Gaming News

DLC? I want the full video game”¦?

Well, the answer is usually a lot further back than you might think. Nearly all games these days are released with the assumption that they will be further embellished by add-on packs, downloadable content or DLC, and all the other…

How much time do Bioware think we have…?

I’m a big fan of Bioware games; from Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter Nights through to the Mass Effect Trilogy, and The Dragon Age’s; I’ve even got their new MMO ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic‘ on pre-order. So this isn’t really…

Sim Brother Experiment: The House

Below are the screenshots of the Sim Brother house in all its glory. I hope I haven’t left anything out. Once I start the experiment, there’s not much I can do.


Real In-game Skyrim Footage Leaked

Upset that you weren’t invited to Bethesda’s BFG event in Utah? Don’t worry about it; we’ve got some leaked footage for your viewing pleasure.

Skyrim Info Summary and Screenshots

As you know a lot of new Skyrim info was released today through a number of media outlets. Luckily for you we’re here to make your life a little bit easier. We’ve taken a look at these previews and gathered…

Skyrim Screenshots and Info Explosion!

Today BethBlog has released information on all of the websites with new information on Skyrim from new creenshots to hands on previews. New information on dragons and fighting tactics “Many times the best idea is to run and take shelter…

From Morrowind to Skyrim; Things That Should Carry Over

From Morrowind to Skyrim… Morrowind holds a special place in a lot of our hearts, many of us have even gone back to it to prepare for the upcoming release of Skyrim this November. When Todd Howard mentioned that Skyrim…