Taxidermy Knife

A small, strong precision cutting tool.

Use on an animal carcass to harvest its head as a trophy.
Crafted at item anvil benchAnvil Bench.

Required Elements: item woodWood (2), item leatherLeather (4),
item refined metalIron Ingot (6), item ironnailsIron Nails (2)

item taxidermy knife
  • Crafted At: Anvil Bench
  • Requirements: Tech Tier 2
  • Talent Tree: talent blades runningwithaknife Blades and talent hunting bonecollector Hunting
  • Taxidermy knife is used to obtain heads from animal carcasses for use in creation of decorative mounted Heads. Taxidermy Knife has the Skinning Yield of a Stone Knife, which is significantly lower than other knives you can use on Tier 2. Keep in mind that you still need to unlock a talent and a blueprint for a Trophy Bench to create decorations using the heads you collect.
  • +100% Yield from Skinning, +100% chance to obtain Creature Trophies when Skinning
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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2 years ago

What talents do I need to unlock to be able to cut heads?