Dead by Daylight PTB 6.3.0 – Finishing Mori Patch Now Live

Dead by Daylight’s newest system, the Finishing Mori, is now available for testing on the Public Test Build. In brief, the end-game is being altered to ensure the final Survivor is always mori’d if they are downed before escaping — this new system will also come with changes to the Survivor dying state that prevent being slugged for long periods of time. You can read more about the Finishing Mori in last week’s news piece on it.

While today’s patch notes confirmed that the Finishing Mori mechanic will not be added in the upcoming live patch, there are a couple of new features and changes in today’s PTB patch that will be included with the next release:

  • Stage 2 of the Prestige Catch-up will be implemented, meaning characters that were level 50 and prestige 0-2 as of 6.1.0 will receive 2 bonus prestige levels.
  • Flashlight cooldowns are being increased, and the flashlight click speed is now slower — supposedly because of the danger of flash-induced seizures, but also very likely to discourage flashlight clicking (which some players consider BM).
  • You will be able to select a Killer and Survivor challenge at the same time — finally, no more forgetting to select a challenge when you switch roles! Other improvements to the Archive Challenge UI will also be included in this update.

Check out the full patch notes for today’s PTB update below!

(Will not ship in the next release; included for testing and feedback purposes)

  • Moris are no longer available during the game.
    • The Onryō’s Power, The Executioner’s Power, and The Shape’s Judith’s Tombstone addon still function as before.
  • Once all Survivors are dead, in the dying state or have escaped, a Finishing Mori is triggered, and the game ends.
  • The last Survivor to enter the dying state and the Killer are teleported to a special location on the map for the performance of the Mori.
    • Other Survivors on the ground are killed by the Entity.
    • Other Survivors on hooks are immediately sacrificed.
  • When a Survivor becomes the Last Standing, all Survivors and the Killer are notified that if this last one goes down, the game ends.
  • Mori Offering updates
    • Cypress Memento Mori offering will be renamed to “Cypress Demand”. The new text will read, “Gain 8000 blood points if you kill at least 2 survivors, and end the match with a Finishing Mori.”
    • Ivory Memento Mori offering will be renamed to “Ivory Demand”. The new text will read, “Gain 12000 blood points if you kill at least 3 survivors, and end the match with a Finishing Mori.”
    • Iridescent Ebony Mori offering will be renamed to “Ebony Demand”. The new text will read, “Gain 20000 blood points if you kill all 4 survivors, and end the match with a Finishing Mori.”
  • Several Perks have changed to accommodate the Finishing Mori System and the ability of Survivors to recover from the dying state on their own.
    • Unbreakable: Increases dying self-recovery speed by 80%/90%/100%.
    • Soul Guard: Gain the Endurance status effect for 4/6/8 seconds after being healed or having recovered from the dying state. Also gain a 10% Haste status effect for 5 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
    • No Mither: You suffer from the Broken status effect for the entire Trial, but gain the benefit from the follow effects: Pools of Blood are suppressed, When Injured or dying your Grunts of Pain are reduced by 25/50/75%, Your Recovery speed is increased by 15/20/25%.
    • Boon: Exponential: Survivors inside the Boon Totem’s range benefit from the following effects: Increased dying self-recovery speed by 80/90/100%.
    • Rancor: Each time a Generator is completed, your Obsession sees your aura for 5/4/3 seconds. Each time a Generator is completed, all Survivors’ locations are revealed to you for 3 seconds. Once all Generators are completed, the Obsession’s aura is revealed in red for 10 seconds and is permanently inflicted with the Exposed status effect.
    • Hex: Devour Hope: When a survivor is rescued from a hook at least 24 meters away, Devour Hope receives a token. 2 Tokens: Gain a 3%/4%/5% Haste status Effect,10 seconds after hooking a survivor, for a duration of 10 seconds. 3 Tokens: Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect. 5 Tokens: Any Survivors who are placed on a hook die immediately. Survivors already on a hook are unaffected.
  • Blood On Your Face Achievement will change to “In public matches, kill 4 Survivors.”
  • Survivors who are on the ground in the dying state can now get themselves up without help.
    • Self-recovery takes 45 seconds.
      • Once fully recovered, the Survivor will see a “Get Up” prompt.
    • Healing another Survivor who is in the dying state still takes 16 seconds, as before.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to production constraints, the localizations of the updated Perks, Offerings, and any other text related to the Finishing Mori System will not be seen during the PTB.

The following features are planned to ship in the next release:

  • Inclusion of Stage 2 of our Prestige Catch-Up. Characters which were level 50 and prestige 0, 1, or 2 as of the 6.1.0 release will receive 2 bonus prestige levels, as if they had been prestiged.
  • Flashlight cooldowns
    • To reduce strobing and the associated dangers regarding flash-induced seizures, Flashlights now have a slight delay imposed between switching them on and off.
    • The Flashlight click speed is now slower. The sound effect has been adjusted so it matches the new speed.
  • Archives
    • New Challenge Slots in the Archives: Players now can select a Survivor and a Killer challenge at the same time. This will hopefully improve the experience for players who switch roles often, or want to take full advantage of the Matchmaking Incentives Bloodpoint Bonus.
      • Any challenges shared by both roles can also be assigned to the slot of your choice, or both slots, if desired.
      • Selecting a slot with an equipped challenge will navigate you to the respective tome and level of the equipped challenge.
    • Completed Challenges now remain in the Archives widget until either claimed or replaced. A new Challenge Complete visual was added to the archives widget minimized state to better convey when the challenge you are working on is completed. This will hopefullly reduce the current issue of not noticing your challenge has been completed previously and entering a subsequent trial (or six) without an active Archives Challenge.
    • Removed “press and hold” interaction on challenge nodes.
  • Optimizations done to the Huntress
  • Small improvements to animations and textures in Archives
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the incentive bonus to not be given to players at the end of trial
  • Fixed an issue that caused perks appearing to lose tiers when prestiging the character whose perks were purchased in Shrine of Secrets
  • Fixed an issue that caused all of the currently equipped cosmetics to unequip when opening a character store page
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the game to get stuck in infinite loading when trying to buy Auric Cells on Xbox One
  • Fixed an issue that caused Cheryl Mason’s hair to appear briefly misplaced when switching between certain cosmetics on Steam and Xbox One
  • Fixed a crash on Switch in Undocked mode when trying to Prestige-up in the Bloodweb
  • Fixed an issue that enabled a rock to be climbable in Mount Ormond Resort map
  • Fixed an issue that caused two invisible collisions by the stairs in the Racoon City Police Station map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Female survivors to not have facial animation when being on the hook
  • Fixed an issue that caused Male Survivors to have crooked wrists when running injured and holding a Key Item
  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera to move down when a player presses the crouch input while being sprayed by the First Aid Spray
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind to retain maximum velocity for the rest of the trial after using Virulent Bound
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Collision Course achievement to gain progress when the Mastermind slams a survivor against a pallet
  • Fixed an issue that caused the reduced speed icon not to be shown on the progress bar when using the First Aid Spray when the Mastermind is equipped with the Red Herb add-on
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to receive the Global Saturation score event when infecting the survivors left in trial when one or more survivor has already left the trial
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s tentacles to stay on his arm after performing a rushed vault
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to be able to move sideways while throwing a survivor with Virulent Bound
  • Fixed an issue that caused escaping with the First Aid Spray not to grant a score event
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to slide to the side when using Virulent Bound on a survivor as they drop a pallet
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to be able to grab a survivor as they are escaping the trial
  • Fixed an issue that caused the exit gate to be blocked when the Mastermind slams a survivor not directly into the exit gate
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind’s power to stop functioning when hitting a survivor with Virulent Bound as they enter a locker
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s power to stop functioning if a survivors disconnects while being grabbed
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind’s power to stop functioning after a long time in a trial.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Haq’s Granma’s Heart add-on not to increase the Mud Phantasm terror radius
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare not to be able to hit survivors standing inside a Dream Pallet
  • Fixed an issue that caused the animation to fail play when the Demogorgon emerges from the portal any time after the first time
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to jitter after interrupting survivors right after a blink
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Deathslinger’s harpoon to be missing in the tally screen
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit to accelerate too slowly during Yamaoka’s Haunting
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to vaccinate other survivors while standing next to a wall of asset when playing against the Nemesis
  • Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck when shocked by the Doctor while unhooking another survivor
  • Fixed an issue that caused the healing bar to briefly be shown as full before regressing when using the Reactive Healing perk and affected by the Hemorrhage status effect
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hex: The Third Seal not to apply the Blindness effect after the Mastermind hits a survivor with Virulent Bound
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Wiretap perk’s Spy Trap to remain active for the remainder of the trial if installed at the same time as the generator is completed
  • Fixed an issue that may cause players to retain speed increases for the remainder of the trial under poor network conditions
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the effect of some perks to remain active for the remainder of the trial
  • All perk, offering, help tips and other texts relating to the Finishing Mori changes have not been changed. These will be updated when the feature releases
  • Survivors can escape as they are downed during the Last Survivor Standing mode, causing the Finishing Moris flow to break
  • When the Killer downs the Last Survivor Standing and spams the button to pick them up, it can cause the Finishing Moris flow to break
  • The Twins Finishing Mori is not triggered when downing the Last Survivor Standing as Victor
  • Triggering the Last Survivor Standing mode while controlling Victor will not display the FOV change
  • The Wraiths Finishing Mori does not trigger then the Last Standing Survivor bleeds out from Deep Wound while the Wraith is cloaked
  • Score Events are not hidden by the Finishing Mori transition vignette
  • The Finishing Mori score events have the Twisted Masquerade icon
  • The Last Survivor Standing FOV effect does not stack with other modifiers
  • Survivors can be sacrificed or die on the ground during the Finishing Mori
  • The perk Soul Guard does not grant the Haste status effect when healed or after recovering
  • The vignette when a Survivor is on a hook disappears when the Last Survivor Standing mode is deactivated
  • Some prompts are still visible on screen after the Finishing Mori sequence.
  • The Finishing Mori visual effects appear in the tally screen
  • The camera returns to the players location at the end of the Finishing Mori animation.
  • Downing the Last Survivor Standing powers up the exit gates
  • The Trickster’s Main Event state vignette will continue during the Finishing Mori transition screen when downing the Last Survivor Standing with his power
  • Multiple Killer moris are clipping through various assets on multiple maps
  • Several HUD icons are no longer displayed for the remainder of the match when The Twins unbounds Victor
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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