Weapons – Sons of the Forest

Survival crafting games are all about staying alive — and there are plenty of enemies in Sons of the Forest trying their best to prevent you from doing so. Because of this, collecting all the weapons you can is generally a good idea. In this guide, we’ll explain how to use weapons, how to make them, and how to find the ones you can’t make yourself.

Below, you’ll find all the weapons currently available in Sons of the Forest. The game’s most powerful weapons are found, rather than crafted, and often require that you first find certain tools before you can access them. We’re going to include axes on this list — despite also being tools, they serve as very useful weapons, especially since they don’t run out of ammo. We’ve also included sticks and bones, as you can technically use them as weapons (though you really shouldn’t).

Click on a weapon to learn more about it and see where to find it! (Work in Progress)

Melee weapons you can find in Sons of the Forest:

Ranged weapons you can find in Sons of the Forest:

Observant readers will note we have the spear in both columns — this is because it can be used for stabbing or thrown at food/enemies.

Melee weapons you can craft in Sons of the Forest:

Ranged weapons you can craft in Sons of the Forest:

Note that the utility knife, while required to craft spears, is not consumed (unlike the sticks and duct tape).

Crafting weapons is done just like any other crafting in Sons of the Forest. First, open your inventory by pressing computer key i t /button xbox dpad down — it also serves as your crafting mat. Then, hover the cursor over an item and press icon mouse right click v2/playstation r2 button to place it on the crafting mat. After doing so, you can hover the gear in the upper right of the mat to see what recipes can be created with the item you added.

Pick a recipe and continue adding the required items to the mat in the same fashion — you’ll see the gear icon in the upper right of the mat fill up. Once you’ve added all the necessary items, the gear will change from an icon to an actual gear, and you can press icon mouse right click v2/playstation r2 button on it to create your item.

crafting mat weapons sons of the forest guide
When examining recipes, items on the mat are highlighted in white, items you can add are grey, and items you don’t have in your inventory are red

There are two ways to equip weapons: from your backpack, or from your inventory:

  • To select an item from your backpack, hold computer key i t /button xbox dpad downto inspect it. Hover your cursor over the weapon you want to equip, then press icon mouse left click v2/ playstation l2 button .
  • To open your inventory, tap computer key i t /button xbox dpad down, You can then equip a weapon the same way as with the backpack, by hovering your cursor over the weapon you want to equip and pressing icon mouse left click v2/ playstation l2 button .

While every weapon is different, the controls tend to be similar within categories, with ranged weapons all having similar controls, and melee weapons also having the same inputs for actions. Ranged weapon controls do differ between firearms and weapons like the bow and the slingshot. With both ranged and melee weapons, it’s best to aim for the head — assuming the monster you’re targeting has one.

  • Ranged Weapons – Press icon mouse left click v2/playstation r2 button to fire the weapon. Aim down the sights with icon mouse right click v2/playstation l2 button for better accuracy.
    • For weapons you draw back (bow, slingshot), hold icon mouse left click v2/playstation r2 button to draw back, then release to fire. While drawing back, you can cancel your shot with icon mouse right click v2/playstation l2 button .
  • Melee Weapons – Press icon mouse left click v2/playstation r2 button to swing the weapon. Some melee weapons are capable of blocking — hold icon mouse right click v2/playstation l2 button to block.
    • Axes have normal and heavy attacks — tap icon mouse left click v2/playstation r2 button for a normal attack, or hold it for a heavy attack.

Did we miss any weapons? Got any weapon tips or tricks you want people to know? Drop us a line in the comments!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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