Glass Wall

A fully transparent, mullioned wall section.

Lets in the light, keeps out the weather.
Crafted at item glassworking benchGlassworking Bench.

Required Elements: item refined metalIron Ingot (6), item glassGlass (20), item epoxyEpoxy (12)

item glass wall 0

How to Create a Doorway

By holding [R] while placing a wall, you can bring up the variant menu. One of the options you’ll see is “Door Frame” — select it with your mouse, and you should then be able to place a wall with a space for a door in it.

How to Create a Window

Spaces for windows are created the same way doorways are: hold [R] while placing a wall to bring up the variant menu. One of the options you’ll see is “Window Frame” — select it with your mouse, and you should then be able to place a wall with a space for a window in it.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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