
palworld patch v0.2.4.0 featured image

Palworld Patch v0.2.4.0 — Hatching Alphas

Palworld released update v0.2.4.0 today, bringing with it further changes to Pal breeding, as well as some general changes. The biggest change in the small patch is that there is a now a small chance that any breeding egg will…

palworld new pals announced

Palworld Teases New Pals Coming This Summer

During the IGN x ID@Xbox Digital Showcase, Palworld teased four new Pals that will be added to the game soon! Unlike the previous new Pal, Bellanor, it seems like these new Pals will be able to be found out in…

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Palworld Patch – Bug fixes and Condensation

Quickly on the heels of the last patch, Palworld released Patch today. This patch mostly focuses on small bug fixes, including fixing various crashes, correcting incorrect “Pal Condensation” values, and making sure your Pals’ names actually change when you……

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Palworld Patch – Backups, Pathing, and Keybinding

Palworld’s Patch went live last night, bringing with it the largest update to the game yet. After the major success of the game’s Early Access launch last month, the developers at Pocket Pair have been hard at work improving…

palworld anti cheater announcement

Palworld Plans Anti-Cheat Measures Following Widespread Issues

In a Steam community post today, Palworld devs Pocket Pair put out a statement addressing cheating which has been a significantly issue on public servers since the game’s launch. The developers acknowledged the issue, and firmly put out a statement…