Have You Seen The Elder Scrolls Online Walmart Ad?

elder scrolls online walmart ad

Ever since the final beta test ended, I’ve had ESO on the brain. I seriously can’t wait for Sunday to play the game for real during Early Access. No more stress tests, no more time limits, no more leveling a character that I know won’t survive beyond the beta. Preseason is finally over, and now it’s time to get ready for opening day. I’ve left nothing to chance, and as you can see I’ve got it all planned out:

  1. Clear calendar of all commitments. Check
  2. Patch game client to latest build. Check
  3. Pickup a few groceries for Sunday (exploring Tamriel will be hungry work). Check

Today after work, I hit the local Walmart for enough frozen pizza and ginger ale to see me through a day’s worth of binge gaming. With overladen grocery bags in hand, I headed for the exit. Imagine my happy surprise when I spotted The Elder Scrolls Online Walmart ad right by the exit doors. I set down my bags (careful not to lose a pizza or two) and snapped a few pics of the ad with my iPhone.

Sure, the Walmart greeter probably thought I was crazy, but so what? It’s The Elder Scrolls, baby! The ad looks brilliant, featuring the three iconic ESO characters (Dragon Knight, Sorcerer, Nightblade) standing in the center of the Ouroboros symbol with a horde of nasties closing in. The Elder Scrolls Online Walmart ad promotes the game’s official launch date in April, but also pitches a Walmart exclusive: a 20 in. X 16 in. cloth map of Cyrodiil.

elder scrolls online walmart ad 2

I’m an Elder Scrolls collector, but this is the first that I heard about the map. Dang! I pre-ordered the Imperial Edition collector’s set, and it comes with a printed map of Tamriel. I’m not going to purchase the game a second time for a cloth map, so I may have to scour eBay in the coming weeks to see if I can nab one.

So how about it? Have you seen The Elder Scrolls Online Walmart ad in your town? What do you think of it? Share your thoughts in the Speak Your Mind section below. Until next time! Keep your eye on the sky fellow travelers, and perhaps I’ll see you in game this Sunday.

Two eagle-eye readers informed me that the date on The Elder Scrolls Online Walmart ad is incorrect. April 4, 2014 is on a Friday — not a Tuesday. Doh!


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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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10 years ago

I saw this same ad when I was at Wal Mart last week! Believe it or not, I couldn’t find ANY more info on it ANYWHERE but here! I’m going to go buy it tomorrow. I was on the fence about buying the game–paying the $60 for it, and then having to pay a monthly fee on TOP of that–but the cloth map ad I saw totally pushed me over the edge.
I must have it! I’ll let you know how it goes, LOL. 🙂

Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough
Reply to  DrNikki
10 years ago

Hi DrNikki 🙂 Please let me know how you like the cloth map and send pics if you can. I’ll post them for everyone to see. I haven’t seen the map yet myself, but I’m thinking it’d look great on my office wall.

10 years ago

For a second, I thought this was a giant cloth Tamriel map. I’m a fan of the game series and lore, not ESO, which seems to be bombing quickly (and that’s coming from someone who avidly plays it still).