item envirosuit 2

Xigo S5-II Envirosuit


A general issue S5 envirosuit with extended life support systems.
Upgrade to the starter S5 envirosuit with an additional Module Slot and a Water Slot.
Research Cost: icon rencurrency50
Crafting Cost: icon rencurrency25

Requirements: None


  • +2 Suit Module Slots
  • +1 Oxygen Slots in Suit
  • +1 Water Slots in Suit
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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Jean Paul Massaut
Jean Paul Massaut
2 years ago

the Xigo S5-II Envirosuit , has changed to +1 Suit Module slots and +1 oxygen slots in suit price is the same .
On a personal note , please update your site info to the latest info, you probbely have a character that has almost all orbit workshop stuff unlocked , so its easy to take a look at it and change the stats.

I liked the way you have the workshop items organised with a lot of info, i like that a lot, but a lot is outdated. not many sites around that have it layout like you have. i would love to see the site updated


Last edited 2 years ago by Jean Paul Massaut