Frontal Cortex: Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware

The Frontal Cortex Cyberware is almost exclusively made built around enhancing quickhacks in various ways. However, there are couple of more general options for these implants.

(3 slots available)

cyberpunk 2077 frontal cortex cyberware

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If you use an Intelligence heavy build, Frontal Cortex Cyberware can boost your build greatly. If you don’t use quickhacks much or not at all, you’re probably better off saving your Cyberware Capacity for other implants. However, there are a few pieces that can be useful for builds that don’t rely on hacking.

Nearly all of the implants in this category raise your Max RAM, and many grant ways to regenerate your RAM quicker. Ex-Disk and Bioconductor help increase the effectiveness of your quickhacks.

For more general use, you can grab the Mechatronic Core to increase your damage to drones, robots, mechs and turrets, and the Self-ICE will keep you safe from enemy quickhacks. If your build involves using the Kerenzikov implant, the Kerenzikov Boost System will grant it extra bonuses, making it more effective.

For Netrunner builds, most of the Cyberware in this category will give you more RAM to work with. However, the RAM Upgrade, Memory Boost, and and Camillo RAM Manager are especially useful to use, as they will keep your RAM high so you can make use of hacking more. The RAM Reallocator is and upgraded version of the Camillo RAM Manager, however, it’s worth noting that it will cost more Cyberware Capacity to equip.

If you simply want more damage from your quickhacks, then the Bioconductor will be your best bet, as it will allow them a chance to critically hit. You can also use the COX-2 Cybersomatic Optimizer — while this costs more to equip, it is an improved version of the Bioconductor that will give a 100% Crit Hit chance at Tier 5! While both of these pieces will actually reduce your RAM, there are plenty of other Cyberware pieces and even Perks that will help counteract this.

If you’re running a build focusing on ranged weapons that takes advantage of the Kerenzikov, the Kerenzikov Boost System is perfect made for you. This piece of Cyberware’s sole purpose is to make the Kerenzikov more effective, reducing the Stamina cost from shooting while it’s active, as well as slowing town time.

If you have a lot of Cyberware that have an effect with a cooldown, the Newton Module/Axolotl and Quantum Tuner can make a very powerful combo with them. Both of these pieces will restore the cooldowns of your other cyberware, either by neutralizing enemies or by simply using your cooldowns. It is worth noting that the Axolotl and Quantum Tuner have a high Cyberware Capacity cost, however.

The following are all of the Cyberware that would be able to take advantage of the Newton Module/Axolotl and Quantum Tuner:

  • Frontal Cortex:
    • Camillo Ram Manager – 80 second cooldown
    • RAM Reallocator – 95 second cooldown
  • Operating System:
    • Militech Berserk – 40 second cooldown
    • Biodyne Berserk – 50 second cooldown
    • Moore Tech Berserk – 50 second cooldown
    • Zetatech Berserk – 40 second cooldown
    • Zetatech Sandevistan – 35 second cooldown
    • Dynalar Sandevistan – 45 second cooldown
    • Militech “Falcon” Sandevistan – 40 second cooldown
    • Qiant “Warp Dancer” Sandevistan – 65 second cooldown
  • Nervous System:
    • Synaptic Accelerator – 60 second cooldown
    • Kerenzikov – 7 second cooldown
    • Reflex Tuner – 45 second cooldown
    • Revulsor – 45 second cooldown
  • Circulatory System:
    • Second Heart – 300 second cooldown
  • Integumentary System:
    • Countershell – 6 second cooldown
    • Optical Camo – 55 second cooldown
  • Self-ICE: Automatically negates an enemy quickhack. Increases Max RAM.
  • Ex-Disk: Increases Max RAM. Increases upload speed for quickhacks.
  • RAM Upgrade: Increases RAM recovery rate. Increases Max RAM.
  • Memory Boost: Restores RAM when you neutralize an enemy. Increases Max RAM.
  • Camillo RAM Manager: Instantly recovers RAM when available RAM falls to 20%. Increases Max RAM.
  • Mechatronic Core: Increases damage against drones, robots, mechs and turrets. Increases Max RAM.
  • Bioconductor: Allows your quickhacks to deal Crit Hits. Reduces Max RAM.
  • Kerenzikov Boost System: When Kerenzikov is active, reduces Stamina cost from shooting, slows time relative to your enemies.
  • Newton Module: Instantly reduces the cooldown for all cyberware after neutralizing an enemy.
  • COX-2 Cybersomatic Optimizer (Iconic): Allows your quickhacks to deal Crit Hits. Reduces RAM.
    • This is an improved version of the Bioconductor.
  • RAM Reallocator (Iconic): Instantly recovers a portion of Max RAM when available RAM falls to 20%. Increases Max RAM. 85 second cooldown.
    • This is an improved version of the Camillo RAM Manager.
  • Axolotl (Iconic): Instantly reduces the cooldown for all cyberware after neutralizing an enemy.
    • This is an improved version of the Newton Module.
  • Quantum Tuner (Iconic): Whenever another cyberware implant is fully used, Quantum Tuner instantly restores its Cooldown (up to a max of 30 sec.). Passive Effect: −10% Cooldown Time for all other cyberware

As of patch 2.0, there are no mods for any Cyberware.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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