Trying to figure out what your friends are saying on comms, or what people are complaining about in the post-game chat, can be tricky. With that in mind, here’s an easy-to-browse dictionary of Dead by Daylight terms you can use instead of asking questions and revealing your ignorance (you baby Dwight, you).
1K/2k/3K/4K – Refers to how many kills (1-4) the Killer gets in the Trial.
3-Gen – 3 Generators in close proximity to each other that are easily patrolled by the Killer, generally a situation Survivors want to avoid and Killers want to create
50/50 – A situation in which the Killer has a 50/50 chance of catching a Survivor — this tends to occur around blind corners, where the Survivor and Killer both can go either direction, and can’t know what direction the other player will go.
99 – To leave an Exit Gate at 99% opened, in order to prevent the End Game Collapse from beginning.
Adept – Achievements earned by escaping a match using only a Survivor’s 3 Unique Perks, or by achieving the Merciless Killer rating using only a Killer’s 3 Unique Perks.
Aura – The colored outline of players or objects that can be seen through walls.
Baby Dwight – A derogatory term that refers to new or unskilled Dwight players that hide in lockers a lot.
Baby Killer – A derogatory term used to refer to an unskilled or new Killer (try to be nice and not use this one).
Basement Bubba – A camping build where Bubba (The Cannibal) hooks a Survivor in the basement and then stays there, frequently while running the perk Insidious.
Beamer – Slang term for the Flashlight item.
Blendette – A derogatory term for Claudette players that dress in dark clothing and constantly hide, generally while not doing Generators or otherwise assisting their team.
Can you spot the Claudette in this screenshot?
BM – Short for “bad manner”, used to describe rude or unsportsman-like chat or behavior. See T-bag.
BNP– Acronym for Brand New Part, a toolbox add-on Survivors can bring that dramatically inreases generator repair speed.
Body Block – To impede the movement of another player by putting oneself in their path, generally done by Survivors to prevent the Killer from hooking a Survivor, or catching an injured Survivor.
Boop the Snoot – Using the point gesture to touch the snout of the Pig Killer, generally done while both players are crouching.
BT – Acronym for Survivor Perk Borrowed Time, which gives an unhooked Survivor the Endurance status effect.
Build – A loadout for Survivor or Killer — specific Perks and Addons that focus on a specific strategy.
Bully Squad – A group of Survivors, generally SWF, that don’t attempt to escape and instead focus on abusing the killer with Flashlights, T-Bagging, and perks like Head On.
Burger King Myers – A very slow Myers build that uses the Judith’s Tombstone and Vanity Mirror addons.
Camp – To stay in one area, usually near a hooked Survivor as Killer.
Cleanse – Drinking from a Plague Fountain as Survivor in order to remove Sickness.
CJ Tech – A technique in which a Survivor forces a Killer to pick up a Survivor while facing them (in order to flashlight save). This is accomplished by dropping a pallet in front of a downed Survivor; when the Killer attempts to break the pallet, the other Survivor then fast vaults the pallet twice, which blocks the Killer from breaking the pallet and instead makes their action input cause them to pick up the Survivor — and puts the other Survivor in a perfect position to flashlight save.
Clicky clicky – The sound a flashlight makes when a Survivor spams the Use Item button. See BM.
Dead Zone – An area of the map where there are no resources (pallets or loops), either because none spawned or because they have already been used.
Death Hook – A Survivor “on Death Hook” will be eliminated from the Trial if they are Hooked again. Sometimes referred to as Last Hook or 3rd Hook.
Demo – Short for Demogorgon, the Killer from the Stranger Things Chapter.
DH – Acronym for the Survivor Perk Dead Hard, which gives a Survivor a short speed burst and a moment of invulnerability.
Dorito Daddy – Nickname for the Killer Pyramid Head, because the shape of his helmet resembles a Doritos chip.
DS – Acronym for the Survivor Perk Decisive Strike, which allows a Survivor to escape from the Killer’s grasp if they’ve recently been unhooked.
Dumb Tech – When, after stunning the Killer with a pallet, the Survivor vaults the pallet towards the Killer and runs past them.
EGC – An acronym for the End Game Collapse, the time in between when an Exit Gate is opened and the game ends
Entity – The Eldritch being from the DBD lore. Feeds on hope and fear, and serves as the in-game explanation for why Survivors and Killers are put together in the Trials (the term for one round of DBD).
Exhaustion Perk – Any perk that causes the Exhausted status effect. Taking one Exhaustion Perk in your Survivor loadout is generally considered meta.
Exposed – A Status Effect that can be inflicted upon Survivors, which causes them to lose two health states when struck with a regular Killer attack.
Struggling against the Entity
Face-camping – When the Killer camps face-to-face (or very close) to a hooked Survivor.
Face check – When you accidentally run right into the Killer
Farmed off hook – When a Survivor unhooks a fellow Survivor unsafely, i.e. in front of the Killer and without Borrowed Time, for the Bloodpoints.
Farming – When players focus not on winning the match, but on maximizing Bloodpoint gain. Frequently initiated by the Killer, who can choose to not kill Survivors but instead play to ensure everyone gets as many BP as possible.
Flashy – Slang term for the Flashlight item.
Gate – Refers to an Exit Gate. There are 2 on the map, and Survivors must spend 20 seconds opening one in order to escape the Trial.
Gen/Genny – Short for generator
Gen Jockey – A derogatory phrase for when a Survivor focuses on the only objective in the game.
Gen Rush – A derogatory phrase Killers use for when Survivors do the only objective in the game. Can sometimes imply that Survivors did gens unusually quickly, either with Toolboxes, Brand New Parts, or Prove Thyself.
God Pallet – A Pallet that the Killer must always break — if this Pallet isn’t broken, a Survivor can loop the Killer around a God Pallet indefinitely.
Heartbeat – The heartbeat sound (and sometimes theme music) that can be heard while in the Killer’s Terror Radius
Hold W – When a Survivor runs in a straight line away from the Killer; considered low-skill play (though it can be the correct tactic in some situations).
Holed – When a player (usually the Killer) is knocked into a hole, generally by being hit with a pallet.
Immersed – A derogatory term used to refer to players who attempt to play stealthily.
Maybe if I stand perfectly still…
Infinite – A strong loop where the Survivor can loop the killer indefinitely — these have mostly been removed from the game, but a few infinities (or at least near-infinites) remain.
Insta-down – A Killer attack that does two health states of damage, taking a Survivor from Healthy to Dying State.
Juke – To dodge, especially an attack.
Jungle Gym – One of the tiles on the map with walls and either a Pallet, a Window, or both.
Kobe – When a Survivor successfully escapes from the hook, generally while only having the base 4% Luck.
Locker CJ – When a Survivor gets into a locker that a downed Survivor is in front of. If the Killer tries to input the Open Locker command, it will instead default to picking up the Survivor, allowing for a Head-On or Flashlight save.
Loop – Any place/object on the map where a Survivor can run from the Killer with relative safety
Looping – Running from the Killer, generally around an obstacle or window
LT Wall – Refers to a specific jungle gym layout with two walls shaped like an L and a T.
Meghead – Derogatory term for Meg Thomas players who make poor decisions
Meta – Short for meta-game, the generally agreed upon optimal way to play the game. Most Effective Tactic Available.
Mikey – Nickname for The Shape, AKA Michael Myers
Mind-game – The use of deception or misdirection to trick an opponent. For example, pretending to be heading for a Window vault and then dodging away at the last second is a mind-game Survivors can pull off.
Mirror Myers – AKA “Spooky Myers” — when the killer The Shape is using the Scratched Mirror addon that allows him to see through walls.
Moonwalk – When the Killer walks backwards in order to fool Survivors in regards to which direction they are heading (since the Killer’s red stain indicates a Killer’s facing).
Mori – A Killer Offering that allows the Killer to kill Survivors who are on Death Hook when they are in the dying state.
M1 Killer – Short for mouse 1 killer — a killer whose power doesn’t help them in chases.
NOED – Acronym for Killer Perk No One Escapes Death, a Hex Perk that causes all Survivors to be Exposed once the Exit Gates are powered.
Obsession – The player currently marked as the Obsession, which relates to a variety of Killer/Survivor Perks.
OoO – Acronym for the Survivor perk Object of Obsession.
Pip (n) – Pips are gained or lost at the end of each trial, and determine a player’s rank.
Pip (v) – To gain at least 1 pip.
Pokos – A hit that shouldn’t have hit, that did.
Pop – Short for the Killer Perk Pop Goes the Weasel, which allows Killers to dramatically regress a Generator’s progress by kicking it after hooking a Survivor.
Proxy-camp – To protect a Hooked Survivor as Killer, but while still patrolling a fair distance away from the hook.
RBT – Reverse Bear Trap, the Pig’s special power, which puts a removable death-helmet on Survivors
Realm – The Entity’s Realm, where the Trials take place and where the Campfire is.
Ruin – Short for the Killer perk Hex: Ruin
Sandbag – To act in a way that causes your teammates to be caught or lose, or to otherwise intentionally lose the game. Sometimes done in order to lower one’s rank.
Slug – When a Killer leaves a Survivor on the ground in the dying state instead of picking them up.
Snowball – A momentum lead that continues to build, like a snowball rolling down a hill. Usually refers to Killer leads.
Stretched – Refers to when Survivors play with stretched resolution that allows them to see over obstacles they usually wouldn’t. (This was cheating, and has been removed from the game.)
Sweat – A derogatory term used to describe a player who plays to win.
SWF – Acronym for Survive With Friends, the multiplayer feature of DBD. Used to refer to players who queued together.
A couple of slugs on an altar
T-bag – To crouch repeatedly. Usually meant as a rude gesture.
Tech – Short for technique, refers to a specific tactic, e.g. CJ Tech, Window Tech, etc
Terror Radius – The range from the Killer in which you can hear the Heartbeat.
Tiered Up – When Killers The Shape or The Plague gain a tier of power; The Shape gains new abilities with each tier, while The Plague gains an Insta-Down when she drinks from a fountain someone cleansed from.
Tile – Unit of measurement for the DBD map. A tile can contain a random element (like a Jungle Gym or a Pallet), or can be part of a larger/fixed map feature.
TL Wall – Refers to a specific jungle gym layout with two walls shaped like an L and a T.
Token – Many perks start with or gain tokens that influence how the perk functions.
Tunnel – To chase and hook only one survivor, ignoring the other Survivors until the tunneled player is dead.
Vommy Mommy – Nickname for The Plague
Window Tech – A technique where the Survivor crouches very close to a window immediately after vaulting it, in an attempt to hide from the Killer.
We hope this Dead By Daylight Dictionary was helpful! Let us know if we missed any important DBD terms via the comment section below.
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.
CJ Tech: With a downed survivor next to a pallet. its a tech that forces the killer to pick up the survivor when they try to break a pallet when you quick vault it. Making window for a forced flashlight save.
Not sure what FOV is. just field of view id imagine like stretched monitors for more viewing room?
Dumb Tech: After preferably stunning a killer with a pallet quick vault over it toward the killer and keep running. usually makes the killer attack the pallet out of confusion hence “dumb”
Fov Tech: you run next to the killer (while he’s facing you) and as you reach their leg, you crouch, making it seem to them like you ran past, giving an opportunity to run away.
An FOV tech is a form of 360 where the survivor only spins with their movement stick which causes them to rotate either around the killer or get right in their fact which throws them off. The easiest kind of 360 is the FOV tech
FOV is a tech where survivor attempt to run towards killer and then run away, fooling killer to think that the survivor sneak behind him since his field of view is always first person( this is usually done right after killer perform M1 attack)
Watch Skerms or Ayrun’s video since they tends to do it a lot
3 years ago
could you add Beamer? – it’s another term used for a flashlight (also add in flashy?)
Thought of several more:
Respect the pallet: to avoid a pallet stun by stepping back before the survivor throws the pallet down.
Eat the pallet: the opposite of respecting the pallet; you let yourself get stunned to then take the pallet out of the game.
Squadette: A squad of 4 Claudettes, all probably running self-care.
Billy: the Hillbilly.
Space Billy: a glitch where the Hillbilly can catapult himself into his sky via revving his chainsaw.
Jeryl: a cosmetic glitch where the head of James Sunderland (a Cheryl Mason legendary skin) is put onto Cheryl’s body.
Devour: short for Hex: Devour Hope.
Dribbling: dropping and picking up a survivor several times, normally to avoid getting stunned by Decisive Strike.
Moondash: a Pig tech where she does the ambush attack backwards.
Nemi: short for Nemesis, the killer from the Resident Evil chapter.
Iri: short for Iridescent, a type of emblems (red, the highest grade) and add-ons (red, Ultra Rare add-ons).
2 years ago
Here’s quite a few since you asked if you missed some (I apologize that it’s long but I know you’re trying to complete the list):
– Some of these seem a bit dated. I don’t think anyone calls Object of Obsession OoO anymore. I think it’s just called “Object.”
– There’s also “TnL Wall” or “T n’ L Wall” rather than “TL Wall”
– You also use the word derogatory a lot for words that I don’t think are necessarily derogatory such as Baby Killer, Baby Dwight yeah but Baby Killer seems to be used more to mean an unexperienced killer and nothing else.
– “Bubba” referring to the real name of the Cannibal as well as” Leather face” referring to his nickname
– “Cow Tree” referring to the tree on all Coldwind Farm maps that contains a sacrificial butchered cow spread across it.
– “Big Building” which typically refers to whichever building is on the map that is not the killer shack (provided it is an outdoor map)
– “Iri” as a shortform of Iridescent. “Iri head” for instance (Iridescent Head a huntress add-on) or “Iri add-ons” to refer to the Ultra-rare add-ons
– I noticed “Shack” was missing since it’s technically shortform for Killer Shack
– “Cross map” was replaced with “Snipe/Sniped.” “Cross Map” now means when survivors cross the map from where they spawn (usually where the killer spawned, thereby making the killer cross the map twice to return to their spawn point)
– I think you should remove “Ruin” since most people just drop “Hex:” when referring to a Hex perk (though NoED is an exception since it’s an acronym”
– “Solo Q” to refer to readying up as a survivor by yourself
– “Black pip” to refer to the safety pip (a pip used to help rank up in case you failed to get an actual pip.)
– “Juice/Juiceing/Juiced” which usually means you’re gonna take everything (mostly their time) from the killer.
– “Roblox censorship” or “Roblox chat,” a more niche term used to describe the poorly made censorship for the endgame chat
– “BP” to refer to Bloodpoints, the game’s primary currency
– “Zoomin” technically not a DBD term but it’s used a lot to refer to killers that are moving very fast, either from NoED, their power, or add-ons
– “Moth(s)” which IS derogatory and refers to killers (usually inexperienced killers) that don’t understand you can move the camera up/down to avoid being blinded by the flashlight
– “P#” in which # is any number between 1 and 100 to refer to the prestige level of a character
– “DC” to refer to the action of a player disconnecting from a match
– Some people call Nemesis “Nemmie” or possibly “Nemmy”
– Technically you can or should include “Pinhead” since that name isn’t used as his real name or his killer name (Elliot/Cenobite respectively)
– “PH” for Pyramid Head
– “Sadako” referring to the real name of Onryo
– “Heather” to refer to Cheryl Mason (her other name (don’t know why she has two but whatever)
Killer Perk Nicknames since you did some:
– “BBQ” and “Barbeque” for Barbeque and Chili is missing
– There’s “Devour” to refer to Hex: Devour Hope
– “Nurse’s” to refer to Nurse’s Calling
– “Corrupt” to refer to Corrupt Intervention
– “Franklin’s” to refer to Franklin’s Demise
– “Haunted” to refer to Hex: Haunted Grounds
– “Infectious” to refer to Infectious Fright
– “Lethal” to refer to Lethal Pursuit
– “Monitor” to refer to Monitor and Abuse
– “PWYF” or “PwYF” to refer to Play with Your Food
– “StBfL” or “STBFL” to refer to Save the Best for Last
– “Sloppy” to refer to Sloppy Butcher
– “Thana” or “Thanata” to refer to Thanataphobia
Survivor Perk Nicknames since you did OoO
– “Decisive” as an alternate nickname to DS
– “MoM” to refer to Mettle of Man
– “OtR” to refer to Off the Record (A fairly new addition actually)
– “Plunderer’s” to refer to Plunderer’s Instinct
– “Prove” to refer to Prove Thyself
– “Repressed” to refer to Repressed Alliance
Map nicknames if you want them:
– “Wrecker’s” referring to Wrecker’s Yard from the AutoHaven Wrecker’s Realm.
– “Cowshed” referring to Fractured Cow Shed from the Coldwind Farm map. (Also “Coldwind” itself is shortform of Coldwind Farm)
– “Father Campbell’s” referring to Father Campbell’s Chapel from the Crotus Prenn Asylum. (As well as “Crotus Prenn” itself a shortform of Crotus Prenn Asylum)
– “The Swamp” referring to all Backwater Swamp maps
– “Lery’s” referring to the Treatment Theatre map
– “Badham” referring to all Badham Preschool maps
– “Hawkins” referring to Hawkins National Laboratory (figured I’d add this since you have demo on there)
– “Midwich” referring to Midwich Elementary School map
– “RCPD” to refer to Racoon City Police Department map
– “Eyrie” to refer to Eyrie of Crows map
Thanks for the detailed list! No worries on the length, it may prevent me from putting them all into the guide as quickly, but I’m sure other players will still be able to appreciate your effort in the meantime 🙂
2 years ago
Face check – running into the killer face first, unintentionally
Farmed Off Hook: Being unhooked directly in front of a killer, usually resulting in an instant down. (Called this because all it really does is give bp to the unhooker)
Cross Map: Term used to describe a good huntress player hitting a hatchet from across the map, based on a guess on where the survs would be.
360: Running a quick circle around the killer, causing them to miss their attack.
Build: A variety of perks and add ons based around a specific strategy.
Bully Squad: A swf group that doesnt play to escape, but only to troll the killer as much as possible with repeated blinds, headon, teabagging, and the like.
– Bunny Tech – A Survivor DCing at a comedic moment (usually intentional).
– Juicer – Outplaying the opposing side with a skilled play (eg 360).
– Juiced – Referring to the person who has just been outplayed.
– Getting Dedicated – Referring to DBD’s dedicated servers acting up, usually resulting in a survivor being hit when they seemingly shouldn’t be, much like ‘Pokos’.
2 years ago
M1 Killer – a killer whose power doesn’t help them in chases.
Infinite – a really good loop where the survivor can evade the killer indefinitely.
Stack – synonym for token.
OoO – Object of Obsession.
Ruin – short for Hex: Ruin.
LT Wall / T-L Wall – a specific Jungle Gym layout with two walls, shaped like an L and a T.
Mirror Myers/Spooky Myers – a Myers with a Scratched Mirror add-on.
Burger King Myers – a very slow Myers build with Judith’s Tombstone and Vanity Mirror.
CJ Tech – The killer is standing over a downed survivor right next to a dropped pallet. You are on the opposite side of the pallet with a Flashlight.
Vault the pallet to interrupt the killer’s “Break Pallet” prompt, causing them to pick up the downed survivor. Vault back over and Flashlight save them.
This can be done in a multitude of ways, even including 1 survivor vaulting as a 2nd saves with a flashlight!
FOV Tech – A blanket term for running up to the killer in a deliberate manner to hide just out of their FOV (Field of View). Common strats include running up to the killer and crouching before turning back, just after a killer has broken a pallet.
Dumb Tech – Vaulting a pallet to the killer’s side after stunning them with it. This could also be considered a form of FOV Tech.
Last edited 2 years ago by JamIsNotMyName
2 years ago
There’s also the dolphin tech, Where as nurse she blinks down a floor and then back up to hit the survivor, intentionally
2 years ago
Don’t forget to add “gumping it” to hold w and not loop just run as far as possible. And FOV tech FOV means field of vision and it’s used to make the killer lose sight of you and get confused by running at then and ducking or circling around them throwing them off cause they can’t see you
2 years ago
The two zombies, Male and Female, are nicknamed Bob and Karen (or other variations, like Kevin and Karen) in some circles, and there was a meme going around that jokingly showed the changes after Stranger Things went off the menu due to losing the license: “Stanley Herington,” “Grancy Steller,” and “Greg” as the Demogorgon / Doggy / Doggo.
“Big Brained” refers to a player that doesn’t fall for a Mind-Game, aka “200 IQ”, aka “He’s a KNOWER! / He KNOWS!”
“Smol Brained” has teh dumb.
“Getting Holed:” trying to bait a Killer into falling down a hole or off the edge of an upper story to where there isn’t a quick way back up.
“Holed myself:” accidentally falling down the hole yourself, smol brained, pulling a dumb.
“Pre-slam” is when an unseasoned player drops a pallet prematurely without hitting the Killer. Seasoned players will sometimes do this while being chased by a ranged Killer.
“Throwing” can mean throwing down a pallet, or losing the match on purpose, depending. eg “Throwing Shack!”
“Pre-fire” is aiming ranged attacks and shooting where you think a Survivor is going to appear around an object or corner, taken from FPS game slang.
“Juke” taken from US football players using evasive maneuvers to avoid being tackled. “He’s got the jukes!”
“Jebaited:” falling for a mind-game. Taken from the Twitch global emote Jebaited, modeled after Alex Jebailey. Basically a mash up term representing that someone was baited into doing something and falling for it. “I got jebaited into holing myself by the big brain.”
“Broken Ankles:” looping and juking a Killer long enough without being caught until they give up chase, or even rage-quit the match. “I just broke that dude’s ankles!”
“Vommy Mommy” The Plague
“Sexy Legs” Michael Myers in the hospital gown.
“Bing Bong / Ding Dong” The Wraith
Pyramid Head aka “Daddy Dorito” due to the “triangle” shape of his helmet.
“Dead Zone” an area of the map that has no help to the Survivor because it lacks something like a TL, vault, or the pallets that were there have already been thrown. This could also be used in reference to a Killer having nothing but broken hooks nearby, allowing a caught Survivor to wiggle free.
“Holding me Hostage:” when either a Killer or Survivor prevents the game from ending on purpose via exploits in the map or game’s mechanics. Bad Manners. eg “He’s holding me hostage by wiggling out and running to a dead zone so I can’t hook him.”
“Toxic ” a character using a playstyle trait perceived by the general community to be associated with that specific character. eg Toxic Feng running around the map siccing the Killer in chase onto other Survivors because they’re trying to troll or complete a challenge, etc. Toxic David, a Shirtless David skin trying to jebait the Killer into chasing for the sole purpose of looping, bullying, making plays. Toxic Nea, walking around with Urban Evasion perk crab walking (crouched the entire time).
“Crab Walking” crouching and walking at the same time. Old FPS slang.
“Back Rubs” refers to a player healing another player, due to the animation of the player doing the healing running their hands over the injured player’s back. “Quick, follow me to the boon and give me back rubs!”
“Butt touches” long running meme, most likely going back to Tina from Bob’s Burger’s butt obsession, which became Twitch slang for fondly caring about someone else. “I can’t wait to meet you at Twitch con so I can touch your butt!” Survivors using the point emote while behind someone, including the Killer to poke their butt. Can also mean the Killer is ready to strike a Survivor in chase, “oh my god I’m in a dead zone and he’s gonna touch my butt!”
“Mind-Gamed myself / himself” when a big brain player is too big brain going against a smol brain fresh player, to where they attempt to predict where the other player will move but it doesn’t work out because the fresh player doesn’t know any big brain moves yet. eg a Killer predicting what a Survivor is going to do and instead of them doing it they just hold W and run away into the open instead, leaving you staring at an empty doorway or window.
“Cracked” super crazy good, tryhard, skilled.
“Tiered Up” eg Michael Myers’ power involves 3 Tiers of power. eg “He’s Tiering Up / He’s Tiered Up!” or Vommy Mommy with the insta-down puke.
“Insta-Down” 1 Hit and you’re down to the ground in the slug state, skipping your other two health states.
“Save / Going for the Save” attempting to rescue another Survivor from a hook, or using a flashlight or pallet to stun the Killer to free the captured Survivor.
I think it would be nice if you added some more etymology, where the slang came from, for references, to your terms. Make it more in-depth. Sorry these are hastily written and not in Alphabetical order.
3 months ago
Can you add the term “holed”? Its mostly used when you put a killer in a hole from the top floor of a map that leads to the lower floor, like the gaps in Gideon Meat Packing with the pallet that if done right, can knock the killer into the hole, and the term “Mikey” that shows its a Myers as the killer, and can you add “Locker CJ” too? Its where you hop into a locker with a downed survivor in front of it while in chase, and when the killer tries to open the locker, you flashlight/ flashbang save them. And finally, can you add the term “cleanse” for getting rid of the Plague vomit. Thanks!
Some dude
3 years ago
BNP – Brand new Parts
Pokos – a hit that shouldn’t have hit
Tech, and it’s forms? I.e. FOV, Window, CJ tech and dumb tech
I know about window techs, but can you inform me about CJ, FOV and dumb techs?
CJ Tech: With a downed survivor next to a pallet. its a tech that forces the killer to pick up the survivor when they try to break a pallet when you quick vault it. Making window for a forced flashlight save.
Not sure what FOV is. just field of view id imagine like stretched monitors for more viewing room?
Dumb Tech: After preferably stunning a killer with a pallet quick vault over it toward the killer and keep running. usually makes the killer attack the pallet out of confusion hence “dumb”
– hope that helps
Thanks KitKev, I’ll update the dictionary!
Fov Tech: you run next to the killer (while he’s facing you) and as you reach their leg, you crouch, making it seem to them like you ran past, giving an opportunity to run away.
An FOV tech is a form of 360 where the survivor only spins with their movement stick which causes them to rotate either around the killer or get right in their fact which throws them off. The easiest kind of 360 is the FOV tech
FOV is a tech where survivor attempt to run towards killer and then run away, fooling killer to think that the survivor sneak behind him since his field of view is always first person( this is usually done right after killer perform M1 attack)
Watch Skerms or Ayrun’s video since they tends to do it a lot
could you add Beamer? – it’s another term used for a flashlight (also add in flashy?)
Thanks Trixtr, I’ll add those!
Thought of several more:
Respect the pallet: to avoid a pallet stun by stepping back before the survivor throws the pallet down.
Eat the pallet: the opposite of respecting the pallet; you let yourself get stunned to then take the pallet out of the game.
Squadette: A squad of 4 Claudettes, all probably running self-care.
Billy: the Hillbilly.
Space Billy: a glitch where the Hillbilly can catapult himself into his sky via revving his chainsaw.
Jeryl: a cosmetic glitch where the head of James Sunderland (a Cheryl Mason legendary skin) is put onto Cheryl’s body.
Devour: short for Hex: Devour Hope.
Dribbling: dropping and picking up a survivor several times, normally to avoid getting stunned by Decisive Strike.
Moondash: a Pig tech where she does the ambush attack backwards.
Nemi: short for Nemesis, the killer from the Resident Evil chapter.
Iri: short for Iridescent, a type of emblems (red, the highest grade) and add-ons (red, Ultra Rare add-ons).
Here’s quite a few since you asked if you missed some (I apologize that it’s long but I know you’re trying to complete the list):
– Some of these seem a bit dated. I don’t think anyone calls Object of Obsession OoO anymore. I think it’s just called “Object.”
– There’s also “TnL Wall” or “T n’ L Wall” rather than “TL Wall”
– You also use the word derogatory a lot for words that I don’t think are necessarily derogatory such as Baby Killer, Baby Dwight yeah but Baby Killer seems to be used more to mean an unexperienced killer and nothing else.
– “Bubba” referring to the real name of the Cannibal as well as” Leather face” referring to his nickname
– “Cow Tree” referring to the tree on all Coldwind Farm maps that contains a sacrificial butchered cow spread across it.
– “Big Building” which typically refers to whichever building is on the map that is not the killer shack (provided it is an outdoor map)
– “Iri” as a shortform of Iridescent. “Iri head” for instance (Iridescent Head a huntress add-on) or “Iri add-ons” to refer to the Ultra-rare add-ons
– I noticed “Shack” was missing since it’s technically shortform for Killer Shack
– “Cross map” was replaced with “Snipe/Sniped.” “Cross Map” now means when survivors cross the map from where they spawn (usually where the killer spawned, thereby making the killer cross the map twice to return to their spawn point)
– I think you should remove “Ruin” since most people just drop “Hex:” when referring to a Hex perk (though NoED is an exception since it’s an acronym”
– “Solo Q” to refer to readying up as a survivor by yourself
– “Black pip” to refer to the safety pip (a pip used to help rank up in case you failed to get an actual pip.)
– “Juice/Juiceing/Juiced” which usually means you’re gonna take everything (mostly their time) from the killer.
– “Roblox censorship” or “Roblox chat,” a more niche term used to describe the poorly made censorship for the endgame chat
– “BP” to refer to Bloodpoints, the game’s primary currency
– “Zoomin” technically not a DBD term but it’s used a lot to refer to killers that are moving very fast, either from NoED, their power, or add-ons
– “Moth(s)” which IS derogatory and refers to killers (usually inexperienced killers) that don’t understand you can move the camera up/down to avoid being blinded by the flashlight
– “P#” in which # is any number between 1 and 100 to refer to the prestige level of a character
– “DC” to refer to the action of a player disconnecting from a match
– Some people call Nemesis “Nemmie” or possibly “Nemmy”
– Technically you can or should include “Pinhead” since that name isn’t used as his real name or his killer name (Elliot/Cenobite respectively)
– “PH” for Pyramid Head
– “Sadako” referring to the real name of Onryo
– “Heather” to refer to Cheryl Mason (her other name (don’t know why she has two but whatever)
Killer Perk Nicknames since you did some:
– “BBQ” and “Barbeque” for Barbeque and Chili is missing
– There’s “Devour” to refer to Hex: Devour Hope
– “Nurse’s” to refer to Nurse’s Calling
– “Corrupt” to refer to Corrupt Intervention
– “Franklin’s” to refer to Franklin’s Demise
– “Haunted” to refer to Hex: Haunted Grounds
– “Infectious” to refer to Infectious Fright
– “Lethal” to refer to Lethal Pursuit
– “Monitor” to refer to Monitor and Abuse
– “PWYF” or “PwYF” to refer to Play with Your Food
– “StBfL” or “STBFL” to refer to Save the Best for Last
– “Sloppy” to refer to Sloppy Butcher
– “Thana” or “Thanata” to refer to Thanataphobia
Survivor Perk Nicknames since you did OoO
– “Decisive” as an alternate nickname to DS
– “MoM” to refer to Mettle of Man
– “OtR” to refer to Off the Record (A fairly new addition actually)
– “Plunderer’s” to refer to Plunderer’s Instinct
– “Prove” to refer to Prove Thyself
– “Repressed” to refer to Repressed Alliance
Map nicknames if you want them:
– “Wrecker’s” referring to Wrecker’s Yard from the AutoHaven Wrecker’s Realm.
– “Cowshed” referring to Fractured Cow Shed from the Coldwind Farm map. (Also “Coldwind” itself is shortform of Coldwind Farm)
– “Father Campbell’s” referring to Father Campbell’s Chapel from the Crotus Prenn Asylum. (As well as “Crotus Prenn” itself a shortform of Crotus Prenn Asylum)
– “The Swamp” referring to all Backwater Swamp maps
– “Lery’s” referring to the Treatment Theatre map
– “Badham” referring to all Badham Preschool maps
– “Hawkins” referring to Hawkins National Laboratory (figured I’d add this since you have demo on there)
– “Midwich” referring to Midwich Elementary School map
– “RCPD” to refer to Racoon City Police Department map
– “Eyrie” to refer to Eyrie of Crows map
Thanks for the detailed list! No worries on the length, it may prevent me from putting them all into the guide as quickly, but I’m sure other players will still be able to appreciate your effort in the meantime 🙂
Face check – running into the killer face first, unintentionally
ginny? for engine
Hey, yeah! I’ll add that and the diminutive ‘gen’ as well, thank you for your suggestion.
caca bean
Sorry photobombed, I can’t really add that to the slang dictionary without a definition attached to it.
What about RBN or something starting with R?
RBT is a reverse bear trap, which is the Pig’s special ability, could you be thinking of that?
Okay, here we goooo
dont forget:
Clicky Click- Spam flashlight, very rude
Gen Jockey
Basement Bubba
Thanks Zonia, I’ll add these suggestions.
Farmed Off Hook: Being unhooked directly in front of a killer, usually resulting in an instant down. (Called this because all it really does is give bp to the unhooker)
Cross Map: Term used to describe a good huntress player hitting a hatchet from across the map, based on a guess on where the survs would be.
360: Running a quick circle around the killer, causing them to miss their attack.
Build: A variety of perks and add ons based around a specific strategy.
Bully Squad: A swf group that doesnt play to escape, but only to troll the killer as much as possible with repeated blinds, headon, teabagging, and the like.
More good ones, thanks Zonia!
– Bunny Tech – A Survivor DCing at a comedic moment (usually intentional).
– Juicer – Outplaying the opposing side with a skilled play (eg 360).
– Juiced – Referring to the person who has just been outplayed.
– Getting Dedicated – Referring to DBD’s dedicated servers acting up, usually resulting in a survivor being hit when they seemingly shouldn’t be, much like ‘Pokos’.
M1 Killer – a killer whose power doesn’t help them in chases.
Infinite – a really good loop where the survivor can evade the killer indefinitely.
Stack – synonym for token.
OoO – Object of Obsession.
Ruin – short for Hex: Ruin.
LT Wall / T-L Wall – a specific Jungle Gym layout with two walls, shaped like an L and a T.
Mirror Myers/Spooky Myers – a Myers with a Scratched Mirror add-on.
Burger King Myers – a very slow Myers build with Judith’s Tombstone and Vanity Mirror.
Nice suggestions, thanks M K.
As bin as you asked!
CJ Tech – The killer is standing over a downed survivor right next to a dropped pallet. You are on the opposite side of the pallet with a Flashlight.
Vault the pallet to interrupt the killer’s “Break Pallet” prompt, causing them to pick up the downed survivor. Vault back over and Flashlight save them.
This can be done in a multitude of ways, even including 1 survivor vaulting as a 2nd saves with a flashlight!
FOV Tech – A blanket term for running up to the killer in a deliberate manner to hide just out of their FOV (Field of View). Common strats include running up to the killer and crouching before turning back, just after a killer has broken a pallet.
Dumb Tech – Vaulting a pallet to the killer’s side after stunning them with it. This could also be considered a form of FOV Tech.
There’s also the dolphin tech, Where as nurse she blinks down a floor and then back up to hit the survivor, intentionally
Don’t forget to add “gumping it” to hold w and not loop just run as far as possible. And FOV tech FOV means field of vision and it’s used to make the killer lose sight of you and get confused by running at then and ducking or circling around them throwing them off cause they can’t see you
The two zombies, Male and Female, are nicknamed Bob and Karen (or other variations, like Kevin and Karen) in some circles, and there was a meme going around that jokingly showed the changes after Stranger Things went off the menu due to losing the license: “Stanley Herington,” “Grancy Steller,” and “Greg” as the Demogorgon / Doggy / Doggo.
“Big Brained” refers to a player that doesn’t fall for a Mind-Game, aka “200 IQ”, aka “He’s a KNOWER! / He KNOWS!”
“Smol Brained” has teh dumb.
“Getting Holed:” trying to bait a Killer into falling down a hole or off the edge of an upper story to where there isn’t a quick way back up.
“Holed myself:” accidentally falling down the hole yourself, smol brained, pulling a dumb.
“Pre-slam” is when an unseasoned player drops a pallet prematurely without hitting the Killer. Seasoned players will sometimes do this while being chased by a ranged Killer.
“Throwing” can mean throwing down a pallet, or losing the match on purpose, depending. eg “Throwing Shack!”
“Pre-fire” is aiming ranged attacks and shooting where you think a Survivor is going to appear around an object or corner, taken from FPS game slang.
“Juke” taken from US football players using evasive maneuvers to avoid being tackled. “He’s got the jukes!”
“Jebaited:” falling for a mind-game. Taken from the Twitch global emote Jebaited, modeled after Alex Jebailey. Basically a mash up term representing that someone was baited into doing something and falling for it. “I got jebaited into holing myself by the big brain.”
“Broken Ankles:” looping and juking a Killer long enough without being caught until they give up chase, or even rage-quit the match. “I just broke that dude’s ankles!”
“Vommy Mommy” The Plague
“Sexy Legs” Michael Myers in the hospital gown.
“Bing Bong / Ding Dong” The Wraith
Pyramid Head aka “Daddy Dorito” due to the “triangle” shape of his helmet.
“Dead Zone” an area of the map that has no help to the Survivor because it lacks something like a TL, vault, or the pallets that were there have already been thrown. This could also be used in reference to a Killer having nothing but broken hooks nearby, allowing a caught Survivor to wiggle free.
“Holding me Hostage:” when either a Killer or Survivor prevents the game from ending on purpose via exploits in the map or game’s mechanics. Bad Manners. eg “He’s holding me hostage by wiggling out and running to a dead zone so I can’t hook him.”
“Toxic ” a character using a playstyle trait perceived by the general community to be associated with that specific character. eg Toxic Feng running around the map siccing the Killer in chase onto other Survivors because they’re trying to troll or complete a challenge, etc. Toxic David, a Shirtless David skin trying to jebait the Killer into chasing for the sole purpose of looping, bullying, making plays. Toxic Nea, walking around with Urban Evasion perk crab walking (crouched the entire time).
“Crab Walking” crouching and walking at the same time. Old FPS slang.
“Back Rubs” refers to a player healing another player, due to the animation of the player doing the healing running their hands over the injured player’s back. “Quick, follow me to the boon and give me back rubs!”
“Butt touches” long running meme, most likely going back to Tina from Bob’s Burger’s butt obsession, which became Twitch slang for fondly caring about someone else. “I can’t wait to meet you at Twitch con so I can touch your butt!” Survivors using the point emote while behind someone, including the Killer to poke their butt. Can also mean the Killer is ready to strike a Survivor in chase, “oh my god I’m in a dead zone and he’s gonna touch my butt!”
“Mind-Gamed myself / himself” when a big brain player is too big brain going against a smol brain fresh player, to where they attempt to predict where the other player will move but it doesn’t work out because the fresh player doesn’t know any big brain moves yet. eg a Killer predicting what a Survivor is going to do and instead of them doing it they just hold W and run away into the open instead, leaving you staring at an empty doorway or window.
“Cracked” super crazy good, tryhard, skilled.
“Tiered Up” eg Michael Myers’ power involves 3 Tiers of power. eg “He’s Tiering Up / He’s Tiered Up!” or Vommy Mommy with the insta-down puke.
“Insta-Down” 1 Hit and you’re down to the ground in the slug state, skipping your other two health states.
“Save / Going for the Save” attempting to rescue another Survivor from a hook, or using a flashlight or pallet to stun the Killer to free the captured Survivor.
I think it would be nice if you added some more etymology, where the slang came from, for references, to your terms. Make it more in-depth. Sorry these are hastily written and not in Alphabetical order.
Can you add the term “holed”? Its mostly used when you put a killer in a hole from the top floor of a map that leads to the lower floor, like the gaps in Gideon Meat Packing with the pallet that if done right, can knock the killer into the hole, and the term “Mikey” that shows its a Myers as the killer, and can you add “Locker CJ” too? Its where you hop into a locker with a downed survivor in front of it while in chase, and when the killer tries to open the locker, you flashlight/ flashbang save them. And finally, can you add the term “cleanse” for getting rid of the Plague vomit. Thanks!
BNP – Brand new Parts
Pokos – a hit that shouldn’t have hit
Thanks, I’ll add those!
Hex ? Hex perk?
Queue ?
Thank you for the suggestions, but I’m not sure these qualify as slang, since they’re terms actually used in the in-game text.