Dead by Daylight Developer Update – Year 7 Roadmap, New Killer & Survivor in March

BHVR have always been one of the better developers when it comes to communication, but in recent months they’ve still managed to step up their game. Today’s Developer Update covers Dead by Daylight’s roadmap for its seventh year, and includes some additions to the info first revealed during last year’s Anniversary Broadcast. There’s a lot of exciting stuff coming this year, including plenty more quality of life improvements like the ones in recent Patch 6.5.0. We’ll dig into all the upcoming changes and improvements below, but as always, there’s also a TL;DR for those of you who just want the highlights.

Dead by Daylight Year 7 Roadmap Summary:

  • New Killer and Survivor (Chapter 27) in March
  • Tome 15 in April
  • Bloodweb improvements to points spending
  • Survivor Bot Loadouts
  • Map repeat prevention
  • Visual Terror Radius
  • Visual updates to older maps
  • Perk Updates, including changes to Eruption
  • Limited Time cosmetics will start to return the following year, purchasable for iridescent Shards (excluding licensed characters)

If all that did was pique your interest, read on! Note that for the below changes, no specific timetable was given; they’ll appear in patches throughout the year.

While today’s update wasn’t specific, there will apparently be “improvements to the Bloodweb to make it easier and faster to spend your Bloodpoints”. For those of us sitting near 2 million BPs who don’t want to strain their index finger cashing them in, this comes as very welcome news. Spending the points is such a hassle that there have been community solutions created — apps that take control of your mouse and spend the points for you, basically. They don’t always work great, however, and it’ll be nice to not have to download strange, unverified EXEs just to spend your BPs.

dead by daylight bloodweb my finger hurts
Let’s hope their solution is either instant, or allows you to walk away from the computer — free time is too precious to spend clicking nodes!

We got Survivor Bots last year, but only in a very basic form. This year will see the addition of loadouts to the Survivor bots. Not only will this add more variety, but it will allow players to practice against specific perks like Sprint Burst (though how well the bots use Exhaustion perks remains to be seen).

This is another one we’re really excited about — no more getting the same map two times in a row! Not only will it become impossible to get repeat maps, but the odds of seeing a map will be decreased for a few matches (though it won’t be impossible to go Coldwind, Ormond, Coldwind). While there are dozens of maps, the odds of getting the same map multiple times in a play session is still fairly high at the moment, so this is very a welcome change — especially considering how imbalanced many of the maps in the pool still are.

Dead by Daylight is a very sound-based game, which is a big bummer for folks who are hard of hearing. BHVR has worked hard to make the game more accessible to visually-impaired players, and now it’s time to improve things for people with hearing impairments! New accessibility options are coming, and among them is a visual representation of the Terror Radius. Not only a great change for people who can’t hear the Terror Radius, it’s also a buff to anyone who likes to listen to music while playing Survivor.

Again, the devs weren’t specific, but some of the “older Realms” will be getting improved visuals. The changes to the Basement, Pallets, and Breakable Walls all look great, so with any luck the older realms will get similarly successful makeovers.

swamp is ugly dead by daylight
Opinions are subjective, but also it’s a fact that Backwater Swamp needs an update the most

Yet another tantalizing update with scant details, all we know for now is that some Perks will be updated. However, we do know that one of these perks will be Eruption, a slowdown Perk that has been dominating the meta recently.

Many recent event cosmetics were only available for a brief period before returning to the vault. It feels bad to miss out on stuff, so BHVR is trying to make it easier to grab what you want — while still maintaining a general sense of FOMO to keep you spending those Auric Cells. New limited time cosmetics will be available for purchase with Auric Cells when released, and then return to the vault. Then, they’ll return the following year, purchasable for Cells or Iridescent Shards. As always, this doesn’t include licensed characters, whose outfits will remain available only via Auric Cells.

The devs have also offered a complete list of all the seasonal collections which will be available for a limited time, to let you better plan how to spend your hard-earned money:


  • Tricks and Treats
  • Midnight Grove
  • Halloween 2021
  • Future Halloween Collections


  • Ugly Sweater Collection
  • Deck the Trials
  • Bone Chill
  • Holiday Horror
  • Winter Tales
  • Cozy Break
  • Future holiday collections

Lunar New Year:

  • Lurking Stripes
  • Gilded Stampede
  • Scarlet Swarm
  • Moonrise
  • Moonlight Burrow
  • Future LNY collections

We hope this rundown of the Year 7 Roadmap Developer Update was helpful! Let us know what you think about the upcoming changes in the comments.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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