Cyberpunk 2077 Endings and Epilogues Guide

There are many different ways your journey in Cyberpunk 2077 can end: on top of five different endings in the game, there are also four different epilogue cutscenes you can see afterwards.

Your ending will be determined once you reach the quest ‘Nocturne OP55N1’ and meet up with Hanako at Embers — note that this is the game’s Point of No Return. Once you’re on the roof with Johnny, you will decide who you want to trust to help you with this final mission. There are only two endings you can get by default, with the other three being unlocked when certain conditions are met. You will have to fulfill these conditions before entering Embers.

The ending you get first will come from the decision you make when on top of the roof with Johnny, as well as the conditions you meet. Then, after that, you will be presented with a choice that will determine your final epilogue, with a few variations.

If you are interested in experiencing as many endings as possible on your playthrough, make sure to finish your missions with Panam, as well as help out and remain friendly with Johnny (some of the missions unlock once Embers becomes available). If you care about getting the secret ending as well, read the section on it in this guide before finishing up Johnny’s questline.

Otherwise, let’s get started! Below we will go through all of the endings, how to unlock them, and the possible epilogues you can get from them.

This ending is available by default. To play out this ending, you need to select the following options when on the roof with Johnny:

  • “Think trusting Arasaka’s risky but worth it.”
  • “[Take omega-blockers] Yeah. Don’t be mad.”

There is only one epilogue available for this ending — the ‘Where is My Mind’ ending. However, this epilogue is unique in that there is a final choice you can make within it, which will alter the final cutscene.

cyberpunk 2077 hanako ending

Completing this ending will earn you the achievement ‘The Devil’ if you also save Takemura during the ‘Search and Destroy’ mission (yes, you can do that!).

In order to unlock this ending, you must complete three sidequests — ‘Tapeworm,’ ‘Chippin’ In,’ and ‘Blistering Love.’ These quests unlock in order, but keep in mind that ‘Tapeworm’ will not be available until the Point of No Return is unlocked.

Once unlocked, you will have to pick the following options during the conversation with Johnny to play out this ending:

  • “Think you and Rogue should go.”
  • “[Take pseudoendotrizine] I am. Do your thing, Johnny.”

Once you complete ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door,’ you will be given a choice to determine your epilogue. If you cross the bridge, you will get the ‘Path of Glory’ epilogue, while entering the well will lead to the ‘New Dawn Fades’ epilogue.

cyberpunk 2077 rogue ending

Getting the ‘Path of Glory’ epilogue will give you ‘The Sun’ achievement, while viewing ‘New Dawn Fades’ will earn you the ‘Temperance’ achievement.

In order to unlock this ending, you must complete Panam’s sidequests — ‘Life During Wartime,’ ‘Riders on the Storm,’ ‘With a Little Help From My Friends,’ ‘Queen of the Highway.’ These quests will unlock in order after you meet Panam in the main story.

Once unlocked, you will have to pick the following options when prompted to play out this ending:

  • “Gonna ask Panam for help.”
  • “[Take omega-blockers] Yep. Gonna do this with the nomads.”

Once you complete ‘Belly of the Beast,’ you will be given a choice to determine your epilogue. If you cross the bridge, you will get the ‘New Dawn Fades’ epilogue, while entering the well will lead to the ‘All Along the Watchtower’ epilogue.

cyberpunk 2077 panam ending

Getting the ‘New Dawn Fades’ epilogue will give you the ‘Temperance’ achievement, while viewing ‘All Along the Watchtower’ will earn you ‘The Star’ achievement.

This ending is available by default. In order to see this, you must pick the following options during the conversation on the roof:

  • “Could also put this all to rest.”
  • “[Toss pills] I know. Exactly what we’re gonna do.”

By going through this ending, you will skip the final mission entirely. Because of this, there’s also no epilogue if you go down this path, but you will see a unique cutscene at the end, as well as unique dialogue during the credits.

cyberpunk 2077 path of least resistence

Getting this ending is a little more involved than the others. You must do the ‘Chippin’ In’ sidequest, and, during the conversation with Johnny in the oilfields, you must choose the following options when prompted:

  • “Nah, fucked that up too.”
  • “What do you want from me?”
  • “Ok. But as second chances go, this is your last.”

This will boost your affinity with Johnny to 40%, and unlock the ending. Now when you’re on the rooftop and given the option of who you want to ask for help, don’t pick any of the options for around 5 minutes. Johnny will then offer you another option — select it to play through this ending.

cyberpunk 2077 secret ending

This ending does not offer any unique epilogues, but instead makes the final mission much harder than it is in any other options. If you die during this ending, you will get a credits sequence similar to the one in the ‘Path of Least Resistance’ ending. Once you complete the mission (‘(Don’t Fear) The Reaper’), you will get a final choice to live, or cross over. If you choose to live, you will see the ‘Path of Glory’ epilogue, while choosing to cross over will give you the ‘New Dawn Fades’ one.

While there are four different epilogues you can get, there are small variations in all of them. These are a few notable ones:

  • If you romanced someone, they can appear with you during the epilogue if you choose to call them before the final mission.
  • If you don’t save Takemura during the ‘Search and Destroy’ mission, Anders Hellman will appear instead of him to offer you the choice during the ‘Where Is My Mind’ epilogue.
  • If you take the Secret Ending, Rogue will appear in the ‘Path to Glory’ epilogue.

On top of this, you will get phone calls during the end credits. The people who call you and the tone of their messages will widely vary based on the ending you chose and the quests you’ve completed during your playthrough.

After completing the game, you will be taken back to outside Embers, before starting the Point of No Return. This will allow you to complete any sidequests you missed before, or try playing through a different ending. On top of this, some epilogues will give you rewards that will carry over when you get taken back:

  • The ‘Where Is My Mind’ epilogue will reward you with Johnny’s Tank Top and Johnny’s Aviators.
  • The ‘All Along the Watchtower’ epilogue will reward you with the Aldecaldos Rally Bolero Jacket.
  • The ‘New Dawn Fades’ epilogue will reward you with the Aldecaldos Rally Bolero Jacket and Liberty PRIDE.
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