Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Cards Guide

Tarot Cards are one of the collectables in Cyberpunk 2077, and are gathered as part of the ‘Fool on the Hill’ quest. Rather than being literal cards, however, these are wall murals that you will find throughout Night City and the Badlands. Below we will go over where to find each Tarot Card, and the reward for finding them all.

All of the Tarot Card locations are marked on your map from the start of the game. They will be represented by a card icon.

Map Location
cyberpunk 2077 death card
Heywood, The Glen. On the side of the Embers building.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for death
cyberpunk 2077 justice
Santo Domingo, Arroyo. On the tank opposite of the Electric Corporation power plant.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for justice
cyberpunk 2077 strength
Santo Domingo, Rancho Coronado. On the side wall of the building where you first meet Panam.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for strength
cyberpunk 2077 temperance
Westbrook, North Oak. On one of the walls at the Columbarium.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for temperance
cyberpunk 2077 the chariot
The Chariot
Watson, Little China. On the wall next to Tom’s Diner.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the chariot
cyberpunk 2077 the empress
The Empress
Watson, Little China. At the bottom of the stairs, just before entering the Afterlife bar.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the empress
cyberpunk 2077 the emperor
The Emperor
Watson, Arasaka Waterfront. On the left side of the wall at Konpeki Plaza’s entrance.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the emperor
cyberpunk 2077 the fool
The Fool
Watson, Little China. On the right side of the entrance to V’s apartment.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the fool
cyberpunk 2077 the hanged man
The Hanged Man
Norther Oilfields. On the side of a water tower.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the hanged man
cyberpunk 2077 the hermit
The Hermit
Pacifica, West Wind Estate. On the right side of the Voodoo Boys’ chapel.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the hermit
cyberpunk 2077 the high priestress
The High Priestess
Heywood, Vista Del Ray. On the top floor of Takemura’s safe house.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the high priestess
cyberpunk 2077 the hierophant
The Hierophant
Westbrook, Japantown. Next to the white gate near where you meet Oda in the ‘Down on the Street’ quest.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the hierophant
cyberpunk 2077 the lovers
The Lovers
Westbrook, North Oak. Behind the big screen at the Silver Pixel Cloud drive-in.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the lovers
cyberpunk 2077 the magician
The Magician
Watson, Kabuki. On a pillar opposite of Lizzie’s Bar.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the magician
cyberpunk 2077 the moon
The Moon
Westbrook, North Oak. On the wall to the left of the entrance to Hanako Arasaka’s house.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the moon
cyberpunk 2077 the star
The Star
Southern Desert. On the base of the radio tower.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the star
cyberpunk 2077 the sun
The Sun
Watson, Little China. On the wall to the left of the tunnel entrance.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the sun
cyberpunk 2077 the tower
The Tower
City Center, Corpo Plaza. In a walkway underneath Arasaka Tower.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the tower
cyberpunk 2077 the world
The World
Watson, Little China. On a balcony between Misty’s workplace and Vik Vektor’s clinic.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for the world
cyberpunk 2077 wheel of fortune
Wheel of Fortune
Eastern Wastelands. On a wall between apartments number 103 and 104, under the Sunset Hotel sign.
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide location for wheel of fortune
cyberpunk 2077 tarot card

Once you’ve collected all 20, speak to Misty to complete the ‘Fool on the Hill’ quest and receive a Dreamcatcher, which you can hang above the bed in V’s apartment. You will also unlock ‘The Wandering Fool’ achievement.

There are actually two more Tarot Cards you can find: Judgement and The Devil. However, these cannot be found during your playthrough of the story — each one is locked behind a specific ending (meaning it’s impossible to get both of them).

cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide secret cards judgement rogues ending
cyberpunk 2077 tarot cards guide secret cards the devil arasaka rubiks cube
  1. Judgement – If you follow the Rogue’s Ending, you will find it on a pillar in the room where you fight Adam Smasher.
  2. The Devil – If you accept Hanako Arasaka’s offer, you will find it when breaking the Rubik’s Cube.
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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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