Dead by Daylight August Developer Update – Knight’s Guard Cooldown Bug Now a Feature

Today’s update from the Dead by Daylight developers over at BHVR is all about the changes between the Public Test Beta build and the planned live version of patch 8.2.0. The patch naturally focuses on the upcoming Castlevania characters, but includes plenty of other interesting updates to a few killers. As always, the devs seem to have taken PTB feedback to heart, including a very interesting new addition to The Knight‘s kit that was inspired by a bug from the PTB.

In the PTB, it was possible to spawn a different Knight guard while another was deployed due to a bug where the different guards had separate cooldowns. This ended up encouraging players to use the correct guard for each situation, and so BHVR has implemented it again, this time on purpose. You’ll still only be able to have one guard out at a time, but you’ll now be able to hit a patrolling guard with a basic attack to reduce its cooldown to 10 seconds, and each guard has a different cooldown.

Most of the other changes focus on making The Dark Lord and Nemesis feel better to use, plus a few minor changes to a couple of the new perks — including the ability to take your fancy new items from Exultation with you out of the trial. Read on to see the full list of changes!

As the next update approaches, we as always have news to share! This blogpost will cover all the gameplay changes happening between the Public Test Build (PTB) and live release of the 8.2.0 Update.

  • [CHANGE] Increased movement speed while charging Hellfire to 2m/s (was 1.48m/s).
  • [CHANGE] Decreased Hellfire charge time to 0.9 seconds (was 1 second).
  • [CHANGE] Adjustments to various Add-Ons.

Dev note: The Hellfire attack proved to be useful on the PTB. We’ve fine-tuned the charge time and movement speed to improve the way it feels to use. This includes adjusting the deacceleration and reacceleration after canceling the attack to be smoother and not so sudden.

  • [CHANGE] Increased movement speed in Wolf Form to 4.6m/s (was 4.4m/s). Haste from Scent Orbs will increase your speed to 4.8m/s.
  • [CHANGE] Reduced cooldown of Pounce attack to 20 seconds (was 25 seconds).
  • [CHANGE] Colliding with a wall or obstacle during the first Pounce will no longer end your Power.

Dev note: The Wolf form looked to need a bit more attention. For the release, we have increased the Wolf’s base movement speed to 4.6m/s – the same as the Vampire Form. We’ve also reduced the Pounce attack’s cooldown.

While the Pounce attack is meant to be more difficult to use in tight spaces, we found it to be a bit too restrictive. To make it easier to position for the second Pounce, hitting a collision during the first Pounce will no longer end your Power.

  • [CHANGE] Increased Mutation Rate 3 Tentacle Strike range to 6.5 meters (was 6 meters).
  • [CHANGE] Decreased successful Tentacle Strike cooldown to 2.25 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).

Dev note: The adjustments on the PTB definitely helped The Nemesis get up and running at the start of a trial, but many felt he could use a little more. We have made additional tweaks to his Tentacle Strike to make it even more deadly when used well.

  • [NEW] Each guard has a separate cooldown:

The Assassin: 30 seconds
The Jailer: 25 seconds
The Carnifex: 20 seconds

  • [NEW] Summoning a guard will cause any active guard to despawn.
  • [NEW] Hitting a patrolling guard with a basic attack will reduce their cooldown to 10 seconds.

Dev note: Spawning a different guard while another was deployed was an unintended mechanic in the previous PTB, but it turned out to be loved by many. We found having guards on separate cooldowns encouraged switching between to the right guard in the right situation, meanwhile a shared cooldown encouraged using the single strongest guard.

We have brought back separate cooldowns as a now intended feature and tuned them according to their strength and utility. This will give The Knight a boost in power and encourage swapping between guards.

  • [CHANGE] Reduced cooldown to 60/45/30 seconds (was 80/70/60 seconds).

Dev note: On the PTB, the cooldown for closing chests was quite long, so we have reduced it significantly.

The following change will be implemented in a minor patch in the coming weeks.

  • [REMOVED] Removed the condition which prevented upgraded Items from being kept at the end of the trial.

Dev note: Many people wanted to keep the Items they had risked their lives to upgrade, so we’ll be removing this condition in a later update. Enjoy the spoils of your hard work.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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