KILL LIST: Extermination Mission Walkthrough – ICARUS

Things must have gotten pretty bad if the African Assembly decided to reach out for help. Members of the faction have been getting themselves killed at the hands of a particularly vicious beast, and you will need to investigate the matter and exterminate the perpetrator.

In KILL LIST you will be fighting the forest’s Wolf Boss — the Alpha Wolf, which will come with its unique medal achievement. This guide will first list the relevant details of the mission, and then provide a step-by-step walkthrough.

  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Recommended Level: 13
  • Location(s): Forest Biome
  • Objectives:
    • Search the attack zone 1: Investigate markings
    • Search the attack zone 2: Investigate tracks
    • Search the attack zone 3: Investigate corpse
    • Locate den on map at nightfall
    • Exterminate the predator
  • icon rencurrency125
  • Creature melee damage: -50%
  • Creature health: -50%
  • Creature movement speed: -10%
  • Bear spawn rate: -50%
  • Lion spawn rate: -10%
  • Polar bear spawn rate: -50%
  • Wolf spawn rate: -10%
  • Aggressive creatures perception: -50%
  • Neutral creatures perception: -50%
  • Passive creatures perception: -50%
  • Experience gain: -25%
  • Creature melee damage: +20%
  • Creature health: +30%
  • Creature movement speed: +10%
  • Aggressive creatures perception: +30%
  • Neutral creatures perception: +30%
  • Passive creatures perception: +30%
  • Scorpion spawn rate: +30%
  • Lion spawn rate: +30%
  • Wolf spawn rate: +30%
  • Experience gain: +25%
  • Player respawn count: 3

To complete the objectives, you’ll need to search three different attack zones in the forest, with a unique bit of evidence within each of them. After you complete the investigation, location for the wolf den will appear on the map where the Alpha Wolf will spawn once you enter the area during night hours.

kill list extermination mission searching attack zones
Ah, but yes, Watson, if you note the thickness of the lines, the distance between the individual grooves, surely you will agree that a claw that left these vicious markings behind cannot belong to just any regular forest wolf…
icarus kill list extermination location of objectives
Three investigation zones and the encounter zone, with pins that indicate the exact location of the objective

If you are going to follow the easiest strategy for defeating the Alpha Wolf, you won’t need anything special:

However, if you are looking for a challenge and want to fight the boss on equal ground, we recommend some better tools:

As soon as we land, Sol will have the first attack zone for us to locate and investigate. There will be a total of three areas. We will need to locate a small item serving as evidence inside of each: as soon as we complete the task inside one area, the next one will be revealed.

This part of the mission will only involve travel. Forest animals you will be fighting will get progressively more dangerous as we head deeper into the forest, but they will not be anything unusual (still, prepare a plan for dealing with Bears). Get some basic supplies to maintain your survival needs, put together some weapons, a basic portable shelter, bed (or you can hunt on the go), and campfire, and let’s get started.

kill list extermination mission preparations
4 walls, 2 floors. A Portable Shelter classic

Click on the tabs below to get exact locations and step-by-step instructions. First one is already open for you, so beware of the spoilers. You can try finding locations yourself first if you don’t want to spoil the experience. Scroll down to the next step when you are done.

Let’s start by traveling southwest to our first investigation area. This one will be close by and you will get a chance to return to the dropship after you are done, if you happened to leave something behind. Open the map, double-click the objective to drop a custom waypoint to track, and let’s head out.

icarus kill list extermination location of markings

Once you enter the area (you will see and hear the partial objective get completed), open the map again and head towards the west side of the circle, as you can see in the little image to the left.

Look for black scratches on a clear patch of the ground. It should not be hidden by grass or otherwise obstructed. They may look a little like scattered black bird feathers the first time you spot them.
(Click on the image to view it in full size.)

kill list extermination mission searching attack zones 1

Once you locate animal scratch marks, you should get an option to interact on hover. Press [F] to do so. Sol will speak and the objective will complete.

kill list extermination mission animal scratch marks hover over
Okay, seriously, now this just looks like a tribal tattoo

The second investigation area is a bit further away, inside a much more dangerous area. From now on you should watch out for both wolves and bears, so definitely bring a portable shelter or a barricade with you to set up when you start hearing suspicious grunting. I encountered a few wolves and a bear right near the location of the next objective, so be careful. Remember that predators are attracted to meat — skin your corpses.

Double-click the objective on the map to drop a custom waypoint to track, and let’s head out.

icarus kill list extermination location of tracks

Once you enter the area (you will see and hear the partial objective get completed), open the map again and head towards the northwest corner of the circle, as you can see in the little image to the left.

Try to look for this ridge. The tracks are a little more difficult to find than the other two pieces of evidence, but they are still on the clear ground and should normally not be obstructed by anything. Walk along the base of this ridge and look to the ground.

icarus kill list extermination trying to find tracks
kill list extermination mission animal tracks no hover over

It’s kind of hard to see on this image, but you are looking for a trail of messy paw prints mixed with blood. The red stains probably will be the easiest to spot, since the paw prints themselves look too similar to the small shadows dropped by rocks and ridges in the soil.
(Click on the image to view it in full size.)

Once you locate the animal tracks, you should get an option to interact on hover. Press [F] to do so. Sol will speak and the objective will complete.

kill list extermination mission animal tracks hover over
It’s a little hard to recognize these as paw prints until the game highlights them for you

The third and last investigation area is a little further east. The final bit of evidence will be located in a clearing next to a mountain border, so if you struggled with animals last time, this location should be a bit safer by comparison. You will have a plenty of time to prepare before you encounter the alpha (in fact, we will guide you through the preparations), so don’t feel like you need to do anything just yet.

Double-click the objective on the map to drop a custom waypoint to track, and let’s head out.

icarus kill list extermination location of the corpse

Once you enter the area (you will see and hear the partial objective get completed), open the map again and head towards the central part of the circle with a little offset towards the northeast, as you can see in the little image to the left.

This one should be pretty easy to locate. It’s a bloodied pile of bones near the foot of the tall mountain. Walk alongside the bottom and look a little to your right as you search for it.
(Click on the image to view it in full size.)

kill list extermination mission looking for corpse hunting remains

Once you locate the hunting remains, you should get an option to interact on hover. Press [F] to do so. Sol will speak and the objective will complete.

kill list extermination mission hunting remains hover over
Okay, okay, no complaints here. This one looks exactly like it should: a bloodied pile of bones hovering over the ground

Your next steps depend precisely on what you would like to do. Like Sol tells you, the location of the wolf den will appear on your map at nightfall (at 18:00), and you can head over to that area right away if you want to face the Alpha Wolf in the most natural and challenging way possible.

However, we would like to suggest an alternative course of action. The wolf will not spawn at the location during the day, so head to the location while the sun is still out and prepare your defenses. We will suggest a quick method to trap the Alpha Wolf in the section below for the easiest way to complete the mission.

icarus kill list extermination precise location of wolf den

If you currently see the red circle on your map inside the J15 square, double-click the west side inside the circle as you see on the left, and sleep until it’s daytime. If you don’t have it showing yet, try to estimate the location based on the image, and double-click it to set a custom waypoint.
(Click on the image to open it in full size.)

The red circle on your map will not be visible during the day, even after it’s revealed to you the first time (you will hear a multitude of wolf howls when it happens). We recommend you give yourself ample time to set defenses at the location before nightfall. Bring a Waterskin if you plan to spend some time at the location.

Start earlier during the day and find the southernmost ridge towards the bottom of the map, halfway through the J15 square on its eastern edge. Investigate slightly northward from the ridge’s foot. Look for blood-covered rock formations: three small caves with bones scattered by the entrance.

kill list extermination mission how to find wolf den spawn point

icarus kill list extermination mission three wolf dens
Even though there are three caves, you will only fight one Alpha Wolf that will spawn inside one of them

Credit for this nifty idea goes to our reader, Ian Amburn. Thank you!
Note: we have been notified by some of our readers that this method may not be 100% reliable. We will be doing some testing. Meanwhile, you can try building a 3×3 fencing around the cave, just in case. Alternatively, (and please let us know in the comments if it works) try encasing the cave in a box with window holes.

Now that you have full control over the future battlefield and know that the Alpha Wolf will emerge from one of the little dens, you have the upper hand. We will set up a base of operations (we don’t want to be taking damage from a lightning storm while we are working) and then block the den entrances with some Wood Railings.

Construct either 3 or 9 Wood Railings. 3 should be enough to trap the Alpha Wolf, but 9 will add resilience to the barricade should the wolf decide to attack it (it’s likely that it will just get stuck inside the cave, however). Place them to cover each of the three entrances. Place the first fence as close to the cave as you can.

icarus kill list extermination blocking dens with wood railing
You would think that the mighty Alpha Wolf can just go around the structure, but we shouldn’t shame it for its frachtiphobia. Also, my character is not wearing pants in this picture. You are welcome.

Hang out until nighttime. The Alpha Wolf will spawn exactly at 18:00, and it should be stuck inside its cave (it will spawn with one of its name variations written out on a yellow tag). Pick a location that doesn’t damage your fence — don’t be afraid to come up very close if the boss is stuck. Hold [LMB] to repeatedly stab whichever part you can reach from where you are.

icarus kill list extermination fighting alpha wolf by using railing block
This experience must be at least a little humiliating for Bakan here

Here is a brief mention of another easy way to fight the wolf boss that we discovered in our team, but the developers might have addressed this one by the time you are playing. All you need to do for this one is just stand on top of one of the dens (saw the picture of three caves earlier in this guide?). The Alpha will fail to figure out how to get to you and will hang out confused, even if it summons its wolf comrades. Shoot him with your bow.

You don’t need to disable the Alpha Wolf in order to defeat him, of course. If you want a full experience fighting the boss and his wolf helpers, you can head to the den during the day and prepare a hunting pen like you would with any other large animal that outmatches you on health points.

You could do this when the wolf boss spawns at night, but you will have a much more relaxing time setting things up during the day. We would highly recommend you bring stone constructables for this fight, since the Alpha Wolf will have a massive pool of health and summon minions to helps him out, potentially more than one time. (If you would rather not do this, at least bring a Repair Hammer and add some extra barricade parts to your wooden setup.)

Put together a box made out 4x Stone Wall and 2x Stone Floor, facing the den or right in the middle of it. Have 3 of the walls set up as window variants (hold [R]), or trap yourself with all 4 of them being window holes. Having Windows can provide extra protection, but is not necessary. We highly suggest you use the best weapons available to you: try to use a Longbow with Bone Arrows and a Bone Knife, or even go for iron variants just to be safe.

icarus kill list extermination defenses for fighting alpha wolf
(In an elderly voice) Oh, yes… I remember… back in Beta we had a glitch that spawned all three Alpha Wolves, and we fought them all from a stone box…

Once you defeat the wolf, the final objective will be completed. You will not be able to skin the Alpha Wolf without an Iron Knife or better, but you do not need to do so to complete the mission or earn the achievement for killing the boss.

Skinning the Alpha Wolf gives about 750 XP and 20-25 Raw Prime Meat in addition to other animal byproducts, but at this point there is not much point in cooking and eating it.

kill list extermination mission skinning alpha wolf with iron knife

At this point, you don’t have to get anything back to the drop pod. If you aren’t worried about losing some XP or very recently gained a level, you can let your character die with minimum penalty and get back to the Drop Pod much quicker. (Do not do this if you brought Orbital items you would like to keep.)

Otherwise, head back to your icon dropshipDropship, extract, and enjoy your mission rewards and the achievement medal.

We hope this KILL LIST walkthrough was helpful! Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions via the comments box below.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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3 years ago

do not work just glitches trough fence

Reply to  Mila Grish
2 years ago

the wolf can jump over the fence

3 years ago

Works great, thxz.

1 year ago

Just found site 1 after clearing half a small forest. It was completely obscured by underbrush and larger bushes. It took a long time to find.

Ian Amburn
Ian Amburn
3 years ago

Thanks for mention!

Ian Amburn
Ian Amburn
Reply to  Ian Amburn
3 years ago

for the mention*

3 years ago

Ive been using ramps to keep him from re-entering and this happened.

3 years ago

I did the “Hard” version of this solo, built the 4 stone walls and had a rifle. Still died. They (him and 3-5 regular wolves) broke through the Stone wall (with Window installed) in like 10 seconds. Pretty sure at least a few of the wolves made it through the window hole after they destroyed the wood window piece. Ran back got body (he was in the cave) as soon as equipped gear he howled, and he and 4-5 regular wolves rushed me. Was able to finish him off this time as he was only at maybe 30% health from the first fight.

3 years ago

I found a rock close by and lead him to it, then just sat up there with a longbow although the bone spear was what really did the trick.

3 years ago

very good guide, THANKS a lot, helps me much –
but i build a shooting-ramp with man-holes and campfires on the ground

3 years ago

Doing this mission I found an exotic deep vein (needing the extractor from the fabricator).
It was in J14 to the north west of the caves in this sector.

Ian Amburn
Ian Amburn
3 years ago

This may be the harder version exclusively, but not only did he break through the fences trick, he JUMPED into my stone shack through the windows lol.

Ian Amburn
Ian Amburn
Reply to  Ian Amburn
3 years ago

Update: I respawned at base, and slept through the night, and ran back for my items. He did not despawn as I thought he might. (The pack wolves did though) I was able to loot my body through the window, and he was trapped inside my stone shack, so I just finished him off with the bow. Overall, the guide still effective!