Kerenzikov Boost System


Type: Frontal Cortex
: Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5
Capacity Cost: 3

Improves Kerenzikov by enhancing the user’s speed and reflexes.
When Kerenzikov is active:
−100% Stamina cost from shooting.
Slows time by +5 (Tier 3) 15% (Tier 5) relative to your enemies.

Additional Effects: + Decreased enemy vision (via Driver Update), + Reload Speed, + Aim Speed

Attribute Attuned: Reflexes
Attuned Effect: +0.1% Crit Chance per Attribute Point

cyberpunk 2077 kerenzikov boost system


This is the perfect Cyberware to use if you’re using the Kerenzikov Cyberware. It makes the Kerenzikov more effect, eliminating Stamina costs while it’s active, and increases its slow time effect.

How to Get Kerenzikov Boost System

The Kerenzikov Boost System is easy to obtain once you level a bit, as it can be bought at any Ripperdoc after you reach level 20. The tier you can purchase it at will increase at every 10 levels.

cyberpunk 2077 kerenzikov boost system shop

Best Uses for Kerenzikov Boost System

As the Kerenzikov Boost System is made specifically to pair with the Kerenzikov Cyberware, its only use is to pair the two together in builds that will take advantage of the effects, particularly ones that use the center tree of Reflexes.

The Attunement effect gives an extra bonus to high Reflex builds, giving a small increase to your Crit Chance with each point invested.

As it is meant to pair with the Kerenzikov, any Perk or Cyberware that pairs with it will work well with the Kerenzikov Boost System as well.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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