Elder Scrolls Online Gift Set by Symbiote Studios

Symbiote Studios Elder Scrolls Online Gift Set

The folks at Symbiote Studios are at it again! The collectible toy company is producing more licensed Elder Scrolls figures for Bethesda. The last time around, Symbiote Studios released the Astrid and Dark Elf figures for Skyrim. They’ve now turned their attention to the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online game, and have created a special Elder Scrolls Online gift set featuring the Breton, High Elf, and Nord.

elder scrolls online bretonThe Elder Scrolls Online gift set is now available for pre-order, with a ship date slated for May 15, 2015. Unlike the previous Skyrim figures, the Breton, High Elf, and Nord are larger measuring 4 inches tall, complete with interchangeable armor. The figures have articulate arms and heads, and come packed with unique weapons so you can relive awesome ESO combat on your desktop or collector’s shelf.

The following product specs are taken directly from the Symbiote Studios’ website:elder scrolls online high elf

  • Licensed from Bethesda, creators of Elder Scrolls Online
  • Symbiote Line of Products
  • Highly detailed vinyl material
  • Articulation in both arms and head. *Heads are now interchangable so you can easily switch armor.
  • Accessories fit most other characters in series.
  • Nord 1x Helmet 1x Axe, 1x Sword
  • Breton 1x Bow 1x Sword
  • Elf 1x Magic sphere 1x Dagger
  • Edition Size: Limited
  • Product Size: *4″ H
  • Est. Shipping Weight: 5.00 lbs

elder scrolls online nordAs if The Elder Scrolls Online gift set wasn’t sweet enough, Symbiote Studios has teamed up with ZeniMax Online to include an exclusive gift code that will give you a special in-game item. As of now, the special item is a mystery, but Symbiote Studios will make an announcement closer to the game’s release (to learn more about the game’s release date, check out our ESO article here).

The Elder Scrolls Online gift set can be pre-ordered for $49.99, but Symbiote Studios is running a special $5.00 off promotion to buyers who help get the word out on social media regarding The Elder Scrolls Online figures. To learn more about the promo code, visit the Symbiote Studios’ webpage.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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