How to Use the Backpack (Quick Select) – Sons of the Forest

Anyone who has played games with multiple items and weapons you can equip has probably learned to press the number keys (or the d-pad, or the top face button) when they want to switch weapons — and now that hotkeys have been added to Sons of the Forest, the backpack won’t be as important as it was before. That doesn’t mean it’s useless, however! In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the game’s backpack to quickly select weapons, tools, and items.

Pulling out the backpack is surprisingly easy, given how difficult it can be to figure out how the heck to actually do it. All you have to do is hold the Inventory button ( computer key i t /button xbox dpad down) — doing so will allow you to inspect your backpack. You can then use your cursor to highlight the weapon or item you want to equip, then press icon mouse left click v2/ playstation l2 button . That’s all there is to it!

in action how to use the backpack quick select sons of the forest guide

As you collect your initial tools and resources, they’ll automatically be placed on the backpack for ease-of-access. However, you’ll probably want to swap out what’s on there at some point, especially once you start finding better food sources than twinberries.

To modify the backpack’s inventory, open your Inventory screen with computer key i t /button xbox dpad downand then put your cursor on the backpack and press icon mouse right click v2/ playstation r2 button. This should move the backpack to the center of your crafting mat. You can then press icon mouse right click v2/ playstation r2 button on any item on the backpack to remove it, and press icon mouse right click v2/ playstation r2 button on an item in your inventory to place it on your backpack.

on the mat how to use the backpack quick select sons of the forest guide

We hope this guide on using the backpack in Sons of the Forest was helpful! Please leave any questions or suggestions you might have in the comments below.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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