The planet of Icarus shares many similarities with Earth, thanks in no small part to the attempt to terraform it. If you want to survive your drops, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the flora, fauna, and environmental hazards of each Biome on the planet. With that in mind, we’ve created specific guides for each of the Biomes currently accessible.

You can read on to see a brief summary of each Biome, or click a biome below to see a complete guide on surviving there.

icarus forests featured image

icarus arctic featured image
icarus desert featured image


The forests of Icarus are the safest place on the planet. There is abundant wood and fiber for creating shelter, plenty of plants to use for food, and the fauna is (relatively) docile.

Available Resources

Construction Materials


Animal Byproducts

Animals yield:

Fish yield:



  • Bears – The apex predator of the forests, bears should be avoided unless you’ve got a plan and/or companions.
  • Wolves – An excellent source of meat and resources when alone, dangerous in packs.
  • Boars – While they tend to travel solo and make a lot of noise, boars still make for a formidable enemy.
  • Storms – Storms can range from mild winds and rain, to lightning setting fire to your shelter.


The freezing wastes of the Arctic provide for a significant survival challenge.

Available Resources

Construction Materials

  • Wood (rare)
  • Stone (abundant)
  • Fiber (none)
  • Sticks (none)


Animal Byproducts

Animals yield:

Fish yield:

  • Raw Fish (none)



  • Polar Bears – Bigger, meaner, and better camoflauged than their cousins in the Forest, you’ll need serious firepower to take on the undisputed kings of the snow desert.
  • Mammoths – Massive animals that can deal powerful area damage to you and your buildings.
  • Wolves – An excellent source of meat and resources when alone, dangerous in packs, the Wolves in the Arctic tend to run in large packs.
  • Snow Leopards – Loners, unlike the wolves. However, with their light fur, quiet demeanor, and agile movement, they ambush their prey quite easily.
  • Cold – Prospectors who enter the Arctic without the proper preparation will quickly find themselves freezing.


While not as barren as the Arctic, the Desert lacks many key resources — but still boasts a few predators.

Available Resources

Construction Materials


Animal Byproducts

Animals yield:

Fish yield:



  • Hyenas – While they don’t call their friends for help the way wolves do, Hyenas are so abundant you’ll still have to be careful not to end up fighting a whole pack of them.
  • Lionesses – Lionesses are stealthy hunters, and can frequently sneak up on unaware Prospectors.
  • Boars – Animal able to inhabit both the forest and the desert: noisy and aggressive.
  • Elephants – Not a highly aggressive, but a very resilient mammal that can deal area damage to you and your buildings.
  • Heat/Dust Storms – Prospectors who enter the Desert without the proper preparation will quickly find themselves out of water or blinded by a dust storm.
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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