How to Get Coal – Palworld

As you start making your way to late game in Palworld, you will start needing to make Refined Ingots. In addition to Ore, you’ll need Coal to make these. As many of the higher end Technologies will require Refined Ingots, you’re going to want to be able to find plenty. In this guide, we will go over where you can find Coal, and how to farm it to ensure you have as much as you need!

The best way to find Coal is by mining Coal deposits scattered throughout the world. These deposits will look similar to Stone ones, but will be completely black and dull. These deposits can be found in several places throughout the world, but you can find them more particularly in desert areas. On top of this, there are areas where a group of deposits will be close together. Alternatively, they can be found in Dungeons.

Below are a few examples of where you can find Coal clusters. You do not really need Coal until you hit at least level 34 (this is when you can start crafting Refined Ingots), so these areas will be easy to explore and farm by the time you need them.

Twilight Dunes (-158, -92)

Twilight Dunes (-96, -118)

Northeast of the Sealed Realm of the Guardian Great Eagle Statue (191, -38)

Unfortunately, unlike Stone, there are no base structures to let you continuously farm Coal (at least not until you’re at a high level) — but there is a workaround for this. Ideally, you will want to have at least your second base unlocked before doing this method.

  • First, find one of the aforementioned areas with a group of Coal deposits.
  • If you are happy with the area this cluster is in, make a base here — try to get most, if not all, of the Coal deposits within your base’s range.
  • Once the base is established, assign as many Pals with Mining Work Suitability to this base as you can.
    • Important: These Pals will need to have at least level 2 Suitability in Mining, or they will ignore Coal deposits completely.

Feel free to build anything else this base will need (such as beds, food, etc.), and a Storage Box right next to your Palbox, but be mindful not to build anything on top of a deposit spawn point. Now your Pals will automatically mine all of the Coal deposits as they spawn, and store the Coal for you to pick up!

palworld mining coal

Now that you have this system running, you can periodically go to this base’s Storage Box and grab your ores, Fast Travel to one of your other bases, and store or refine them in your main base. Note that since we built the box next to the Palbox, you can do this even if you grab so many that you can barely move.

Thanks to the Sakurajima Update, you will finally be able to create a structure to farm Coal easily once you reach level 53! At this point, you will see an Ancient Technology called Coal Mine — it will cost 5 Ancient Technology Points to learn.

Once learned, you will need to following materials to build one:

  • 70 Stone
  • 100 Coal
  • 30 Paldium Fragments

If you’ve been mining plenty of Coal up until this point or built a base around a group of Coal deposits, you should be able to make this pretty easily. With this, you can now easily farm Coal from any of your bases.

Since Coal is an important resource going into the endgame, you will want to get plenty to craft the higher end structures and equipment!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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