Bone Armor

Max Carried:
Craftable armor that offers good protection.


bonearmouricon sotf

How to Craft Bone Armor

Combine the following crafting materials in your inventory:

Bone is a “renewable” resource, in addition to being found in caves, you can burn the corpses of enemies on a fire to create bones. Duct tape and rope are both found at camp sites, in supply crates, and in underground bunkers or caves.

How to Use Bone Armor

Open your inventory with computer key i t /button xbox dpad down, then go to the bottom right of the inventory screen — this is where your armor pieces are located. Hover your cursor over a piece of bone armor and press icon mouse left click v2/ playstation l2 button to equip it. Each time you do so, you’ll add one piece of armor. You can equip a total of 10 armor pieces at once, and they can be of any type. You can see the armor pieces you have equipped in the bottom right of the UI, on the outer ring next to your health. In the image below, three bone armor pieces are currently equipped, indicated by the white segments of the armor bar.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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