Palworld Plans Anti-Cheat Measures Following Widespread Issues

In a Steam community post today, Palworld devs Pocket Pair put out a statement addressing cheating which has been a significantly issue on public servers since the game’s launch. The developers acknowledged the issue, and firmly put out a statement that they “do not tolerate any fraudulent activity or cheating” and that they are dealing with the problems “as a priority,” especially as they lack the time and manpower to deal with cheaters on a case-by-case basis, owing to the success of the game.

As part of this, Pocket Pair announced that they would implement 2 solutions soon. Firstly, Palworld will be implementing a “player list function for servers,” which should make it much easier to identify, report, and deal with cheaters. Secondly, the developers plan to add an “external anti-cheat solution,” likely in the form of additional software. Before that gets you too worried, though (and know that we are not usually fans of anti-tamper software), Pocket Pal also clarified that they would ensure community, single player, and co-op servers could all opt-out of it’s protection, in case they want to play with mods or cheats privately.

Given that hackers across servers have been known to destroy games, delete saves, steal Pals, and more, these measures can’t come soon enough. The problem has been an issue since the game launched nearly a month ago on January 19th, and even still it is a near-constant topic of discussion amongst fans. Hopefully, then, fans can soon breathe a sigh of relief at the news that Pocket Pair is on the case, and will be implementing changes by the end of the month to resolve the cheating issue.

After all, the only cheating in Palworld should be lazy Depressos trying to cheat their way into a day off from the mines (which, like the other cheating issues, should be dealt with harshly).

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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