

Type: Frontal Cortex
: Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5
Capacity Cost: 5

Automatically negates an enemy quickhack
+1 (Tier 3) 2 (Tier 5) Max RAM

Cooldown: 45 (Tier 3) – 29 (Tier 5) seconds
Additional Effects: + Explosion Damage Resistance (via Driver Update), + Melee Damage Resistance, + Damage Over Time Resistance

Attribute Attuned: Intelligence
Attuned Effect: -0.5 sec. Cooldown with this cyberware per Attribute Point

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Self-ICE is a great defensive Cyberware that is helpful for just about any situation. It will automatically negate an enemy quickhack, while giving you some extra RAM to use if you have a build that uses hacks/quickhacks.

How to Get Self-ICE

The Self-ICE is easy to obtain, as it can be purchased at any Ripperdoc. The tier you can purchase it at will increase at every 10 levels.

cyberpunk 2077 self ice shop

Best Uses for Self-ICE

As the Self-ICE is a Cyberware made to help your survivability and has a low cost to equip, it can have a use in just about any build. Builds that use hacks/quickhacks will get a little more out of this, however, as they can take advantage of the extra RAM it provides.

High Intelligence builds can make use of the Self-ICE’s effect more, as the cooldown for it goes down a little for each point invested.

Build Combinations for Self-ICE

The Newton Module or Axolotl will pair up with the Self-ICE great, as they will help the effect recharge quicker during fights. The Quantum Tuner could help get much more uses out of it as well, as it will instantly recover 30 seconds of the Self-ICE’s effect cooldown once it’s been used.

If you manage to fill up all of your Cyberware slots, the Cyborg Perk (located on the center tree in Technical Ability) will reduce it’s cooldown.


Patch 2.1 – Decreased Cooldown.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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