Dead by Daylight Patch 5.5.0 Available on PTB, Includes Cenobite Voice Lines & New Action Toggle

The latest DBD patch is now playable on the Player Test Build, and includes a significant number of changes and addition. Many of these were not mentioned in the Developer Updates earlier this month, and come as a welcome surprise to players hoping to see meaningful changes in the upcoming patch. In addition to the standard bug fixes and tweaks to things like perks or add-ons, there are now some UI toggle features, plus a way to Beta test upcoming features.

There’s a lot to look at here, so here are some of the most interesting changes and additions:

  • Toggle added for interactions – You’ll now be able to turn on a feature that allows you to repair, heal, kick gens, etc, without holding the button. There is also the option to turn on “Run to Cancel”, which will let you sprint as a way to stop the interaction (as opposed to the standard way of pressing the interaction button a second time).
  • Beta tab for new features – Rather than being forced to test all the new features on the PTB, some will now be accessible in the options menu as an opt-in (including the new skill checks for wiggling).
  • Skill Checks for Wiggling – One of the new beta features, this replaces the wiggle interaction with a new skill check style input.
  • Cenobite Voice Lines – Pinhead finally gets his iconic lines! The rumor is, the original voice actor was upset that they didn’t have him work on the project, but he’s the voice for these new ones.
  • Perk Buffs – Boil Over, Distortion, Power Struggle, Buckle Up, Wake Up, Gearhead, Coup de Grace, Furtive Chase, Dead Man’s Switch have all been changed/buffed.
  • Nurse Recode – A litany of Nurse bugs should be fixed with this latest update to her code.
  • Bubba’s Masks removed – The masks the Cannibal got for sacrificing the original Survivors enough times has been removed (see here for info on why).

Check out the full patch notes below!

Due to an increase in file compression, players who download this PTB will have to download almost the entire game, and then re-download the entire game when switching back to the regular version. Thankfully, this means the PTB build is ~20GB smaller than usual.

This change is the first step in reducing future patch times, and we appreciate your understanding and patience as we progressively continue to improve patch times.

Progress & save data information has been copied from the Live game to our PTB servers on December 22nd. Please note that players will be able to progress for the duration of the PTB, but none of that progress will make it back to the Live version of the game.

  • Fixed some specific vulnerabilities that could be abused by cheaters
  • Hit feedback has been adjusted to reduce the frequency of visual feedback in the case of a rejected hit (especially for instances of Dead Hard)

Dev Note: This won’t eliminate all instances of VFX / SFX feedback when landing a rejected hit, but it should reduce it for most cases where the players have a decent connection to the server.

  • New Feature: Interaction Behavior – Hold / Toggle
    • When set to Toggle, you no longer need to hold the interaction button for interaction (Fixing generators, healing, kicking generators, etc.)
    • To end the interaction, you will need to press the interaction button a second time (or use the “Run to Cancel” option detailed below!)
    • Located in the Options menu under “Controls”
    • Available for both Survivor and Killer as separate settings
  • New Feature: Run to Cancel – On / Off
    • When enabled, survivor players can cancel an interaction by giving a run input (i.e. the run modifier and a direction to move)
    • Located in the Options menu under “Controls”
    • Only available for Survivors

Dev Note: Holding buttons for extended interactions isn’t always the most comfortable, so this feature aims to address that. When combined with the Run to Cancel, you can quickly disengage from fixing a generator once you spot The Shape stalking you.

  • A new tab is available in the Options menu: Beta!
    • New features will appear here so that we can gain feedback from all players on all platforms
    • Turning a feature ON will grant a Bloodpoint bonus for the first 10 matches that you play with it
  • First Beta Feature: New Wiggle Interaction
    • Survivor only
    • Replaces the wiggle interaction with a new dual skill check style input
    • Default binding for Keyboard: Space
    • Default binding for Controller: LB/RB or L1/R1
      • When playing on a controller, either button will work for either side of the skill check
    • Secondary input can be rebound in the Key Bindings menu
    • Bloodpoint Bonus for first 10 matches: 20,000

Dev Note: We’re excited to gather your feedback on the new Wiggle system, and we’ve put it in a Beta tab to allow console players to participate in the fun!


The Blight

  • Add-on – Adrenaline Vial
    • Decreased the Rush Turn rate penalty to -0.5 degrees per second (was -0.8 degrees per second)

The Cannibal

  • Add-on – Carburetor Tuning Guide
    • Decreased the Chainsaw Sweep movement speed penalty to 2% (was 4%)
  • Add-on – Depth Gauge Rake
    • Decreased the Chainsaw Sweep movement speed penalty to 2% (was 4%)
  • Add-on – Iridescent Flesh
    • Decreased the maximum tantrum duration to 5 seconds (was 8 seconds)
  • Add-on – Long Guide Bar
    • Increased the chainsaw revving threshold to +2 seconds (was +1 second)
  • Survivor masks have been removed from the game. Please refer to the developer update on our forums for more information.

The Clown

  • Add-on – Solvent Jug
    • Increased duration of Invigoration to +2 seconds (was +1 second)
  • Add-on – Robin Feather
    • Increased bottle throw cooldown to 40% (was 30%)
  • Add-on – Flask of Bleach
    • Decreased Hindered penalty from Intoxication to 4% (was 5%)
  • Add-on – Redhead’s Pinky Finger
    • Now reduces bottle count by 2

The Pig

  • Add-on – Amanda’s Letter
    • Decreases available Bear Traps to 2 (was 3)
  • Last Will
    • Decreased time to charge Ambush Attack to +33% (was +66%)

The Twins

  • Add-on – Iridescent Pendant
    • Increased Exposed duration when crushing Victor to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds)
  • Add-on – Baby Teeth
    • Increased Blindness duration when crushing attached Victor to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds)
  • Add-on – Madelein’s Scarf
    • Reduced Victor movement speed buff to 0.3m/s (was 0.4m/s)
  • Add-on – Toy Sword
    • Decreased Pounce charge time modifier to 0.2 seconds (was 0.25 seconds)
  • Add-on – Stale Biscuit
    • Decreased pounce cooldown modifier to 0.4 seconds (was 0.5 seconds)

The Nemesis

  • Add-on – Iridescent Umbrella Badge
    • Increased Exposed duration when using a vaccine to 60 seconds (was 30 seconds)
  • Add-on – Shattered S.T.A.R.S. Badge
    • Increased zombie movement speed bonus when a generator is repaired to 150% (was 100%)
    • Text now lists the correct duration of 60 seconds (description text said 30 seconds, but the effect already lasted for 60 seconds)
  • Add-on – Marvin’s Blood
    • Decreased the mutation rate modifier on Tentacle Strike to 25% (was 33%)
  • Add-on – Mikhail’s Eye
    • Decreased the Zombie movement speed bonus to 35% (was 50%)

The Huntress

  • Add-on – Wooden Fox
    • Increased Undetectable duration after reloading to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds)

The Oni

  • Add-on – Iridescent Family Crest
    • Increased scream radius on missed attacks to 24 meters (was 12 meters)

The Cenobite

  • New Cenobite’s VO lines have been added.

Survivor Perks

  • Boil Over
    • Increased wiggle strafe intensity to 50/75/100% (was 25/50/75%)
    • Increased hook obscure radius to 16 meters (was 10/12/14 meters)
    • New effect: You gain 25% wiggling progress when the killer drops from great heights.
  • Distortion
    • Increased the token count to 4 (was 3)
  • Power Struggle
  • Buckle Up
    • Increased aura reveal duration to 6/8/10 seconds (was 4/5/6 seconds)
  • Wake Up
    • Increased Exit Gate speed boost to 15/20/25% (was 5/10/15%)
  • Decreased the activation threshold to 25/20/15% wiggle progress (was 35/30/25%)

Killer Perks

  • Gearhead – Reworked
    • New Description: After a Survivor loses a health state, Gearhead activates. While Gearhead is active, the next time a Survivor completes a Great Skill Check while repairing, their Aura is revealed to you for 6/8/10 seconds. Gearhead then deactivates.
  • Remember Me
    • Trigger condition changed to the Obsession losing a health state (was triggered on basic attack only)
  • Coup de Grace
    • Increased lunge distance modifier to 70/75/80% (was 40/50/60%)
  • Furtive Chase
    • Effect Removed: “You lose all your tokens if the Obsession is sacrificed or killed.”
  • Dead Man’s Switch
    • Removed the Obsession mechanic, the perk now triggers when hooking any survivor.

Several issues affected the Nurse’s power that required a large part of the code supporting her, especially the networking, to be re-done, which is what we did in this release. This allowed us to fix the following issues.

  • Fixed an issue that rarely caused the Nurse not to be able to trigger a blink.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause a blink started right when the charge is ready or when fatigue starts to be cancelled.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse’s vault to be slower than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to go into fatigue after the stun when stunned during a chain blink. Now she will only go through the stun.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to get stuck when blinking into a pallet dropped during the blink.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse’s animations to briefly be static after interrupting a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be unable to blink through some hills.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to sometimes fall out of world after blinking.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to become stuck when a Survivor disconnects while being interrupted.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible for the Nurse to use the Return Blink ability during fatigue when equipped wit the Jenner’s Last Breath add-on.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the blink charge sound to be heard even if no charge is added after hitting a Survivor after a blink when using the Spasmodic Breath add-on.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to be able to do a slash attack while charging a chain blink.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be able to climb on chests and small assets after blinking.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an overlapping between the winding SFX and the Fatigue State SFX when the Nurse is Stunned by a Pallet after a Blink.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse’s hand not to appear for spectators cycling through spectated players during a blink.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a stutter during the Nurse’s post blink animation when turning the camera.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs that caused the wrong surface SFX to be played.
  • Fixed an issue than caused the Trickster’s VO lines to be missing when closing the hatch.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the end of the Nemesis tentacle cooldown audio to play on Survivor side.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ghost Face to be able to lean when standing behind low cover objects.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the protection hit to be missing when a survivor is lacerated by the Trickster’s knives next to an injured Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cannibal not to lose his tokens when hitting an obstruction during Chainsaw Dash.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some Killers to be able to prevent unhooking by standing close to a hooked Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown of the Diversion perk to affect all Survivors equipped with the perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Dead Hardy challenge not to gain progress.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Deathbound perk to trigger when a Survivor is 8m away from the Killer rather than from the player being healed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a Survivor that disconnects during a Memento Mori to disappear before the animation has ended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the outline of the Trapper’s trap to be visible during an attack.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some player Cloud IDs to be displayed in the friend list menu.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed players to switch roles while loading into a custom game match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare’s Dream World to be too dark in RPD map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused projectiles to pass through the Thompson’s House window.
  • Fixed audio events when navigating Settings and Key Binding menus
  • Fixed an issue in Custom Game where some loadout items disabled by the Match Leader were still selectable by other players
  • Fixed an issue with input text fields in Redeem Code and Search Friends popups to focus them by default
  • Fixed an issue in the Onboarding menu where it was not possible to receive invite notifications
  • Fixed a navigation issue in the Store where the player could be automatically redirected to the Featured page after the Shop data is loaded
  • Fixed an issue in the Onboarding menu where the Charm’s tooltip size was not affected by the UI scale setting
  • Fixed an issue to remove David King from part of the “A Lullaby for the Dark” DLC description if the user would like to buy this content
  • Fixed an issue in the Loadout Menu where we could have an inconstancy between the Perk selected and the Inventory page displayed
  • Fixed an issue in the Customization Menu where an equipped Charm will appear as not equipped after closing and re-opening the menu
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Overcome perk to incorrectly activate when hit by the Nemesis tentacle or zombie
  • The Trickster has been disabled for this PTB due to a bug. Will be fixed for release.
  • The Haddonfield map and the Strode Realty Key offering have been disabled.
  • When using the perk Spies from the Shadows, the Killer can hear loud noise SFX when Survivors disturb crows beyond the range of the perk.
  • Generators enter regression when Survivor fails an Overcharge skill check or the Jolt perk triggers even when being actively repaired. Releasing and restarting the repair interaction will return it to a normal state.
  • Succeeding the Overcharge skill check removes progression.
  • Having the Interaction Toggle activated may break the Killer and Survivor tutorials.
  • Having an interruption rejected by the server after a blink will cause the Nurse to go through both the post attack animation and the fatigue state.
  • Survivors’ blood spurts and scream are missing when attacked by one of the Nemesis’ zombies.
  • Fire Up perk receives three tokens when the last generator is completed.
  • Survivors can see the Lightborn perk notification when attempting to blind a killer equipped with the perk.
  • Premonition perk sometimes doesn’t activate when looking in the direction of the Killer.

Will you be using the new toggle feature when it’s patched into live? Will you finally run Boil Over now that it’s been buffed? Let us know in the comments!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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