Gaming Reviews

sanity of morris review jank fellas

Sanity of Morris | EIP – Game Review

Sanity of Morris impressed me as soon as I launched it. Behind the ‘Press Any Key’ text of the main menu I could see the interior of a car, streetlights whizzing past in a steady, mesmerizing fashion. When I moved…

Supercross 4 Header Banner

Monster Energy Supercross 4 | EIP – Game Review

Getting into the new Supercross Career Goals Milestone is back at it again with their yearly release of another Supercross videogame. This year’s 2021 Supercross release is Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 4. The game has a few…

Orwells Animal Farm Header

Orwell’s Animal Farm Game – Review

Getting into George Orwell’s 1945 Story Back in 1945, George Orwell published a novella called Animal Farm. The story takes place on a farm where the animals are fed up with their farm owner and want to rebel against him,…

Ghostrunner Header

Ghostrunner – Ninja Parkour Review!

Becoming the best Ghost Ninja Parkour Runner Finding a way to calm ourselves from the wait for Cyberpunk 2077, becoming a parkour Ghostrunner that hack & slashes their way through enemies like butter, is good enough for me. Ghostrunner is…

Crypto-137 Edition Header

Destroy All Humans! Crypto-137 Edition Review

Getting the Crypto fever! After a long time waiting for the updated release of Destroy All Humans by the Black Forest, our friends at THQ Nordic wanted to ensure the team at Gnarly Guides got a full experience of the…

Fallout 76 Wastelanders Header

Fallout 76 – Getting back into the Wasteland

Bethesda Game Studios doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to releasing a game and getting it bug-free and not have players get upset about updates. Their recent release of Fallout 76 made its first appearing back in…

The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel Ii Character Artwork 1

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II PS4 Review

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II is a third-person Japanese role-playing game available from retail stores and for download from the PlayStation Store for the PS4, while previously having released on PS3 and PS Vita with compatibility…