Mechatronic Core


Type: Frontal Cortex
: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5
Capacity Cost: 5

+15 (Tier 1) 40% (Tier 5) damage against drones, robots, mechs and turrets.
+1 (Tier 1) 2 (Tier 5) Max RAM

Additional Effects: + Explosion Damage Resistance (via Driver Update), + Explosion Damage, + Grenade Recharge Speed

Attribute Attuned: Technical Ability
Attuned Effect: +0.5 Armor per Attribute Point

cyberpunk 2077 mechatronic core


The Mechatronic Core is a great Cyberware to use against mechanical obstacles in your way. It will increase the damage you deal to drones, robots, mechs and turrets, while also giving you some more RAM to work with.

How to Get the Mechatronic Core

The Mechatronic Core is very easy to obtain, as it can be purchased at any Ripperdoc. The tier you can purchase it at will increase at every 10 levels.

cyberpunk 2077 mechatronic core shop

Best Uses for Mechatronic Core

As the Mechatronic Core’s effect is a general upgrade to damage and has a low cost to equip, it can fit well with any build. Builds that focus on hacking and quickhacks will be able to take advantage of its full effects, however, as these builds will be able to use the extra RAM it provides.

The Attunement effect gives an extra bonus for builds with high Technical Ability, giving them a small boost to their Armor with each point invested.

Build Combinations

This Cyberware can pair well with the Queue Acceleration Perk, reducing the cost to quickhack these devices on top of the extra damage. Both the Kiroshi “Sentry” Optics and Kiroshi “The Oracle” Optics Face Cyberware will help with seeing turrets, highlighting them so you can attack them easier.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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