Camillo RAM Manager


Type: Frontal Cortex
: Tier 4, Tier 5
Capacity Cost: 10

Instantly recovers 20 (Tier 4) – 23% (Tier 5) Max RAM when available RAM falls to 15 (Tier 4) – 20% (Tier 5).
+2 Max RAM

Cooldown: 80 seconds
Additional Effects: + Quickhack Damage, + RAM Regen from neutralizing an enemy (via Driver Update), + Electrical Damage

Attribute Attuned: Intelligence
Attuned Effect: -2 sec. Cooldown with this cyberware per Attribute Point

cw frontalcortex memoryreplenishment


The Camillo RAM Manager is an incredibly useful piece of Cyberware in the late game for anyone using hacks and quickhacks. Not only will it instantly refresh a good portion of your RAM when it runs low, but it will increase your maximum RAM to give you more to play with. At it’s low Cyberware capacity cost (10), this is an easy choice for hacking based builds.

How to Get Camillo RAM Manager

The Camillo RAM Manager is easy to obtain, as it can be bought at any Ripperdoc after level 30. The tier you can purchase it at will increase at level 40.

cyberpunk 2077 camillo ram manager shop

Best Uses for Camillo RAM Manager

The Camillo RAM Manager is made to be used with high Intelligence Builds that focus on frequently using hacks and quickhacks. As this does require a Cyberdeck Cyberware for your Operating System to have any use, it won’t have any use for builds that don’t use hacking much.

With its Attunement effect, this Cyberware can be used more frequently with high Intelligence builds, as its Cooldown will be reduced for each point invested.

Build Combinations

One of the best Cyberwares to pair with the Camillo RAM Manager is either the Newton Module or Axolotl, as either one of these will decrease the cooldown of the Camillo RAM Manager’s effect. It will also help counteract the extra RAM usage you will get from the quickhack queues that the Hack Queue and Queue Acceleration add (found on the left tree of Intelligence).

Memory Boost and RAM Upgrade are other Cyberware that will help with RAM recovery, while Data Recycler, Feedback Loop, Optimization, Embedded Exploit, Speculation, and Overclock are all Perks (found in the left and center trees of Intelligence) that will help stack with the Cyberware to keep your RAM high.

In the same two trees, you can pick up Finisher: Live Wire and Siphon. This will make your Monowire an alternate way to quickly recover RAM while the Camillo RAM Manager is on cooldown.


Patch 2.1 – Decreased Cooldown.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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