Final Fantasy X: Mix Combinations

Since every item in your inventory is possible to use for Rikku‘s Mix, there are a ton of possible combinations to get every effect. Note that the order that you choose your item does affect the outcome of Mix. If you want to see what the various Mixes do, check out Rikku’s Mix guide.

Fully restores the party’s HP. The easiest combination is Potion/Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Potion, High Potion
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Mega-Potion, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
X-Potion, Mega-Potion
Potion, Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Phoenix Down
Map, Rename Card
Al Bhed Potion
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller

Cures the party of all negative status effects. The easiest combinations are Antidote/Antidote and Antidote/Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Antidote, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Holy Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Remedy, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, X-Potion
Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, X-Potion
Holy Water
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Power Distiller, Remedy, Speed Distiller, X-Potion
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Hi-Potion, Mana Distiller, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Power Distiller, Remedy, Speed Distiller, X-Potion

Cures the party of all negative status effects and recovers 50% HP. The easiest combinations are Ability Distiller/Chocobo Feather and Ability Distiller/Petrify Grenade.

Item #1
Item #2
Power Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Ability Distiller
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Al Bhed Potion
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb

Revives all KO’d party members with full HP. The easiest combination is Phoenix Down/Phoenix Down.

Item #1
Item #2
Phoenix Down
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tonic, Mega-Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, X-Potion

Fully restores HP and revives all KO’d party members with full HP. The easiest combination is Phoenix Down/Shining Thorn.

Item #1
Item #2
Phoenix Down
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Mega Phoenix
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Elixir, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mega Phoenix, Mega-Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion

Fully restores the HP and MP of one party member.

Item #1
Item #2
Antidote, Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere

Fully restores the HP and MP of the party. The easiest combination is Antidote/Map.

Item #1
Item #2
Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental
Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental
Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Mega-Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Mega Phoenix
Map, Phoenix Down, Rename Card
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Elixir, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Antidote, Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen
Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental
Holy Water
Ability Sphere, Blessed Gem, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Elixir, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental
Ability Sphere, Hypello Potion, Mana Sphere, Map, Musk, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Speed Sphere
Al Bhed Potion
Ability Sphere, Blessed Gem, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Gem, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental
Healing Water, Tetra Elemental
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Shining Gem, Blessed Gem
Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Potion, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
Supreme Gem
Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
Healing Spring
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Mana Spring, Stamina Spring
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere
Soul Spring, Purifying Salt
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Potion, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere

Cures all status effects and fully restores the HP and MP of the party. The easiest combinations are Potion/Lv. 1 Key Sphere and Healing Spring/Map.

Item #1
Item #2
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Supreme Gem
X-Potion, Mega-Potion
Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Farplane Shadow, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Megalixir, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Water Gem
Ability Sphere, Ether, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Hi-Potion, Mana Sphere, Map, Mega Phoenix, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere, Turbo Ether, X-Potion
Antidote, Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen, Holy Water
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Dream Powder, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Power Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller, Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Healing Water
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dream Powder, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Tetra Elemental
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dream Powder, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental, Wht Magic Sphere
Healing Spring
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Mana Spring, Stamina Spring, Soul Spring, Purifying Salt
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere

Cures all negative status effects, fully restores the HP and MP to the party, and revives all KO’d party members with full HP. The easiest combination is Hi-Potion/Lv. 1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Luck Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Phoenix Down
Supreme Gem
Mega Phoenix
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Blessed Gem, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental, Water Gem
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Blessed Gem, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Supreme Gem, Tetra Elemental, Water Gem
Healing Water, Tetra Elemental
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Farplane Wind, Gambler’s Spirit, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Dark Matter
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Ether, Eye Drops, Healing Water, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether
Mana Spring, Stamina Spring, Soul Spring, Purifying Salt, Stamina Tablet
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Three Stars, Master Sphere
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distille
Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller

Casts all four Nul Spells on one party member. The easiest combination is Potion/Bomb Fragment.

Item #1
Item #2
Potion, Phoenix Down
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem

Casts all four Nul Spells on all party members. The easiest combination is Hi-Potion/Bomb Fragment.

Item #1
Item #2
Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Mega-Potion, Mega Phoenix
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Lunar Curtain, Light Curtain, Star Curtain
Dream Powder, Hypello Potion, Map, Musk, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Star Curtain
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere

Casts all four Nul Spells, and grants five stacks of Cheer and Focus on the party. The easiest combinations are Musk/Musk, Musk/Hypello Potion and Star Curtain/Star Curtain.

Item #1
Item #2
Star Curtain
Star Curtain
Mana Spring, Stamina Spring, Soul Spring, Purifying Salt
Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Musk, Hypello Potion
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Shining Thorn
Shining Thorn

Casts all four Nul Spells, and grants five stacks of all stat boost abilities on the party. The easiest combination is Healing Spring/Healing Spring.

Item #1
Item #2
Healing Water, Tetra Elemental
Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing
Healing Spring
Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain

Doubles one party member’s max HP. The easiest combination is Hi-Potion/Hi-Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Hi-Potion, X-Potion

Doubles the party’s max HP. The easiest combination is Stamina Tablet/Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Stamina Tablet
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Three Stars
Elixir, Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, Potion, X-Potion

Doubles the party’s max HP, and grants them five stacks of Cheer. The easiest combination is Stamina Tonic/Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Stamina Tonic
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether, X-Potion

Doubles one party member’s max MP. The easiest combination is Ether/Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Bomb Fragment, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Eye Drops, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, X-Potion

Doubles the party’s max MP. The easiest combination is Ether/Map.

Item #1
Item #2

Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Fire Gem, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Healing Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Turbo Ether
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Turbo Ether, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion

Doubles the party’s max MP, and grants them five stacks of Focus. The easiest combination is Mana Tablet/Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Mana Tablet
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Mana Tonic
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion
Twin Stars
Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic
Three Stars
Ether, Turbo Ether

Grants Protect and Shell on all party members. The easiest combination is Ability Sphere/Ability Distiller.

Item #1
Item #2
Lunar Curtain, Light Curtain
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Star Curtain
Ability Distiller, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Soft, Speed
Power Sphere, Mana Sphere, Speed Sphere, Agility Sphere
Ability Distiller, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller

Grants Protect, Shell and Haste on all party members. The easiest combination is Ability Distiller/Ability Distiller.

Item #1
Item #2
Ability Distiller
Ability Distiller
Al Bhed Potion
Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
Antarctic Wind, Bomb Fragment, Electro Marble, Fish Scale
Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
Healing Water
Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
Mana Distiller
Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller
Power Distiller
Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
Speed Distiller
Ability Distiller, Speed Distiller
Tetra Elemental
Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain

Grants Protect, Shell, Haste and Regen on all party members. The easiest combinations are Chocobo Feather/Map and Healing Spring/Grenade.

Item #1
Item #2
Chocobo Feather
Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Chocobo Wing
Accuracy Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Healing Spring
Frag Grenade, Grenade
Light Curtain
Accuracy Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Luna Curtain
Accuracy Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Bomb Core, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Star Curtain
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Three Stars
Healing Spring, Mana Spring, Purifying Salt, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
ffx mix hyper mighty g
Hyper Mighty G being used

Grants Protect, Shell, Haste, Regen and Auto-Life on all party members. The easiest combinations are Light Curtain/Underdog’s Secret, Healing Spring/Wings to Discovery, Healing Spring/Underdog’s Secret, Healing Spring/Door to Tomorrow, Healing Spring/Gambler’s Spirit, and Healing Spring/Winning Formula.

Item #1
Item #2
Chocobo Wing, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula

Grants No MP Cost for one party member. The easiest combination is Ether/Remedy.

Item #1
Item #2
Farplane Wind, Mega Phoenix, Remedy

Grants No MP Cost for all party members. Easiest combination is Ether/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Amulet, Blessed Gem, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Musk, Pendulum, Shining Gem, Stamina Tablet, Supreme Gem, Twin Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Three Stars
Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Turbo Ether

Amulet, Blessed Gem, Door to Tomorrow, Farplane Wind, Gambler’s Spirit, Mega Phoenix, Musk, Pendulum, Remedy, Shining Gem, Stamina Tablet, Supreme Gem, Twin Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Twin Stars
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Evasion Sphere, Eye Drops, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega-Potion, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Twin Stars, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, X-Potion

Grants high critical hit rate for one party member. The easiest combination is Designer Wallet/Potion.

Item #1
Item #2
Designer Wallet

Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Fortune Sphere
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Bomb Fragment, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Elixir, Eye Drops, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Mega-Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Phoenix Down, Poison Fang, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soft, Soul Spring, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion
Luck Sphere
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Healing Water, Hi-Potion, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Phoenix Down, Potion, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Tetra Elemental, X-Potion

Grants high critical hit rate for all party members. The easiest combination is Designer Wallet/Map.

Item #1
Item #2
Designer Wallet

Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Blessed Gem, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Door to Tomorrow, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Fortune Sphere, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Luck Sphere, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Master Sphere, Mega Phoenix, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Fortune Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Candle of Life, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Dragon Scale, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fortune Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Luck Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Master Sphere, Mega Phoenix, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Shining Gem, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Luck Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Elixir, Ether, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Luck Sphere, Lunar Curtain, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Spring, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Map, Master Sphere, Mega Phoenix, Megalixir, MP Sphere, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Star Curtain, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Three Stars, Teleport Sphere, Turbo Ether, Twin Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula

All abilities damage or heal for at least 9999 for one party member.

Item #1
Item #2
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Strength Sphere, Water Gem
Dark Matter
Ability Sphere, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Three Stars
Supreme Gem
Lv. 4 Key Sphere

All abilities damage or heal for at least 9999 for all party members. The easiest combinations are Lv.3 Key Sphere/Wings to Discovery, Wings to Discovery/Wings to Discovery, or Shining Gem/Wings to Discovery.

Item #1
Item #2
Blessed Gem
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Dark Matter
Bomb Core, Dragon Scale, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lightning Marble, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Pendulum, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Twin Stars
Door to Tomorrow
Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Gambler’s Spirit
Gambler’s Spirit
Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Shining Gem
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Supreme Gem
Master Sphere, Pendulum
Wings to Discovery
Wings to Discovery

Overdrive gauges fill up 50% faster for all party members. Can stack with Eccentrick. The easiest combination is Elixir/Lv. 1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Blessed Gem

Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Stamina Tonic, Twin Stars
Three Stars
Fire Gem, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Water Gem
Mega Phoenix
Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Three Stars, Twin Stars
Shining Gem
Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Stamina Tonic, Twin Stars
Supreme Gem
Friend Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Stamina Tonic, Teleport Sphere, Twin Stars

Overdrive gauges fill up twice as fast for all party members. Can stack with Hot Spurs. The easiest combination is Megalixir/Lv. 1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Elixir, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Pendulum, Stamina Tonic, Three Stars, Twin Stars
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Elixir, Gambler’s Spirit, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Stamina Tonic, Three Stars, Twin Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Dark Matter
Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Stamina Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Three Stars, Twin Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula

Deals a small amount of damage to all enemies.

Item #1
Item #2
Antarctic Wind
Bomb Fragment
Arctic Wind
Bomb Core
Electro Marble
Fish Scale
Ice Gem
Fire Gem
Lightning Gem
Water Gem
Lightning Marble
Dragon Scale

Deals a small amount of damage to all enemies and inflicts Armor Break.

Item #1
Item #2
Ability Sphere
Ability Sphere
Mana Sphere
Mana Sphere
Power Sphere
Power Sphere
Speed Sphere
Speed Sphere

Deals a small amount of damage to all enemies and inflicts Darkness, Silence and Sleep for three rounds. The easiest combination is Grenade/Antidote.

Item #1
Item #2
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Hypello Potion, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Frag Grenade
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Pendulum, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Gold Hourglass, Holy Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Musk, Pendulum, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Remedy, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Speed Sphere, Soft, Soul Spring, Speed Distiller, Stamina Spring
Map, Rename Card
Candle of Life, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Silver Hourglass
Dream Powder, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb

Deals a medium amount of damage to all enemies. The easiest combination is Map/Ability Distiller.

Item #1
Item #2
Antarctic Wind
Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Arctic Wind
Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Lightning Marble
Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Bomb Core
Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Lightning Marble
Bomb Fragment
Dragon Scale, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Fire Gem, Ice Gem
Electro Marble, Fish Scale
Lv. 1 Key Sphere
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Map, Rename Card

Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere

Deals a medium amount of damage to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence and Sleep for four rounds. The easiest combination is Grenade/Map

Item #1
Item #2
Blessed Gem

Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Candle of Life

Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Dream Powder
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Sphere, Rename Card, Speed Sphere
Frag Grenade

Ability Sphere, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Water, Hypello Potion, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Tetra Elemental
Gold Hourglass
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Healing Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Map, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Wht Magic Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Petrify Grenade
Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Poison Fang

Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Rename Card

Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Shining Gem

Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Silence Grenade

Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Silver Hourglass

Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Sleeping Powder
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Smoke Bomb

Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Map, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring

Deals a medium amount of damage to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence and Sleep for five rounds. The easiest combinations are Arctic Wind/Lightning Gem, Bomb Core/Lightning Gem, Dragon Scale/Ice Gem, Lv. 1 Key Sphere/Frag Grenade, Grenade/Lv. 3 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Arctic Wind
Lightning Gem
Attribute Sphere
Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Frag Grenade, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Blessed Gem
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Blk Magic Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Bomb Core
Lightning Gem, Water Gem
Candle of Life, Dream Powder
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Clear Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Farplane Shadow
Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Three Stars
Farplane Wind
Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Musk, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain, Three Stars
Frag Grenade
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Gold Hourglass
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Master Sphere
Ice Gem
Dragon Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Petrify Grenade
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Petrify Grenade, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Poison Fang

Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Shadow Gem
Three Stars
Shining Gem
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain
Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Skill Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Sleeping Powder
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Smoke Bomb
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Supreme Gem
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere

Deals a large amount of damage to all enemies. The easiest combinations are Ability Sphere/Lv. 3 Key Sphere and Grenade/Shining Gem.

Item #1
Item #2
Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Accuracy Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Water Gem
Blessed Gem, Shining Gem
Blk Magic Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere
Clear Sphere
Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Defense Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Evasion Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Friend Sphere
Friend Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
HP Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere
Lv. 3 Key Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere
Blessed Gem, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Shining Gem, Supreme Gem

Map, Rename Card
Magic Def Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Magic Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Mana Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Master Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere
MP Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Power Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Rename Card
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Return Sphere
Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere
Speed Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Return Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Strength Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Telepot Sphere
Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Warp Sphere

Warp Sphere

Deals a large amount of damage to all enemies. The easiest combination is Map/Map.

Item #1
Item #2
Arctic Wind
Water Gem
Attribute Sphere
Attribute Sphere
Blk Magic Sphere
Blk Magic Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Clear Sphere
Ability Sphere, Agility Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Map, Rename Card, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Power Sphere, Skill Sphere, Speed Sphere, Strength Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Fire Gem
Dragon Scale, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Water Gem
Lv. 1 Key Sphere
Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Master Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Lv. 2 Key Sphere
Ability Sphere, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Speed Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Rename Card

Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Map, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Skill Sphere
Skill Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Special Sphere
Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Wht Magic Sphere
Wht Magic Sphere

Deals a very large amount of damage to all enemies. The easiest combinations are Shining Gem/Hypello Potion and Grenade/Door to Tomorrow.

Item #1
Item #2
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula

Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dream Powder, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Grenade, Master Sphere, Return Sphere, Silence Grenade, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Special Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Blessed Gem
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Lv. 4 Key Sphere
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Master Sphere, Skill Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Master Sphere
Blk Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Friend Sphere, Master Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Shining Gem
Attribute Sphere, Agility Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Shining Thorn, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Supreme Gem
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Grenade, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Musk, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Three Stars
Frag Grenade, Grenade
Warp Sphere
Blk Magic Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere

Deals a very large amount of damage to all enemies and inflicts Full Break, Slow, Poison, Darkness, Silence and Sleep for eight rounds. The easiest combinations are Farplane Shadow/Lv. 1 Key Sphere and Farplane Wind/Lv.1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Accuracy Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere

Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Shining Gem
Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Candle of Life, Gold Hourglass, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Dream Powder, Frag Grenade, Silence Grenadem Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Farplane Shadow

Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Farplane Wind
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Farplane Wind, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Hypello Potion, Musk, Shining Thorn
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Amulet, Pendulum
Supreme Gem
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Mana Spring, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Silver Hourglass, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring, Star Curtain

Reduces all enemies’ current HP by 1/3. The easiest combination is Shadow Gem/Ability Distiller.

Item #1
Item #2
Shadow Gem

Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Clear Sphere, Defense Sphere, Dragon Scale, Dream Powder, Electro Marble, Fire Gem, Fish Scale, Frag Grenade, Friend Sphere, Gold Hourglass, Grenade, Healing Spring, HP Sphere, Hypello Potion, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Mana Spring, Map, MP Sphere, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Purifying Salt, Rename Card, Return Sphere, Shadow Gem, Shining Thorn, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Speed Sphere, Stamina Spring, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Silence Grenade, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Speed Distiller, Water Gem

Reduces all enemies’ current HP by 15/16.

Item #1
Item #2
Shadow Gem
Amulet, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Master Sphere, Pendulum, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula

Deals 19,998 damage to all enemies. The easiest combinations are Shining Gem/Supreme Gem, Underdog’s Secret/Underdog’s Secret, Blessed Gem/Mana Tablet, or Blessed Gem/Mana Tonic.

Item #1
Item #2
Blessed Gem
Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic
Dark Matter
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Attribute Sphere, Blessed Gem, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dark Matter, Defense Sphere, Designer Wallet, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Fire Gem, Fortune Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Ice Gem, Lightning Gem, Luck Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Shining Gem, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Supreme Gem, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Gambler’s Spirit
Underdog’s Secret, Winning Formula
Shining Gem
Supreme Gem, Three Stars
Supreme Gem
Amulet, Blessed Gem, Door to Tomorrow, Gambler’s Spirit, Mana Tablet, Mana Tonic, Supreme Gem, Three Stars, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Three Stars
Blessed Gem, Three Stars
Underdog’s Secret
Underdog’s Secret, Winning Formula
Wings to Discovery
Gambler’s Spirit, Underdog’s Secret, Winning Formula
Winning Formula
Winning Formula

Deals a small amount of Fire damage five times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Bomb Fragment/Antidote.

Item #1
Item #2
Bomb Core
Ability Distiller, Antarctic Wind, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Bomb Fragment
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Sphere, Mana Distiller, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Fire Gem
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Map, Rename Card

Deals a medium amount of Fire damage six times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Bomb Fragment/Bomb Fragment.

Item #1
Item #2
Bomb Core
Al Bhed Potion, Bomb Core, Clear Sphere, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars
Bomb Fragment
Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Clear Sphere, Fire Gem, Healing Water, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental
Fire Gem
Ability Distiller, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Fire Gem, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Tetra Elemental

Deals a large amount of Fire damage nine times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Fire Gem/Lv. 1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Bomb Core
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Bomb Fragment
Accuracy Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Fire Gem
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
rikku brimstone
Brimstone being used

Deals a medium amount of Fire damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence and Sleep. The easiest combinations are Bomb Fragment/Hypello Potion and Bomb Fragment/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Bomb Core
Blk Magic Sphere, Candle of Life, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Skill Sphere, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Special Sphere, Stamina Spring, Wht Magic Sphere
Bomb Fragment
Candle of Life, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring

Deals a large amount of Fire damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep and Full Break. The easiest combinations are Bomb Fragment/Chocobo Feather, Fire Gem/Hypello Potion, and Fire Gem/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Bomb Core
Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Bomb Fragment
Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing
Fire Gem
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring

Deals a small amount of Lightning damage five times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Electro Marble/Antidote.

Item #1
Item #2
Electro Marble
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Lightning Gem
Dragon Scale, Fish Scale, Map, Rename Card
Lightning Marble
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Fish Scale, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere

Deals a medium amount of Lightning damage six times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Electro Marble/Electro Marble.

Item #1
Item #2
Electro Marble
Clear Sphere, Electro Marble, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental
Lightning Gem
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy Water, Lightning Gem, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Special Sphere, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Tetra Elemental
Lightning Marble
Al Bhed Potion, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Lightning Gem, Lightning Marble, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere

Deals a large amount of Lightning damage nine times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Lightning Gem/Lv. 1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Electro Marble
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Lightning Gem
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Lightning Marble
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere

Deals a medium amount of Lightning damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence and Sleep. The easiest combinations are Electro Marble/Hypello Potion and Electro Marble/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Electro Marble
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Lightning Marble
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring

Deals a large amount of Lightning damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep and Full Break. The easiest combinations are Lightning Gem/Hypello Potion and Lightning Gem/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Lightning Gem
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Lightning Marble

Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind

Deals a small amount of Water damage five times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Fish Scale/Antidote.

Item #1
Item #2
Dragon Scale
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Echo Screen, Electro Marble, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere
Fish Scale
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Water Gem
Electro Marble, Lightning Marble, Map, Rename Card

Deals a medium amount of Water damage six times to all enemies. The easiest combinations are Fish Scale/Fish Scale and Grenade/Grenade.

Item #1
Item #2
Dragon Scale
Al Bhed Potion, Blk Magic Sphere, Clear Sphere, Dragon Scale, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars, Water Gem, Wht Magic Sphere
Fish Scale
Clear Sphere, Dragon Scale, Fish Scale, Healing Water, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Water Gem
Frag Grenade

Frag Grenade, Grenade
Water Gem
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Mana Sphere, Power Sphere, Water Gem

Deals a large amount of Water damage nine times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Water Gem/Lv. 1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Dragon Scale
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Fish Scale
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Water Gem
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere

Deals a medium amount of Water damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence and Sleep. The easiest combinations are Fish Scale/Hypello Potion and Fish Scale/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Dragon Scale
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Fish Scale
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring

Deals a large amount of Water damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep and Full Break. The easiest combinations are Water Gem/Hypello Potion and Water Gem/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Dragon Scale
Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Water Gem
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring

Deals a small amount of Ice damage five times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Antarctic Wind/Antidote.

Item #1
Item #2
Antarctic Wind
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Holy Water, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Three Stars, Wht Magic Sphere
Arctic Wind
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Bomb Fragment, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Grenade, Holy Water, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Map, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Rename Card, Skill Sphere, Soft, Special Sphere, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere
Ice Gem
Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Map, Rename Card

Deals a medium amount of Ice damage six times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Antarctic Wind/Antarctic Wind.

Item #1
Item #2
Antarctic Wind
Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Clear Sphere, Healing Water, Ice Gem, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental
Arctic Wind
Al Bhed Potion, Arctic Wind, Clear Sphere, Frag Grenade, Healing Water, Ice Gem, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Tetra Elemental, Three Stars
Ice Gem
Ability Distiller, Ability Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Attribute Sphere, Clear Sphere, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, Frag Grenade, Grenade, Healing Water, Holy Water, Ice Gem, Mana Distiller, Mana Sphere, Power Distiller, Power Sphere, Remedy, Soft, Speed Distiller, Speed Sphere, Tetra Elemental

Deals a large amount of Ice damage nine times to all enemies. The easiest combination is Ice Gem/Lv. 1 Key Sphere.

Item #1
Item #2
Antarctic Wind
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Amulet, Defense Sphere, Door to Tomorrow, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, Gambler’s Spirit, HP Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Pendulum, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Underdog’s Secret, Warp Sphere, Wings to Discovery, Winning Formula
Arctic Wind
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere
Ice Gem
Accuracy Sphere, Agility Sphere, Blk Magic Sphere, Defense Sphere, Evasion Sphere, Friend Sphere, HP Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Magic Def Sphere, Magic Sphere, Master Sphere, MP Sphere, Return Sphere, Skill Sphere, Special Sphere, Strength Sphere, Teleport Sphere, Warp Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere

Deals a medium amount of Ice damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence and Sleep. The easiest combinations are Antarctic Wind/Hypello Potion and Antarctic Wind/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Antarctic Wind
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Arctic Wind
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Sleeping Powder, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
Ice Gem
Sleeping Powder

Deals a large amount of Ice damage three times to all enemies and inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep and Full Break. The easiest combinations are Ice Gem/Hypello Potion and Ice Gem/Musk.

Item #1
Item #2
Arctic Wind
Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind
Ice Gem
Candle of Life, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Dream Powder, Farplane Shadow, Farplane Wind, Gold Hourglass, Healing Spring, Hypello Potion, Mana Spring, Musk, Petrify Grenade, Poison Fang, Purifying Salt, Shining Thorn, Silence Grenade, Silver Hourglass, Smoke Bomb, Soul Spring, Stamina Spring
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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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