Sons of the Forest

featured image sons of the forest cheats and console commands guide

Sons of the Forest Cheats & Console Commands

Survival crafting is a genre that often encourages you to make your own fun. Whether by building a giant base, hunting mutants, or cutting down every tree on the island, Sons of the Forest can be enjoyed in a variety…

sons of the forest construction guide featured image

Construction – Sons of the Forest

Constructing your own base is appealing for players looking to do more than just build a tent to stay alive. Luckily, Sons of the Forest has an intricate building system that gives players a ton of flexibility when it comes…

featured image where to get crossbow sons of the forest guide

Where to Find the Crossbow – Sons of the Forest

In FPS games, it’s always the guns that get all the attention. They’re familiar, they often allow you to fire multiple shots before reloading, and they tend to make a satisfyingly loud sound when you use them. However, the humble…

featured image where to get fire axe of the forest guide

Where to Get the Firefighter Axe – Sons of the Forest

In a game where building a base necessitates a lot of tree chopping, having the best axe possible becomes fairly important (unless of course you’re making Kelvin do all the manual labor). The tactical axe you start with may not…

featured image where to get modern axe of the forest guide

Where to Get the Modern Axe – Sons of the Forest

You may start the game with an axe, but the tactical axe that comes in your emergency kit is pretty dinky — and when it comes to whacking foes or chopping trees, size matters. Fortunately, there are a couple of…

featured image tools sons of the forest guide

Tools – Sons of the Forest

Unlike many similar titles, you can’t make everything you need in Sons of the Forest. Instead, you’ll have to explore — scattered across the island, hiding in caves, or buried beneath the ground are myriad tools and equipment that you…