How to Play ICARUS With Friends

Survival crafting games are almost always easier (and more fun) with other players, but it can sometimes be tricky to figure out how to get your friends in the game with you. In this guide, we’ll show you how to invite friends to your ICARUS prospects, how to join other people’s games, and go over how multiplayer affects gameplay.

When you start a new Prospect and select your character loadout, you’ll get a dialog box that asks you if you want to claim the prospect and host a session. Naturally, we do, so we’ll click yes — but not before confirming that our Lobby Settings are set to Friends Only:

friends only prospect settings play icarus
play with friends steam inv

Once you’ve confirmed it’s on “Friends Only”, you can hit Yes and begin your mission. Once you land, you can then invite friends from your Steam friends list. To send an invitation, press Shift+Tab (or whatever your Steam Overlay hotkey is) while in-game, and then right-click the name of the friends you want to invite. You’ll see the following menu — click “Invite to Lobby”, and they should receive an invitation to your prospect.

Once you’ve invited them to your Prospect a single time, they should be able to quit and re-join it as they like, as long as you’re currently hosting a session on that Prospect. They can rejoin by using the Join Prospect button from the game’s home menu.

First, your friend will have to follow the steps in the above section. You should then get an invitation via Steam to join their game. Press Shift+Tab while on the ICARUS main menu, and you should see a chat window from your friend with an invitation. Click the “CLICK HERE TO JOIN” part of the message, and you should be taken into their session.

If this doesn’t work, you can also try right-clicking on your friend from your friends list, and then clicking “Join Game”. This can be done whether or not ICARUS is launched, though it should work more consistently if ICARUS is running when you click Join Game.

In ICARUS, one of the Talent trees is designed exclusively for Solo play. These talents tend to be more powerful than the other talents, because they’re designed to keep players alive while prospecting alone. If there is another player in your session, Solo talents you’ve unlocked will not provide any benefits. For this reason, we suggest having separate characters for Solo play and Multiplayer.

We hope this guide helped you figure out how to play with your friends in ICARUS! If you are still having trouble, feel free to let us know in the comments below, and we’ll see what we can do.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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3 years ago

cant play multiplay. how to play ??? we try to many time to friend join game wt….

Mila Grish
Mila Grish
Reply to  jihoonseo
3 years ago

Hello, friend!
Have any of the steps above worked for you? Have you found the Steam Friends interface? There is an alternative way for someone to join: right-click name of a friend in your Friend List who started a mission. Select to join them. Then the game itself will ask you whether you would like to join!

Last edited 3 years ago by DanielD
Reply to  jihoonseo
3 years ago

Both Run game, tab out, invite friend via steam and choose character. It’s important to turn “🙀ends only” In the process

3 years ago

If I am the one who created the game, can my friend play when I am not online?

Reply to  DanielD
1 year ago

Friend can’t host session after i created prospect

I have invited my friend to my prospect, and we can play together when i host the session with no problems.

Though my friend can’t start the a session to host it when he presses Join Prospect on his home screen. When i created the prospect i sat the lobby to be ‘steam friends only’ (we are steam friends me and my friend), we are currently playing the mission: AGRICULTURE: Supply Stockpile.

Hope this gets see. 😀

From N1njafl1ming0

3 years ago

I accidently left my friends prospect. I can’t figure out how to get back.

Last edited 3 years ago by MordatDoll
3 years ago

Can a friend join my prospect at the end (after mission completion) and thereby also get the full award?
If not, at what point is it too late to join and still get the prospect reward?

3 years ago

How many people can play on the same prospect together?

3 years ago

Is it possible to join someones prospect who is not your friend ?
if yes, how do i join public servers ?

2 years ago

Does this feature still work? I can’t see an option to invite or join a friend from the Steam Friends menu.