The ESO Crown Store will celebrate Witches’ Festival this October.
Yesterday, ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS) announced October’s customization and convenience items available for sale in the ESO Crown Store. Not only are the new items scary-good, this month’s offerings mark the first time ZOS has made a point to celebrate an in-game holiday (Witches Festival).
The Pumpkin Spectre and Scarecrow Spectre polymorphs will arguably generate the most fan excitement this October. Great for dungeon diving, Dolmen farming, and Witches’ Festival parties, these scary costumes allow players to take the guise of dread monsters.
Note: Both polymorphs will be available for a limited-time from October 22nd until November 2nd (all platforms).
No, it’s not the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore…
Mind-Shriven Skin
If the new polymorphs weren’t frightening enough, the Crown Store will also offer the new Mind-Shriven Skin. This skin will give your character the striking appearance of one of Molag Bal’s soulless victims. Another great choice for Witches’ Festival.
I’ve lost my soul AND my shirt. This bites!
Note: The Mind-Shriven Skin is available on all platforms for a limited time. October 8th until November 2nd.
Zombie Horse
If your character wants to do Witches’ Festival in style, he or she really needs a new ride. The Zombie Horse fits the bill, complete with rotted flesh and exposed skeletal bone. Imagine trick-or-treating in Mournhold on the back of this bad boy!
Well, at least you don’t have to feed it.
Note: The Zombie Horse is another limited time offer. Available on all platforms from October 22nd until November 2nd.
The Elder Scrolls Online Crown Store will also offer a few items not directly linked to Witches’ Festival. Herpetologists from Stormhaven to Shadowfen will fall in love with the newest pet offering — the Helstrom Ancestor Lizard. Cute little guy, isn’t he?
We can’t stand the cuteness!
Note: The lizard pet will be available on all platforms October 8th.
Rounding out the Crown Store treats this October are two new costume packs: the Imperial Battlemage and Imperial Officer packs. Fans of the Empire will finally get their due and be able to dress up Imperial style.
The Battlemage commands respect.Imperial officers. The few and the proud.
Note: The Battlemage and Imperial Officer costumes will be available on all platforms starting October 8th.
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.