Dead by Daylight Skull Merchant Rework Aims to Make Her Fun to Play Against

We got the first details on the upcoming Skull Merchant rework today, in the form of a Design Preview. This preview includes BHVR’s design goals for the Killer update, and goes into significant detail as to how that goal will be accomplished. It also confirms that the dev team’s current focus is still on QoL updates, and that therefore the Skull Merchant rework won’t show up for quite some time.

The main aim of the rework is to make the Skull Merchant both fun to play as and play against — BHVR has (correctly) identified that the Killer is both complicated to play, and frustrating to face. With that in mind, the updated version of this divisive Killer should make it more intuitive for Survivors to understand what the heck she’s actually doing, and add more interaction into her kit (as opposed to having lots of passive strength).

Here is a TL;DR summary of the currently planned changes:

  • Drones
    • Less Drones – Can now carry 5 (from 6)
    • Detection zones – Rotate slower, detection zone lines are now smaller and more subtle (the zone isn’t smaller, just the visual indicators)
    • Controlling drones – Drones can now be controlled and moved around, and even used to fly into and injure Survivors (destroying the drone if it impacts a Survivor or an obstacle). Skull Merchant gains Undetectable while controlling a drone, which moves slightly faster than her.
    • Hacking – Drones can be hacked like before. If a hack is successful, the Killer’s aura is revealed to that Survivor; if it fails, the Survivor is revealed by Killer Instinct and cannot hack again for a short period of time.
    • Status Effects – All of the extra Status Effects and specific mechanics from the drones are gone, like Claw Trap, Lock On, and so on.
  • New Power
    • Has to charge up to be used
    • Global audio warning when used
    • While active, Survivors who sprint will be revealed on Skull Merchant’s Radar

Read on to see the full announcement!

Today, we want to dig into a topic that we know many of you have been yearning to know more about: our vision for the future of The Skull Merchant!

We know that Skull Merchant is a divisive Killer who, regardless of her performance in a Trial, carries a lot of history and strong feelings among players.

Many players feel she’s not fun to play against and her kit is exceedingly complex. This scares away potential Killers from trying her and makes it difficult for Survivors to consider counterplay without dedicated research.

As we look to reworking Skull Merchant, our aim is to:

  1. Strike a balance between being fun to play as and against
  2. Preserve the intel focus of her kit, while making it intuitive to understand for both sides
  3. Move away from a passive power with limited player interactions and embrace a more active playstyle, while ensuring her power is compensated in interesting ways

Those last two points may be particularly difficult to hear for long-time Skull Merchant mains, but we feel it’s important to be clear about our intentions here. While the future we envision for Skull Merchant is quite different from her previous iterations, we feel this rework brings some exciting new tools of torment to the table!

Skull Merchant can deploy a Stealth Drone (she carries a total of 5), which scans its immediate vicinity and provides intel back to her. After a short activation period, the Drone gives off subtle audio and visual indications of the area being scanned, revealing any Survivors on the Radar who are caught by its two rotating detection zones.

Importantly, we’ve slowed their rotation speed slightly and toned down the visual intensity of these zones, removing the large scan lines to replace them with something more subtle. Namely, you’ll see the direction of each detection zone as they rotate, but the detection zone itself is invisible. This gives Survivors an impression of the space that’s being actively scanned but requires them to proceed cautiously.

drone detection radius skull merchant dbd

While we know they had their supporters, the original scan lines were visually loud and often clashed with the rest of the game’s look and feel. The intent here is to strike a balance between giving Survivors just enough info to assess the threat (a subtle, rotating field of detection) without that threat overwhelming the space and feeling incongruous to Dead by Daylight’s visual identity.

Once a Stealth Drone has been active for a short period, Skull Merchant can choose to take control of Drones from a distance. During this time, she becomes Undetectable, as her controlled Drone becomes the primary threat. These Stealth Drones move slightly faster than her base movement speed and consume a new resource – Power, unique to each Drone – while being controlled.

Power is consumed slowly as the controlled Drone idles and slightly more is consumed while moving. Skull Merchant is also able to use a burst of this Power to activate Drone Propulsion. This charged power sends the Drone flying forward at high speed, relative to how long it was charged.

drone gif dbd skull merchant
Put simply: Stealth Drone go brr

Hitting a Survivor with Drone Propulsion causes them to lose a health state. If you hit a Survivor or collide with an object during this action, the Drone will be destroyed and return control to Skull Merchant.

With these new Stealth Drones, we want to give players something that feels familiar (using drones to gather intel) but also opens the door for unique skill expression opportunities (re-positioning Drones and Propulsion skill shots). Using technology to hunt her prey is core to Skull Merchant’s identity and so it’s important that we stay true to that!

We have opted to remove many of the background effects – Hindered, Haste, Lock On, Claw Trap – that were previously tied to these Drones, though. Rather than doing a little bit of everything with her Drones under layers of complexity, we want their use cases to be clear to Killers and Survivors alike, on the fly. Basically, if they’re static, they’re likely scanning for Survivors. If they’re moving, they’re a collision hazard.

Like Drones themselves, Drone Hacking returns with a greater degree of risk and reward. Like before, Drones can be disabled by Survivors by inputting a series of button presses while close. If a Drone is disabled, Skull Merchant’s aura is revealed to that Survivor, providing useful intel. If the Hack is failed, they are revealed by Killer Instinct and are prevented from attempting another hack for a short period.

The intention here is to introduce a greater degree of tension to hacking, while offering a clear way for Survivors to interact with Skull Merchant’s kit in a meaningful way. The intel reward is greater than before, but the risk of being revealed is more impactful. With intel at the center of this tension on both sides, we hope it makes this interaction easily digestible by players.

In addition to her Drones, Skull Merchant has another power that ties into her Radar. While the name is currently TBD, let’s refer to it as a Global Detection Power. Once this power is charged and activated, a global warning plays for all Survivors. For a short period afterwards, any Survivor who actively sprints is revealed on her Radar. Of course, crouching, standing still, and hiding in lockers all prevent detection. Added to the intel provided by Stealth Drones around the map, this should help ensure Killers are easily able to keep tabs on Survivors’ movements.

In line with our rationale above, we want Survivors to have a clear understanding of what’s happening when they face Skull Merchant. Where the overlapping timers and status effects of Skull Merchant’s previous kit often obscured what the expected result of an encounter might be, structuring this power around a well-known game – red light, green light – provides a clear and readable threat, a clear benefit for the Killer, and a clear path for Survivors to try and overcome it.

We are currently evaluating a timeline for Skull Merchant’s rework but do envision it being quite far out as our primary focus is on driving quality-of-life updates. Once we have a timeline to share, we will be sure to keep you informed via future Design Preview updates.

Phew – that was a lot! How do you feel about this rework? We want to hear from you! Jump into our survey and share your thoughts right here: Survey

See you in The Fog!

The Dead by Daylight Team

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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