The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Best Skyrim Mage House

Best Skyrim Mage House

Having the ability to own a house in Skyrim is one of the features that helps make the game an immersive role playing experience. When Skyrim was first released, players could only purchase existing houses in some of the province’s…

can skyrim kill you

Can Skyrim Kill You?

Every so often the media likes to slam video games. What appears as fun entertainment to gamers is often demonized by the press. In fact, gaming has been blamed for many of our society’s ills — everything from violence to…

Skyrim cosplay Gekroent

Skyrim Cosplay: An Interview With Gekroent

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to interview Gekroent, an amazing artist and cosplayer who hails from Vienna, Austria. Gekroent showcases her work on the Gekroent – ART & Cosplay Facebook page, and specializes on portraying famous video game characters…

skyrim birthday cakes

10 Awesome Skyrim Birthday Cakes

We’re finishing up our celebration of Skyrim’s second birthday! This amazing video game was first released on 11/11/11, and immediately became a runaway hit. Skyrim is a game that redefined the RPG genre, and has set the mark for all…

best skyrim pc deal

Best Skyrim PC Deal Ever!

Last week I wrote about the best Black Friday Skyrim deals. Most of the deals for Skyrim and the Skyrim Legendary Edition were geared towards Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 players. If you’re a console gamer looking to score a…