crit Chance. 120 €$


  • Kanetsugu, Short Scope (Uncommon): -0.04sec ADS Time, +3.07m Range. 180 €$
  • Jue, Long Scope (Uncommon): -0.07sec ADS Time, +5.10m Range. 396 €$

Items Missing at the Store

  • Higher Rarities of DA8 Umbra and Guillotine (such as Rare and Epic)
  • RC-7 Liger [Handguns]
  • RC-7 Aswang [Assault Rifles/SMGs]
  • Handyman Short Scope
  • Gaki Sniper Scope

You will likely find these items as loot in the world. Get your new toys loaded and let’s get going, choom!

Can’t See the New Weapons?

If you don’t see the Umbra or Guillotine at the store, check if you completed Playing for Time yet. If you have, the store might just be taking a moment to update, as your quest list and phone cycles through new offers and new quest starters.

Wait for a few minutes, maybe do something else meanwhile, and then check in with Wilson once again.

Both of the new guns are Power Weapons, so they aren’t going to fit everyone’s build style. If you want a refresher on Guns and Melee Weapons, you should check out our dedicated guides for them! And, before you go — did you know that some of the Perks got updated in Patch 1.5 as well?

We hope this short little guide was helpful! Let us know in the comments below if you have any suggestions or if we have missed something.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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