Iron Sickle

An ancient, but efficient tool for harvesting from nature.

Increases yield while harvesting plants.
Crafted at item anvil benchAnvil Bench.

Required Elements: item woodWood (4), item leatherLeather (4),
item refined metalIron Ingot (10)

item sickle
  • Crafted At: Anvil Bench
  • Requirements: Tech Tier 2
  • Talent Tree: talent tools thinkofallthefibre Tools
  • A successor to the Bone Sickle, the Iron Sickle isn’t repairable without the Anvil, but does increase the yield of Fiber and Herbs that you gather by an additional 50% (compared to the Bone Sickle) when you use it on plant nodes.
  • +150% Yield from Reaping Plants
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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