
Fear not the dark.

Portable light source that shines much brighter than a torch (and won’t set anything on fire). Powered by Biofuel.
Crafted at icarus item crafting benchCrafting Bench.

Required Elements: item refined metalIron Ingot (6), item ropeRope (4) item glassGlass (12)

item lantern
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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3 years ago

Terribly broken. Needs gasoline so you need the composter, and when learning the composter you can learn the biofuel lantern, and both need biofuel…. Another waste of a tech point for my first character.

Mila Grish
Mila Grish
Reply to  insane
3 years ago

Darn. To be honest with you, I haven’t used the Lantern since BW5. I go straight to the Flashlight on longer missions. Lanterns require fuel now instead of just slowly losing durability…? I guess that’s a trade-off to allow you to use it as much as needed, but… please tell me it doesn’t both use the fuel and decay in durability! Haha.

Thank you for mentioning the bugs, it’s something we should test out. I typically recommended Lantern for things like higher-tech missions which take place in the Arctic, but if it’s this broken…

Last edited 3 years ago by Mila Grish
Reply to  Mila Grish
3 years ago

I’ve just been using a lantern in Arctic area, and it currently has 3/4 fuel left but dropped to nearly 10 durability in that same time 🙁

Last edited 3 years ago by Slegnor
Reply to  Slegnor
3 years ago

Actually, from rechecking my stream, it may have been hit by Worm spit and took damage

Reply to  insane
3 years ago

the lamp is much more directional and doesn’t take well to being set down, if i had to choose only one 100% i would keep the lantern