Face (Ocular System): Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware

Face is a bit of a special case. As soon as Viktor installs your first Kiroshi into your eyes you are set with an optic zoom function and bounty system information. Afterwards, you will be able to equip variations of this implant to highlight different things while scanning.

If you don’t want to improve your scanning, you can also improve the utility of your Tech weapons, or reduce camera detection speed.

(1 slot available, with a 2nd unlocking during the Phantom Liberty storyline)

Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware Implants Guide Cyberware Mods

(Click here to return to our main Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware Guide.)

Face Cyberware this type of Cyberware is probably among the simplest, as it will mainly depend on what kind of stuff you want to scan.

If you go with something like “Sentry”, you can keep an eye on cameras and turrets, while “Clairvoyant” will allow you to scan enemies. If you have the Cyberware Capacity, you can opt for “The Oracle” and be able to highlight just about everything from the other Optic options.

Alternatively, if you use Tech weapons, you may want to use the “Stalker” Optics to highlight enemies while you aim. If using a more stealth oriented build, you can use the Basic Kiroshi Optics in order to reduce camera detection speed.

While playing through the Phantom Liberty storyline, you will unlock the second Face slot. However, this slot is only for the Behavioral Imprint-Synced Faceplate that you receive during the story. While it is primarily used to progress through the story, you can actually use it to escape the Law if you find yourself in trouble with them.

  • Kiroshi “Stalker” Optics: Automatically connects to your equipped Tech weapon. When aiming, highlights enemies behind cover for a portion of your field of vision. 8x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
  • Kiroshi “Sentry” Optics: While scanning, highlights cameras and turrets. The effect remains active for 60 sec. after scanning. 8x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
  • Kiroshi “Doomsayer” Optics: While scanning, highlights explosive devices and traps. The effect remains active for 60 sec. after scanning. 8x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
  • Kiroshi “Clairvoyant” Optics: When scanning, highlights enemies. The effect remains active for 60 sec. after scanning. 8x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
  • Basic Kiroshi Optics: Reduces camera detection speed. 8x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
  • Kiroshi “The Oracle” Optics: When scanning, highlights enemies, cameras and turrets, and explosive devices and traps. The effect remains active for 60 sec. after scanning. 8x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
  • Kiroshi “Cockatrice” Optics (Tier 5 / Iconic): Increases Crit Chance by 30%. 10x optical zoom when scanning or aiming.
  • Behavioral Imprint-Synced Faceplate (Tier 5 / Iconic): Activating a faceplate alters both your physical and digital identity, making you virtually unrecognizable. Outside of combat, you can easily escape the Law (up to Bounty level 4). 1500 second cooldown.

As of patch 2.0, there are no modes for any Cyberwares.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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