
Agrizero’s finest synthetic food product.

Basic meal that can be brought from Orbit. Good food source, provides some basic buffs inside one Stomach Space.
Research Cost: icon rencurrency25
Crafting Cost: icon rencurrency10

  • +100 food when Consumed
  • Provides the Emergency Rations modifier for 1,200 seconds when consumed.
item metaration
  • Provides a food equivalent of a Cooked Meat, but comes with a nice status effect that lasts for a considerable amount of time. One of the cheapest Orbital items to craft, but keep in mind that carrying it around will technically cost you an inventory slot.

Requirements: Xigo S5-II Envirosuit


  • +100 Food when Consumed
  • Provides the Emergency Rations modifier for 1,200 seconds when consumed.
    • Consumes 1 Space in Stomach
    • +10% Stamina Regeneration
    • +10% Health Regeneration
    • -10% Water Consumption
    • -10% Food Consumption
    • -10% Oxygen Consumption
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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