Steel Axe

A steel axe, for swifter felling and hewing.

A durable, effective logging tool.
Crafted at item anvil benchAnvil Bench.

Required Elements: item woodWood (5), item epoxyEpoxy (4),
item steel ingotSteel Ingot (6), item steelscrewsSteel Screws (2)

item steel axe
  • Crafted At: Anvil Bench
  • Requirements: Tech Tier 2, Level 20
  • Talent Tree: talent tools hardyaxeheads Tools and talent resources lumberyield Resources
  • Steel Axe provides only a 5% yield improvement from its predecessor, the Iron Axe. Since it’s crafted and repaired at the same workbench, you might decide to craft this variant once you have a surplus of Steel and want to upgrade your Stone Axe.
  • +50 Felling Damage, +130% Yield from Felling Trees
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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