Platinum Pickaxe

Strong, high-yield and extremely accurate.

Rapidly mines ore, and returns exceptionally high yields.
Crafted at item kit machining benchMachining Bench.

Required Materials: item woodWood (2), item leatherLeather (4),
item platinum ingotPlatinum Ingot (12)

item platinum pick
  • Crafted At: Machining Bench
  • Requirements: Tech Tier 3
  • Talent Tree: talent tools carefulhits Tools and talent resources stoneyield Resources
  • Despite its expensive materials, the Platinum Pickaxe provides minimal improvements over the Steel Pickaxe. The 3% increase to yield will stack with some of the Resources Talents, so it might have a special use for mining particularly rare ores, like Gold.
  • +70 Mining Radius, +133% Yield from Mining
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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