With the release of the Arms Against Tyranny Expansion, Paradox removed the long-standing design companies and replaced them with Military Industrial Organizations. Also known as MIOs, these companies will allow you to research technology faster, make stronger equipment, and increase equipment production.
MIO’s are meant to mimic the close relationship between governments and corporations during the war effort, such as Ford or Boeing in the USA and Rolls Royce in the UK.
How to use a Military Industrial Organization
Your country’s organizations can be assigned as a designer and a producer of equipment. When assigned as a designer in the equipment designer interface, the MIO will provide all of its bonuses to that equipment. It costs 5 of the appropriate XP to change the assigned MIO, and a new variant will have to be produced.
Assigning an MIO as a Designer
An organization can also be assigned as a producer from the production screen. This doesn’t cost anything and can be easily changed, however it only applies the production bonuses from the MIO, no combat bonuses.
Assigning an MIO as a producer from the production screen
Leveling Up MIOs
You can level up military industrial organizations by acquiring funds. Funds can be gained from using the MIO on a production line as a producer, researching appropriate technologies, and from some national focuses.
After earning enough funds, the organization will increase in size, rewarding you a trait point to spend on a bonus.
How to Upgrade a MIO
In order to upgrade a military industrial organization, you’ll need to navigate to the political tab and select the appropriate group under “Research & Production.” All MIOs can be found in the left 4 options.
Clicking on one of those will open a list of every organization, including ones that you haven’t unlocked yet. Hovering over locked ones will display the requirements needed to activate them, usually through a national focus.
Clicking “Details” will open a popup with all of the critical information about the MIO, including the trait tree. Here you can unlock or queue up traits to be unlocked whenever the company levels up. You can also view the production line, research, and designer history for the organization.
The MIO Details screen for Chrysler, at the beginning of an American campaign
Possible Military Industrial Organization Bonuses
There’s a ton of variety in the bonuses available to MIOs, depending on the type of equipment they target and the specialization within that equipment category.
Tank Company Bonuses
These bonuses will apply to all Medium Tankequipment.
Default Medium Tanks Bonuses
Bonuses for production lines: Production output +5%
Light Tank Specialization: Production output cost -5%or Medium Tank Specialization: Production output cost -5%or Heavy Tank Specialization: Production output cost -5%only for specified tank category
Unique Nation Upgrades
Soviet Union – OKMO
Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
France – Renault
Automitrailleuses: Max Speed +10%, Armor -5%only for Medium Tanks
B1 bis Suspensoin: Max Speed +5%, Breakthrough +10%only for Heavy Tanks
Applies to all Heavy Tank Equipment
Default Bonuses
Bonuses for equipment variants: Armor +5%, Reliability: -10%
MIO Research Bonus: +10%
Possible Upgrades
Wide Tracks: Reliability +5%
One-Piece Hull Side Coverings: Production efficiency cap:+5%
Fully Cast Turret: Armor +5%, Defense +5%
Simplified Transmission System: Production efficiency cap:+5%, Production efficiency gain:+5%
Sloping Armor: Armor +5%, Defense +5%
Fire Extinguishers: Reliability +5%, Breakthrough +2%
Improved Engine Output: Max Speed +5%, Fuel Usage -5%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Commander Cupola: Armor +5%, Defense +5%or Simplified Layout: Production efficiency gain +5%, Production resource penalty -10%
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – Nevskoye Design Bureau
Merge Plant No. 370: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 5: Production output cost -10%only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
United Kingdom – Cammell Laird
Flared Bow: Weather Penalty -10%
Super Charges: Heavy Piercing +5%, Light Piercing +5%only for Capital Ships
Applies to all Capital Ships, Screens, and Submarines
Default Capital Ships, Screens, and Submarines Bonuses
Surface Visibility -5%
MIO Research Bonus: +10%
Possible Upgrades
Diesel Powerplants: Fuel Usage -5%
High Speed Operation Stores: Max Speed +5%, Minelaying +5%
Raiding Capital Ships: Surface Visibility -5%, Heavy Attack +5%only for Capital Ships
Raiding Cruisers: Surface Visibility -5%only for Cruisers
Raiding Submarines: Surface Visibility -5%, Sub Visibility -5%only for Submarines
Long Range Engagement Ethos: Surface Visibility -5%, Heavy Attack +5%only for Capital Ships
Large Torpedo Banks: Torpedo Attack +5%
Raider Escort Requirements: Max Range +5%, Max Speed +5%only for Screens
Unescorted Raider Requirements: Light Attack +5%only for Capital Ships
Mass-Produced Raiders: Production output +5%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Long Range Raiding: Max Range +5%, Fuel Usage +5%or High Speed Raiding: Max Speed +5%, Fuel Usage +5%
High-Quality Optics: Surface detection +5%or Spotting Tops: Surface Visibility -5%only for Capital Ships and Screens
Unique Nation Upgrades
Italy – Cantiere Navale di Ancona
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – Rubin Design Bureau
Merge Plant No. 370: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser, Destroyer and Submarines, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Applies to all Screens
Default Screen Bonuses
Screens: Production output +5%
MIO Research Bonus: +10%
Possible Upgrades
Submarine Hunters: Sub detection +5%, Depth charges +5%
Fleet Escorts: Anti-air +5%, Light Attack +5%
High-Speed Mine-Hunting Equipment: Sub detection +5%, Minesweeping +5%
Capital Destroyer Shells: Heavy Piercing +5%, Heavy Attack +10%, Max Range -15%, Max Speed -8%only for Capital Ships
Deck Guns: Anti-air +6%
All-Purpose Defense Systems: Anti-air +3%, Armor +3%, Light Attack +3%, Max Range -5%, Max Speed -4%only for Capital Ships
Unique Nation Upgrades
Italy – Navalmeccanica
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – Sevastopol Marine Plant
Merge Mariupol Plant: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 200: Production output cost -10%only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus
Applies to all Capital Ships, Screens and Submarines
Default Capital Ships, Screens and Submarines Bonuses
Anti-air +2%, Armor +2%, HP +2%, Max Range -15%
MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Possible Upgrades
Submarine Hunters: Sub detection +5%, Patrol Efficiency +5%
Anti-Air Defense: Anti-air +6%only for Capital Ships and Screens
State Sponsored Growth: Funds Gain +10%
Efficient Patroling Scheme: Patrol Efficiency +10%, Max Range -5%
Advenced Sub-Scanners: Sub detection +5%only for Capital Ships and Screens
Heavy Guns: Heavy Attack +5%only for Capital Ships and Screens
Advanced Periscope: Sub Visibility -3%, Surface detection +3%only for Submarines
High-Atlitude Catapult: Surface detection +4%, Sub detection +4%
Armor-Piercing Guns: Light Piercing +5%only for Capital Ships and Screens
Piercing Rounds: Heavy Piercing +5%only for Capital Ships
Base Defense: Anti-air +6%, Max Range -10%, Armor +5%only for Capital Ships and Screens
Brass-Case Reloader: Light Attack +6%only for Capital Ships and Screens
Deck Guns: Anti-air +6%only for Capital Ships
State Subsidizing: Design Team Assign Cost +15%, Requirement for Size Up -25%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
State Sponsored Research: MIO Research Bonus: +10%or 24h Shifts: Production output +5%
Unique Nation Upgrades
Soviet Union – Black Sea Shipyard
Merge Mariupol Plant: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser, Destroyer and Submarines, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Applies to all Submarines
Default Submarine Bonuses
Sub Visibility -5%
MIO Research Bonus: +10%
Possible Upgrades
Experimental Anechoic Tiles: Surface Visibility -5%, Sub Visibility -5%, Production Cost +3%
Improved Torpedo Detonators: Torpedo Attack +5%
Simplified Presuure Hull Design: Production output +10%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Highly Efficient Diesel-Electric Propulsion Systems: Max Range +6%or Open-Cycle Propulsion: Max Speed +5%
Long Range Raiding vs Decalin Fueled Torpedo
Long Range Raiding: Sub Visibility -3%, Max Speed -1%
Efficient Fuel Engines: Max Range +5%
Advanced Periscope: Surface detection +3%
Emergency Main Ballast Tank Blow: HP +6%, Max Speed +1%
Radar Warning Reciever: Surface detection -3%, Sub Visibility -5%
Crash-Dive Flood Tanks: HP +8%, Sub Visibility -1%
Decalin Fueled Torpedo: Torpedo Attack +5%
High-Powered Engines: Sub Visibility +2%, Max Speed +5%
Submarine Mass Production: Production output +7%
Advanced Sonar: Surface detection +6%, Sub Visibility +2%
Deck Guns: HP +8%
Large Torpedo Banks: Torpedo Attack +5%
High-Capacity Mine Storage: Minelaying +20%
Unique Nation Upgrades
Italy – Cantieri Navali Tosi
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Plane Companies
These bonuses will apply to all Fighter and Carrier Fighter planes.
Default Fighter and Carrier Fighter Bonuses
Agility +5%, Max Speed +5%, Air Attack +5%
MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Possible Upgrades
Expanded Production Facilities: Production efficiency gain +5%
Liquid-Cooled Engines: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
Advanced Aerodynamics: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
Fixed Tailwheels: Reliability +5%
Maritime Duties: Range +5%, Naval Attack +5%
Ongoing Develomental Upgrades: Production efficiency gain +5%, MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Fuselage Ordinance Rack: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
Removable Wings: Reliability +5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
Flexible Design: Range +5%, Air Defense +5%, Air Attack +2%, Ground Attack +2%requires trait Multi-Purpose Aircraft
Fighter Expertise: Range +5%, Max Speed +5%, Air Attack +5%requires trait Fighter Specialization
Close Air Support Expertise: Ground Attack +5%, Range +5%, Air Defense +5%requires trait Close Air Support Specialization
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Heavier Frame: Air Attack +5%, Ground Attack +5%, Naval Attack +5%, Air Defense +5%or Maximum Wing Loads: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%or Gun Pods: Ground Attack +10%, Agility -3%, Air Attack +5%
Multi-Purpose Aircraft: Air Attack +5%, Ground Attack +5%, Naval attack +5%or Fighter Specialization: Air Attack +5%, Agility +3%, Max Speed +5%or Close Air Support Specialization: Ground Attack +5%, Air Defense +5%
Unique Nation Upgrades
German Reich – Messerschmitt
Maintenance First Design: Reliability +5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
Fuselage-Based Weapons: Air Attack +5%, Agility +5%
Italy – Macchi
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – MiG Design Bureau
Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5%unlocked by focus, add production of 3in Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Applies to all Fighter and Carrier Fighter Planes
Default Fighter and Carrier Fighter Bonuses
Agility +10%, Range -10%
MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Possible Upgrades
Bigger Engines: Max Speed +5%
Cantilever Wing Structure: Air Defense +5%, Agility +5%
Minimum Weapon Requirements: Air Attack +5%
Shortened Wings: Reliability +5%, Agility +5%
High Octane Fuels: Max Speed +10%, Fuel Usage +10%
Fuel Injection Engines: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
Stiffened Wings: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Fabric Skin: Production resource penalty +5%, Production output +5%, Agility +5%or Metal Skin: Air Defense +10%, Max Speed +5%
Interceptor: Air Attack +5%or Gunboat: Ground Attack +10%
Subsidiary Suppliers: Production efficiency cap +10%, Production efficiency gain +5%or Fighter Interceptors: Range +10%, Air Attack +5%
Multi-Stage Super Charger: Agility +5%, Max Speed +5%only for Carrier Fighter
Water injection: Fuel Usage -5%, Max Speed +5%only Carrier Fighter
High-Capacity Ammunition Stores: Air Attack +5%
Larger Bomb Loads: Ground Attack +5%
Advanced Materials: Production output cost -10%, Production resource need +10%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Patrol Fuel Tanks: Range +5%or Internal Torpedo Mountings: Max Speed +5%only for Naval and Carrier Bombers
Agility Wing Design: Range +5%, Agility +5%or Strength Wing Design: Range +5%, Air Defense +5%
Unique Nation Upgrades
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – Yakolev Design Bureau
Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5%unlocked by focus, add production of 3in Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
United States – Grumman
Smooth Finish: Agility +5%, Max Speed +5%
Jet Fighter Design: Max Speed +10%requires researched Jet Engines
Applies to all Strategic Bombers and Naval Patrol BomberPlanes
Default Strategic Bombers and Naval Patrol BomberPlanes Bonuses
Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5%unlocked by focus, add production of 3in Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
United States – Boeing
Superfortress: Air Defense +10%, Range +10%, Agility -5%, Fuel usage +5%
Applies to all MediumPlanes
Default MediumBonuses
Surface detection +5%, Ground Attack +5%
MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Possible Upgrades
Narrow Build: Air Defense +5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
Mixed Material Construction: Production efficiency gain +5%
Skip Bombing: Naval Attack +3%
Multi-Role Transport: Production efficiency gain +5%, Production efficiency cap +10%only for Transport Plane
Refined Engines: Max Speed +5%
Extra Machine Guns: Ground Attack +10%, Production Cost +5%
High-Frequency Direction Finding: Sub detection +5%, Naval Attack +3%
Streamlines Fuselage: Air Defense +5%, Max Speed +5%
Adaptable Build: Range +5%, Production output +5%or Heavy Fighter Specialization: Range +5%, Air Attack +5%, Air Defense +5%or Tactical Bomber Specialization: Range +5%, Ground Attack +5%, Air Defense +5%
Unique Nation Upgrades
Italy – IMAM
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – Ilyushin Design Bureau
Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5%unlocked by focus, add production of 3in Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
United States – Lockheed
Mechanized Production: Production efficiency cap +5%only for All Medium Planes
Applies to all Small and Carrier Planes and Medium Planes
Default Small and Carrier Planes and Medium Planes Bonuses
Ground Attack +2%, Naval Attack +2%, Air Attack +2%, Air Defense +2%
MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Possible Upgrades
Armored Cockpit: Air Defense +5%, Reliability +5%
Escort Designs: Range +5%
Upgraded Engines: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
Not Enough Guns, Never Enough Guns: Air Attack +5%, Ground Attack +5%
Heavy Anti-Tank Ammunition: Hard Attack +10%, Piercing +25%
Quality Materials: Reliability +5%
Advanced Barrel Forging: Production efiiciency gain +3%
Mass Rifle Production: Production efficiency cap +3%, Production output cost -3%, Design Team Assign Cost -30%
Medium Machine Guns Production: Breakthrough +5%, Production Cost +8%
Anti-Vehicle Land Mines: Defense +4%, Hard Attack +3%, Production Cost +5%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Bolt-Action Rifles: Soft Attack -3%, Production efficiency gain +5%or Semi-Auto Rifles: Soft Attack +3%, Breakthrough +3%, Production efficiency gain -5%
PIAT: Hard Attack +5%, Defense +5%, Breakthrough +10%replaces trait Anti-Vehicle Land Mines
Applies to all Trucks, Mechanized and Motorized Rocket Artillery
Default Trucks, Mechanized and Motorized Rocket Artillery Bonuses
MIO Research Bonus: +10%
Possible Upgrades
Side-Mounted Medium Machine Guns: Breakthrough +3%
All Wheel Drive: Breakthrough +3%only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery
Armored Pulpit Mount: Hardness +5%
Bulletproof panels: Hardness +5%only for Mechanized
Light Flame Projectors: Breakthrough +3%only for Mechanized
Land Mine Racks: Defense +6%, Max Speed -2%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Composite Cargo Bed: Reliability -7%, Production Cost -5%or Steel Cargo Bed: Reliability +5%, Production resource need +2%only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery
Open Chassi: Defense -2%, Production Cost -3%or Closed Chassi: Armor +5%only for Mechanized
Attached Wood Gas Generator: Fuel Usage -5%or High-Powered Engine: Fuel Usage +5%, Max Speed +5%only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery
Advanced Artillery Racks or Heavy Mounted Machine Gun or Mounted Light Anti-Tank Gun
Advanced Artillery Racks: Soft Attack +3%, Production Cost +6%only for Motorized Rocket Artillery
Heavy Mounted Machine Gun: Breakthrough +4%, Production Cost +1%only for Mechanized and Truck
Mounted Light Anti-Tank Gun: Piercing +10%, Hard Attack +2%only for Mechanized
Unique Nation Upgrades
Italy – Lancia
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Italy – Officine Mecchaniche – MIO Research Bonus: +10%
New Ricostruzione Industriale (Motorized) :Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +5%only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery, unlocked by focus
New Ricostruzione Industriale (Mechanized): Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +5%only for Mechanized, unlocked by focus
New Ricostruzione Industriale (Trains): Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +5%only for Train, unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – GAZ
Merge Automobile Tool Plant: Production output cost -10%unlocked by focus
Merge NKMZ Plant: Production efficiency cap +10%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant: Production output +10%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Applies to all Towed Artillery, Towed Anti-Tank, Towed Anti-Air and Towed Rocket Artillery
Gun Mass Production: Production efficiency gain +3%, Production efficiency cap +3%, Design Team Assign Cost -15%
Super Charges: Production efficiency gain +3%, Production efficiency cap +3%, Design Team Assign Cost -15%only for Towed Artillery and Towed Rocked Artillery
Mobile Limbers: Breakthrough +10%or Stable Platforms: Defense +3%
Improved Direct Fire Targeting or Advanced Anti-Air Targeting or Advanced Trajectory Calculations
Improved Direct Fire Targeting: Piercing +5%, Hard Attack +5%only Towed Anti-Tank
Advanced Anti-Air Targeting: Air Attack +7%only for Towed Anit-Air
Advanced Trajectory Calculations: Hard Attack +100%, Breakthrough +5%only for Towed Artillery and Towed Rocket Artillery
Unique Nation Upgrades
Italy – Breda
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Soviet Union – Grabin Design Bureau
Merge Plant No. 172: Production output cost -10%unlocked by focus
Merge NKMZ Plant: Production efficiency cap +10%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant: Production output +10%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Applies to all Infantry and Support Equipment
Default Infantry and Support Equipment Bonuses
MIO Research Bonus: +10%
Possible Upgrades
Material Recycling:Production resource need -15%only for Support Equipment
Private Scientist Program: MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Anti-Tank Rifle: Piercing +10%only for Infantry Equipment
Private Tenders: Funds Gain +10%
Pontoons: Max Speed +5%, Production Cost +3.5%only for Infantry Equipment
Mass Production: Production efficiency gain +5%only for Support Equipment
Small Sidearms: Defense +2%only for Infantry Equipment
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Scrap Melting: Reliability -10%, Production resource need -10%or High-Quality Material Blend: Production efficiency cap +5%, Production resource need +10%only for Support Equipment
Research Program: MIO Research Bonus: +6%or Efficient Scale-up: Production output +5%only for Support Equipment
Light Mortar: Breakthrough +5%, Soft Attack +2%, Production Cost +6%or Single-Shot Man-Portable Anti-Tank System: Hard Attack +10%, Production Cost +5%only for Infantry Equipment
Unique Nation Upgrades
Italy – Beretta
New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10%unlocked by focus
Applies to all Armored Cars
Default Armored CarBonuses
Armor +5%, Defense +5%, Production Cost -5%
MIO Research Bonus: +5%
Possible Upgrades
Simplified Suspension: Reliability +5%
Crew Ergonomics: Max Speed +2%, Defense +2%
Defensive Equipment: Soft Attack +2%, Defense +2%
Standardized Components: Production efficiency gain +15%, Production resource need -15%
Reinforce Wheels: Reliability +5%, Max Speed +5%
Command Upgrades: Breakthrough +5%
Long-Barreles Guns: Piercing +5%, Hard Attack +5%
Improved Tooling: Production efficiency cap +10%
These Are Mutually Exclusive
Mass Production: Production output cost -5%, Production Efficiency gain +10%or Quality Improvements: Armor +10%, Defense +10%
Heavy Anti-Tank Gun: Armor +5%, Hard Attack +5%or Officer Support Car: Soft Attack +5%, Production Cost -3%
Applies to all Tank Equipment
Default Tank Equipment Bonuses
Bonuses for production lines: Production conversion speed +15%, Production output cost -5%
MIO Research Bonus: +10%
Possible Upgrades
Enemy Tank Reffiting: Production conversion speed +15%, Production output cost -3%
Efficient Scrap Recycling: Hardness -6%, Production resource need -20%
High Volume Smelter: Production output +6%
High-Powered Engine Production: Max Speed +10%
Heavy Duty Machine Tools: Max Speed +10%, Production efficiency gain +5%, Production efficiency cap +5%
Multi-Plant Cooperation: Production efficiency gain +8%
Standardized Secondary Armament: Breakthrough +5%
Mass Small Arms Ammunition Production: Production output cost -5%for Armor and Support Equipment
Plant Tech Exchange: MIO Research Bonus: +6%
24H Rotation Shifts: Production output +6%for Armor, Support Equipment, Train and Railway Artillery
Dual Plant Main Armament Production: Soft Attack +5%, Reliability -5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
Long Distance Train Escort: Armor +6%, Air Attack +10%only for Train
Barrels of Hell: Production output +10%only for Railroad Artillery
Unique Nation Upgrades
Soviet Union – Mytishchy Machine Building Plant
Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5%unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
Military Industrial Organization Policies
After reaching a size level of 6, an MIO can have policies assigned to it. The policies available will depend on the type of organization, but there are a few common policies available across all MIOs. A policy can be swapped out every 180 days.
Material-focused Military Industrial Organizations will only have access to common policies.
+10% MIO Research Bonus and -10% Production Resource Need for all MIO Equipment
Armor Welding Specialists
+5% Armor for MIO Equipment
Casting Specialists
+2% Hardness for MIO Equipment
Heavy Gantry Cranes
+5% Production Efficiency Cap for trains, railway artillery, and heavy tanks.
Factory Applied Camouflage
+2% Defense and Breakthrough for MIO Equipment
Cutting Corners
-10% Production Cost and -5% Reliability, Soft Attack, Hard Attack, and Armor for MIO Equipment
Welding Specalists
-5% Production Output for MIO Equipment
Space Efficient Design
-25% Max Range for MIO Equipment, +1 Deck Size for Carriers
Stable Gunnery Platforms
+10% Light Battery hit chance and Heavy Battery hit chance for MIO Equipment
Great Sea Keeping
-50% Weather Penalty for MIO Equipment
Coastal Battlefleet
-10% Production Cost and -25% Max Range for MIO Equipment
Perfect Finnish
+5% Production Cost and +5% Max Speed for MIO Equipment
Heavy Gantry Cranes
+10% Production Efficiency Cap for medium planes, strategic bombers, and naval patrol bombers
Propulsion Experimenters
+20% MIO Research Bonus
Wind Tunnel Pioneers
+5% Agility for MIO Equipment
Modular Assembly
-5% Production Output Cost for MIO Equipment
Leveraging military industrial organizations could give you the edge over the enemy in Hearts of Iron 4 and allow you to min max the combat potential of your units. How do you feel about the addition of MIOs? Let us know in the comments below!
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Lucky Boop
Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.