Best Wraith Add-Ons – Dead by Daylight

Like most Killers, Wraith has a wide range of Add-ons for his power, the Wailing Bell. These include some incredibly powerful ultra-rare add-ons, some useless commons, plus plenty that fall somewhere in the middle. In this guide, we’ll discuss all of Wraith’s add-ons, give tips for how to use them, and list which add-ons are the best choices.

Let’s get the most important part out of the way first! These are the best add-ons for Wraith:

  • wraith addon all seeing spirit dead by daylight“All Seeing” – Spirit
  • wraith addon coxcombedclapper dead by daylightCoxcombed Clapper
  • wraith dead by daylight addon allseeing blood“All Seeing” – Blood
  • wraith dead by daylight fulliconaddon windstorm blood“Wind Storm” – Blood
  • wraith dead by daylight addon windstorm white“Wind Storm” – White
  • wraith dead by daylight addon windstorm mud“Wind Storm” – Mud
  • wraith dead by daylight addon boneclapperBone Clapper
  • wraith dead by daylight addon theghost soot“The Ghost” – Soot

Both clappers are on the list — the ultra rare Coxcombed Clapper completely muffles the Wailing Bell, and the Bone Clapper makes it impossible to tell the location of the bell. In both cases, the clappers make hiding your location and sneaking up on Survivors easier, which is generally Wraith’s whole gameplan for getting Survivors Injured. The Bone Clapper can also scare Survivors who you aren’t near, since it makes the bell ring across the map.

All the “Wind Storm” add-ons are present as well, because one of Wraith’s biggest strengths is his speed while cloaked — increasing his movement speed while cloaked makes him even better at patrolling and catching Survivors. The rarer the Wind Storm, the faster it lets you go while cloaked, but they’re all powerful.

The “All Seeing” – Spirit add-on lets you see the repair progress of gens via their auras, which is incredibly useful information; it lets you know exactly where you need to be to defend the generators. “All-Seeing – Blood” lets you see Survivors through walls at close range, which is obviously powerful; this is especially strong on small and indoor maps.

Finally, there’s a common add-on on the list! While “The Ghost” – Soot isn’t as powerful as the other add-ons considered “best”, as far as common add-ons go, it may be one of the strongest in the whole game. By suppressing your Terror Radius and Red Stain for 6 seconds after uncloaking, you can uncloak early and surprise Survivors, since they’ll think they’re safe when they hear the bell but then don’t hear the Terror Radius. This add-on is tough to use effectively by itself, but is very strong when combined with either of the clapper add-ons, since Survivors won’t have any idea you’re uncloaking near them.

wraith addon all seeing spirit dead by daylight“All Seeing” – Spirit

When cloaked, the brightness of generator Auras indicates their Repair progression. Generator auras will start white and progressively become redder as they near completion.

Excellent Choice. DBD is a game of imperfect information, and knowing where you need to be at any given moment can be the most difficult — not to mention the most important — part of playing Killer. This add-on removes that struggle, by letting you know which gens are closest to completion. Not only does this let you know which gens you need to go and defend, it also gives you an idea of where the Survivors are (since you can assume gens with significant progression have Survivors working on them).

Using this add-on: You’re cloaked often, so it isn’t hard to get utility out of this add-on. Make sure that each time you cloak, you’re inspecting all the generator auras, and prioritizing guarding the generators that are the reddest (closest to completion). Since you’ll often be able to tell where multiple groups of Survivors are, you can take advantage of this information — try to chase Survivors off of one generator towards the other gen(s) you want to protect; sometimes just hearing your Terror Radius will scare Survivors off of gens.

wraith addon coxcombedclapper dead by daylightCoxcombed Clapper

Silences the Wailing Bell completely.

Excellent Choice. Usually, nearby Survivors can hear the Wailing Bell when Wraith cloaks/uncloaks, giving them a chance to run to a loop or hide. With the Coxcombed Clapper, the bell becomes completely silent, making it much, much easier to surprise Survivors when uncloaking. This add-on also passively applies pressure because, unlike with a normal, noisy bell, Survivors have to constantly be wary of you appearing at any moment. Additionally, it allows for stronger mind-games on tall loops, since it’s impossible to tell when you’re uncloaking and going for a hit.

Using this add-on: When combined with “The Ghost” – Soot add-on, you can uncloak silently and approach with no Terror Radius or Red stain, making this add-on even stronger. With gens that have cover nearby, you should try and uncloak while out of vision, then use the movement speed bonus from uncloaking to try and grab the Survivor off of the generator.

wraith dead by daylight addon allseeing blood“All Seeing” – Blood

When cloaked, Survivor Auras are visible within 8 meters of your location.

Excellent Choice. Like with the other All Seeing add-on, the strength with this add-on comes from the knowledge it grants you. While 8 meters isn’t particularly far, Wraith can move so quickly that you still end up finding a lot of Survivors with this add-on.

Using this add-on: It shines on indoor maps and maps with large main buildings in particular — there being two stories dramatically expands the effective range of the effect, so consider using Offerings for indoor maps with this add-on. Movement speed also helps you take advantage of the aura reading, so Wind Storm add-ons can be good choices for your second add-on slot.

wraith dead by daylight addon shadowdance blood“Shadow Dance” – Blood

Increases the Action speeds for breaking Walls and Pallets, kicking generators, and vaulting windows by 60% while cloaked.

OK choice. While 60% is a big increase, it’s on an action that takes 1-3 seconds, so ultimately you aren’t saving that much time. Not a terrible option, but a relatively average add-on. It can be good when combined with wraith dead by daylight addon theserpent soot (2)“The Serpent” – Soot, since it lets you uncloak while kicking a pallet, then immediately chase the Survivor without having to uncloak.

Using this add-on: You can definitely surprise Survivors by being able to vault windows quickly, especially when trying to play around loops like the shack. You can also combine it with perks like Brutal Strength, Fire Up, or Bamboozle — anything that lets you kick gens/doors/pallets or vault windows faster synergizes well with this add-on. You can combo this with wraith dead by daylight addon theserpent soot (2)“The Serpent” – Soot to good effect — more on this in the section on The Serpent.

wraith dead by daylight addon swifthunt blood“Swift Hunt” – Blood

Reduces uncloaking time by -12%.

OK choice. This takes the uncloak time from 3 seconds to 2.64 seconds, which is nice, but not particularly game-changing. Often, if you’re successfully chasing Survivors, you’re body-blocking the window/pallet/loop anyway, so the reduced time to uncloak doesn’t matter much. Really ends up having more of an impact against high-skill players, since they know the uncloak time and might try and play around it.

Using this add-on: This add-on makes using the speed boost from uncloaking on loops stronger. It also makes it easier to commit to chases, since it might give you the extra half a second you need to uncloak before the Survivor reaches a window or pallet.

wraith dead by daylight addon windstorm blood“Wind Storm” – Blood

Increases cloaked movement speed by +9%.

Excellent Choice. Wraith’s ability to move around the map quickly while cloaked is perhaps his greatest strength, and this add-on amplifies that strength. Not only does it mean you can patrol faster, it also lets you end chases quicker by catching up to Survivors and cutting them off from pallets and windows.

Using this add-on: Take advantage of the increased move speed by always being cloaked if you aren’t ready to hit a Survivor. You should often be able to actually go around Survivors and get in front of them before uncloaking and attacking. Additionally, since you’re so fast, it’s worth taking a few extra seconds to approach generators (or Survivors in general) from weird angles to ensure you’re surprising them.

wraith dead by daylight addon blindwarrior white“Blind Warrior” – White

Survivors hit with a Surprise Attack suffer from the Mangled and Hemorrhage Status Effects until fully healed.

Strong Choice. This is essentially Sloppy Butcher in add-on form, although you have to hit your target fairly quickly after exiting cloak in order to proc the effect. Slowing healing, and making it easier to track Survivors, are both always useful.

Using this add-on: Combined with perks like Thanataphobia (gains power as Survivors get injured) and A Nurse’s Calling (so you can see them while they’re healing), this can be a powerful way to slow down the game in your favor. Make sure you’re going to be able to land a hit before uncloaking, or you won’t benefit from this add-on.

wraith dead by daylight addon blink white“Blink” – White

Reduces cloaking time by -60%.

Mediocre Choice. It only takes 1.5 seconds to cloak, so this add-on only saves you about a second. When you compare it to the amount of time something like a Wind Storm add-on will save you over the course of a game, this add-on becomes pretty hard to justify picking.

Using this add-on: In builds that commit to chasing Survivors, this will help you catch up to them a little quicker — make sure you’re cloaking ASAP to take full advantage of this add-on.

wraith dead by daylight addon shadowdance white(1)“Shadow Dance” – White

Increases action speeds for breaking walls, pallets, kicking generators, and vaulting windows by +40% while cloaked.

OK Choice. Same issue as with the Blood version of this add-on — you’re speeding up an action that takes 1-3 seconds, saving you very little time. It does add up over the course of the game, but not to the extent better options do. It can be good when combined with wraith dead by daylight addon theserpent soot (2)“The Serpent” – Soot, since it lets you uncloak while kicking a pallet, then immediately chase the Survivor without having to uncloak.

Using this add-on: You can definitely surprise Survivors by being able to vault windows quickly, especially when trying to play around loops like the shack. You can also combine it with perks like Brutal Strength, Fire Up, or Bamboozle — anything that lets you kick gens/doors/pallets or vault windows faster synergizes well with this add-on. You can also combo this with wraith dead by daylight addon theserpent soot (2)“The Serpent” – Soot to good effect — more on this in the section on The Serpent.

wraith dead by daylight addon swifthunt white“Swift Hunt” – White

Reduces uncloaking time by -10%.

OK choice. Very comparable to the rarer version of this add-on. This takes the uncloak time from 3 seconds to 2.7 seconds — good, but not great. Won’t always make an impact, but sometimes can allow you to uncloak in time to get the hit.

Using this add-on: This add-on makes using the speed boost from uncloaking on loops stronger. It also makes it easier to commit to chases, since it might give you the extra fraction of a second you need to uncloak before the Survivor reaches a window or pallet.

wraith dead by daylight addon windstorm white“Windstorm” – White

Increases cloaked movement speed by +7%.

Strong choice. Just like the rarer version of windstorm, but slightly less powerful. Moving faster while cloaked means better patrolling, better chases, better everything.

Using this add-on: Take advantage of the increased move speed by always being cloaked if you aren’t ready to hit a Survivor. You should often be able to actually go around Survivors and get in front of them before uncloaking and attacking. Your increased movement speed while cloaked also makes it possible to take a few extra seconds to approach generators (or Survivors in general) from weird angles to ensure you’re surprising them.

wraith dead by daylight addon blindwarrior mud“Blind Warrior” – Mud

Survivors hit with a surprise attack suffer from the Blindness Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Poor choice. There are very few instances in which a Survivor is going to need to read auras after you hit them from stealth, so inflicting Blindness is basically useless. The only real use case for this is stopping people from using Windows of Opportunity to find pallets and vaults — if that perk was meta, this add-on could be, but it ain’t, so it ain’t.

Using this add-on: Don’t.

dead by daylight wraith addon swifthunt mud“Swift Hunt” – Mud

Reduces uncloaking time by -8%.

OK choice. Almost as good as the rarer versions of this add-on. Will occasionally earn you a hit you would have otherwise missed, but not often.

Using this add-on: This add-on makes using the speed boost from uncloaking on loops stronger. It also makes it easier to commit to chases, since it might give you the extra fraction of a second you need to uncloak before the Survivor reaches a window or pallet.

wraith dead by daylight addon windstorm mud“Wind Storm” – Mud

Increases cloaked movement speed by +5%.

Strong choice. Just like the rarer versions of windstorm, but slightly less powerful. Moving faster while cloaked means better patrolling, better chases, better everything.

Using this add-on: Take advantage of the increased move speed by always being cloaked if you aren’t ready to hit a Survivor. You should often be able to actually go around Survivors and get in front of them before uncloaking and attacking. Your increased movement speed while cloaked also makes it possible to take a few extra seconds to approach generators (or Survivors in general) from weird angles to ensure you’re surprising them.

wraith dead by daylight addon blink mud“Blink” – Mud

Reduces cloaking time by -40%.

Mediocre Choice. It only takes 1.5 seconds to cloak, so this add-on saves you less than a second. Pretty hard to justify picking.

Using this add-on: In builds that commit to chasing Survivors, this will help you catch up to them a little quicker — make sure you’re cloaking ASAP to take full advantage of this add-on.

wraith dead by daylight addon boneclapperBone Clapper

Causes the Wailing Bell to echo across the map, making it impossible for Survivors to discern its distance or location.

Excellent Choice. Very strong for its rarity, the Bone Clapper is a game-warping add-on. By using it, you make it so that every time you ring your bell, every Survivor will hear it. It’s hard to exaggerate the pressure this applies to Survivors, if only psychologically. Additionally, it means that when you uncloak behind cover, Survivors will have no idea if you’re right around the corner, or across the map.

Using this add-on: When combined with “The Ghost” – Soot add-on, you can uncloak and approach with no Terror Radius or Red stain, making this add-on even stronger. With gens that have cover nearby, you should try and uncloak while out of vision, then use the movement speed bonus from uncloaking to try and grab the Survivor off of the generator, or get a surprise attack off.

wraith dead by daylight addon thebeast soot“The Beast” – Soot

Wraith’s Terror Radius is no longer suppressed while cloaked. Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints for Stalking and Surprise Attack events.

Awful choice. The whole point of Wraith is to not have a Terror Radius — this add-on removes that part of Wraith’s power.

Using this add-on: Don’t. If you want to farm Bloodpoints on Wraith, this perk can theoretically help you do it. However, using perks that increase BPs is far better than an add-on that only gives you a bonus for two specific events — you’ll likely end up earning less points than usual using this add-on anyway, because you won’t be able to sneak up on anyone.

wraith dead by daylight addon theghost soot“The Ghost” – Soot

Wraith’s Terror Radius and Red Stain stay suppressed for 6 seconds after uncloaking.

Strong Choice. In a vacuum, this would be an OK add-on, only good for anti-loop or cheeky gen grabs. The synergy it has with the two clapper add-ons, however, makes it a very strong choice when taken with either of them. Normally, as soon as you finish uncloaking, Survivors will know if you’re close or not, because they’ll start to hear your Terror Radius. This add-on prevents that for 6 seconds, which is a very long time. Not only does it make it easier to surprise your target, but it keeps nearby Survivors guessing as well. By itself, they’d still hear the bell, but with a clapper add-on, they won’t know you’re coming.

Using this add-on: Use with either the wraith addon coxcombedclapper dead by daylightCoxcombed Clapper or the wraith dead by daylight addon boneclapperBone Clapper to make it so Survivors have no idea where you are when uncloaking. Try to approach from behind cover and grab Survivors off of generators. You can also use it while mind-gaming on loops with high walls, or on L-T gyms — by cloaking and then uncloaking, you’ll hide your Red Stain, making it impossible for the Survivor to tell if you’re around the corner or not.

wraith dead by daylight addon thehound soot“The Hound” – Soot

While cloaked, Pools of Blood appear bright red.

Poor choice. Pools of blood are already very easy to see — at best, this is an accessibility add-on for people who have some kind of impairment that makes it difficult to see blood pools. It’s not actively useless, but there are a lot of better options.

Using this add-on: Take it only if you can’t see Pools of Blood normally.

wraith dead by daylight addon theserpent soot (2)“The Serpent” – Soot

Breaking Pallets or Damaging Generators causes Wraith to fully uncloak.

OK Choice. This has a specific use — combining it with one of the “Shadow Dance” add-ons. By doing so, you can rapidly break a pallet and uncloak while doing so, letting you quickly catch up and hit a Survivor.

Using this add-on: Taking the Brutal Strength perk and one of the “Shadow Dance” add-ons lets you break a door or pallet incredibly quickly — make sure you’re cloaked before breaking the object, to ensure you get the speed boost from uncloaking thanks to “The Serpent”. When applicable, try to chase the Survivor around the loop with the dropped pallet until they’re in a spot where they can’t run anywhere useful, then kick the pallet.

We hope this guide on Wraith’s add-ons was helpful! If you have any questions, comments, or differing opinions, let us know in the comments.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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