The Rooftops Walkthrough (Hints & Solutions) – Stray

After leaving Momo’s apartment, hop into the nearby bucket and ride it across the gap, then hop out and use the AC unit to get onto the ledge above you. Look ahead and you’ll see a bunch of Zurks scurrying around. They’re in your way, so you’re going to have to trick them to get past them.

Meow somewhere that lets you pull the Zurks away from the path forward, that also has a nearby difficult-to-traverse obstacle that the Zurks will have to take the long way around.

Stand where indicated below and press the meow button (the game will remind you of it when you get near the indicated spot), and the Zurks will start running towards you. Wait as long as possible, and then run across the beam and jump up to the other side of the gap, then make your way around the fence and jump up onto the nearby small structure. Wait as long as possible, and then run across the beam and jump up to the other side of the gap, then make your way around the fence and jump up onto the nearby small structure.

first enemy encounter rooftops stray

Once safe, jump across the gap, heading towards the tower — when in doubt while in this area, just head towards the tower, since that’s what you’re ultimately trying to reach.

the tower rooftops stray
The tower

After jumping the gap, you’ll have to find a way around some more Zurks.

Just like the last time: meow somewhere that lets you pull the Zurks away from the path forward, that also has a nearby difficult-to-traverse obstacle that the Zurks will have to take the long way around.

After hopping the gap, you’ll need to do the same meow-bait trick again. Stand where indicated and meow, then once the enemies get near, hop up onto the steel girder and make your way across the gap, and continue up the AC units to the ledge above.

2nd enemy encounter rooftops stray

Once safely above the Zurks, you won’t be able to head straight towards the tower, so turn slightly right and continue forward, using your cat skills to jump up onto the higher ledge.

routing 1 rooftops stray

You’ll find yourself facing a large neon sign that you can inspect to remember another Memory. Then turn around — the way forward is visible from here.

A small yellowy light indicates where you need to jump, but you’ll need to take advantage of physics to get across the next gap.

Jump onto the steel girder, and it will swing close enough to the metal awning for you to jump to it. Then jump back to the girder and it will swing close enough to the nearby rooftop for you to jump to it.

Completing the puzzle will bring you to a puzzle that combines mechanics from two previous puzzle types. Move the barrel towards the swinging girder, then jump onto the barrel and from there onto the girder.

There must be a way to make it possible to jump to that swinging girder by using something nearby…

Move the barrel towards the swinging girder, then jump onto the barrel and from there onto the girder.

barrel puzzle 1 rooftops stray

Make your way to the next rooftop, and from there take the next girder to the following roof. When you land, a bunch of Zurks will start scrabbling at the fence near you — avoiding them will require some clever maneuvering.

Is there a way to cross the gap without the Zurks following? If so, how can you get them over to the side that you’re on? Once you’ve accomplished those things, finding the way forward is just a matter of completing a puzzle you’ve done before.

First, “hack” the door (just press the indicated button when you’re near it), then run over to the nearby ledge and hop up — from there, you can jump across the gap. Next, go inside the barrel and roll it towards the green neon sign, and then use it to jump up onto the ledge above.

fence puzzle 1 rooftops stray

Once you’re safe from the Zurks and on some higher ground, keep jumping upwards until you’re as close to the large neon sign as possible. Then you can jump onto the nearby yellow crane and follow it to the balcony of the tower. There, you’ll have to knock down a plank to reach the nearby vent. Inside the tower, continue forward until you walk on a wooden board that takes you over a fence.

Here, you’ll see a bunch of Zurks wandering around in the area ahead — you’ll need to run past them, around the fence, and up onto the scaffolding. From the scaffolding you can jump to one of the swinging girders — at that point, you’ll be safe from the Zurks.

You’ll need to jump immediately to the higher section of scaffolding once the girder swings close enough, otherwise it will reset and you’ll have to jump back to the lower scaffolding and jump to the girder again. Now jump up to the next floor of the tower and continue forward to find the next puzzle.

You need to reach the steel girder that hangs above the area in front of the security gate, but to do that you’ll have to pull the Zurks out of the way of something you need.

Hack the door, then run back the way you came and over the stacked steel tubes. Make your up to the top of the small scaffold, and then wait there until all the Zurks are below you. Then you can hop over the fence — all the Zurks will get stuck against the fence, and you can safely roll the barrel towards the girder, then use it to jump up to said girder.

fence puzzle 2 rooftops stray v2

Jump up to the next girder, and from there to the next floor. Some Zurks will start running at you — stand to the far side of the room, and then once they get near, run to the other side of the room and across the narrow wooden boards to the other side of the gap. Turn right and jump up onto the scaffolding, and keep jumping higher until you can leap to another girder. From there, you can make your way forward onto the next level of the tower. Now you’ve got to call the elevator, and survive while you wait for it!

You need to find a route you can run that the Zurks will have trouble keeping up on.

Essentially, you want to run in a big loop around the area — follow the path laid out below and you shouldn’t get caught by the Zurks.

loop while waiting for elevator rooftops stray

Once the elevator arrives, you’ll need to jump into it by first jumping onto the boxes on side of the elevator cage, and from there to the top of the elevator cage. Then you can hop down inside the elevator and use the panel to send it back up. Once the elevator reaches the top of the tower, you’ll need to use the stool to reach the top of the elevator cage. Jump down and walk over to the panel on the front of the transmitter, and use the Transceiver on it.

You’ll be treated to a cutscene, and when it ends B-12 will have another Memory and you’ll find yourself in front of a bucket — hop in and ride it back down into the Slums!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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