How to Catch Mimog – Palworld

When Sakurajima was added as a new island in Palworld, it also added plenty of new Pals onto the map. One Pal in particular is very skittish, and it can be a bit of a pain to catch: in this guide, we will go over how to find and capture Mimog (aptly named, since it’s pretty much a skittish version of a fantasy Mimic monster).

Luckily, Mimog is a fairly easy Pal to locate, since it can be found on just about every island in the game — the most notable exceptions are starting islands in the southeast:

palworld mimog habitat

Something worth noting is that they don’t roam around like other Pals. Instead, they try to hide in plain sight, in the form of treasure chests scattered throughout the world (remember us mentioning Mimics?).

Unfortunately for them, however, they look very distinct from the normal chests that you can open — they have a slightly different design than normal chests (see the GIF in the next section), and the color is mainly grey and gold with some blue lining.

If you’re still unsure, walk up to a chest you see (don’t worry, it won’t attack you), and if you can’t open the chest, it’s a Mimog.

While finding Mimog is easy, catching one could be another story.

When you hit them with anything, they will immediately dash away at a very high speed. It is possible to keep track of where they run, though — their health bar will show while they run off, and eventually they will come to a stop and try to hide again. Mimog doesn’t heal while running, or after, so you can repeat this process to get their health low until you’re ready to catch it.

palworld mimog running

There are a couple of things you can do to make it a bit easier though. If you can hit them with powerful attacks, they will have less chances to run before you can catch them. You can also use a Pal attack that will inflict a form of Crowd Control on them (such as Freezing them in place) to give you more time before they run.

If you’re at a high level, you can easily get a Mimog without having to deal with them running away.

  • Simply go to a lower level area (where the Pals are around level 10-15) and look for one.
  • Once you find it, just toss a higher level Pal Sphere at them — a Great Sphere will be fine, but feel free to use anything higher if you have enough to spare.

This will give you a pretty good chance at catching one without the hassle of dealing with them running away.

Mimog has a great Skill called Unlock, which allows you them to open any nearby chests without needing a key. On top of that, they are a good source of Dog Coins and Training Manuals. If you catch one and take them along with you, enjoy all of the easy loot!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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