Where to Find All Weapons – The Callisto Protocol

In order to fight off the biophage hordes and escape Black Iron, you’re going to need some firepower. But weapons in Callisto Protocol can feel oddly elusive. Not only are they given to you very rarely over the course of the game, many of them also require you to first find out-of-the-way weapon schematics in order to access them. Between this all, you might be wondering where you can find all the weapons in The Callisto Protocol? Thankfully, this guide exists to help you do just that.

There are 7 upgradeable weapons in the Callisto Protocol, meaning you’ll find them about once per level. Some of these weapons are given to you for free, while others have to be crafted at Reforges after acquiring their schematics. Two other weapons, the Shiv and the Crowbar, also feature in this game, but they are unmissable and can’t be upgraded.

Chapter 2: Outbreak

The Stun Baton is given to you as part of story progression. Near the end of Chapter 2: Outbreak, you will drop into a room will a dead guard, and will automatically pick up the Stun Baton, which will serve as your primary melee weapon for the remainder of the game. This weapon cannot be missed.

stun baton 1 where to find weapons callisto protocol

Chapter 3: Aftermath

Very shortly after the Chapter 3: Aftermath starts, you will end up in a room with Elias Porter, who will give you a Weapon Platform and tell you to make yourself a gun using the nearby Reforge. There will be a chest to the right of the Reforge containing 800 Credits, exactly enough to pay for the Hand Cannon, which can be purchased immediately. This weapon cannot be missed.

Chapter 3: Aftermath

Once you make it to the Medical Ward about halfway through Chapter 3: Aftermath, you will squeeze through a gap, and a cutscene will play, where Jacob will take the GRP device from the severed arm of a nearby guard. This weapon cannot be missed.

grp 1 1 where to find weapons callisto protocol

Chapter 3: Aftermath or Chapter 4: Habitat

The schematics for this weapon can first be found in Chapter 3: Aftermath, shortly after the elevator crashes into the basement. After fighting your way through the room you end up in, you’ll come across a locked gate. Next to a dead guard in front of it, there is a Gate Fuse. Don’t use this fuse for the door nearby. Instead, backtrack to the entrance to the room, near where you encountered your first snake-head, and find the broken fusebox there. This will open up a gate with a vent you can crawl through to access the Skunk Gun Schematics, sitting on a workbench.

Alternatively, if you miss the schematics in Aftermath, you will have another chance to get them in Chapter 4: Habitat. Far into the level, once you’ve reached the Habitat Dome itself and gone into Oxygen Processing, you can go through the door marked Botanical H624, then down the hallway and into the utility hall. Turn right and go through a squeezable gap to find the Skunk Gun Schematics. These will not be present if you already collected the Skunk Gun Schematics from the previous location.

Wherever you got it from, the next time you are at a Reforge, these schematics will be removed from your inventory and uploaded, allowing you to purchase the Skunk Gun for 800 Credits. This weapon can be missed.

Chapter 5: Lost

The Riot Gun will be given you to about halfway through Chapter 5: Lost as part of story progression. Once you’ve fought your way through most of the outpost, you will come into a hangar where Dani’s Snowcat is, and Dani will be above you behind a locked door. Once you clear the enemies out from this room, this door will unlock. There will be a cutscene with Dani, during which she will give you her Riot Gun for free. This weapon cannot be missed.

riot gun 1 where to find weapons callisto protocol

Chapter 6: Below

Not too far into Chapter 6: Below, after you’ve passed through a room filled with blind biophage, you will come upon a corridor where more blind biophage will attack. The Schematics for the Tactical Pistol will be in a caged-in room to your right.

Wherever you got it from, the next time you are at a Reforge, these schematics will be removed from your inventory and uploaded, allowing you to purchase the Tactical Pistol for 800 Credits. This weapon can be missed.

Chapter 7: Colony

The Assault Rifle Schematics can be found early into Chapter 7: Colony. Soon after starting the level, you will find yourself in the center of the town, trying to find a way to power the elevator to reach Dani at the tower. From here, you will need to go up to “Midtown” by using a ladder. To find the schematics, cross the bridge and head through the building labelled “General Store”. Leave out the other side and turn left to find the bathroom building with the Assault Rifle Schematics.

Wherever you got it from, the next time you are at a Reforge, these schematics will be removed from your inventory and uploaded, allowing you to purchase the Assault Rifle for 1000 Credits. This weapon can be missed.

Now that you know where to find all the weapons in the Callisto Protocol, you are ready to compile your arsenal so that you can have a fighting chance at escaping Black Iron. Good luck, inmate.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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