Gaming Guides

little birds mission 5.1 featured image 1 gotham knights v2

Gotham Knights Mission 5.1 – Little Birds

With the League of Shadows and the Court of Owls at each other’s throats, the Knights are caught in the middle, trying to prevent Gotham from becoming a war zone. In this mission, you’ll help Detective Montoya collect evidence against…

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Gotham Knights Mission 3.2 – Chelsea Tunnel

Clues in a Court of Owl’s hideout have led the Knights to the Chelsea Tunnel, where the Court of Owls have prevented construction on the project from continuing. If you’ve just finished Mission 3.1 – The Key, you’ll be very…

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Case 04: The Masquerade – Gotham Knights

Now that we know about the Court of Owls’ evil plan, we have to unmask its leader in order to stop it. To do so, we have to infiltrate the Masquerade Ball (held in Bruce Wayne’s honor) and get voice…

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Case 03: In the Shadows – Gotham Knights

This is the case where we start to really figure out what’s going on in the darkest shadows of Gotham. In the previous case, we learned that the Court of Owls — once thought only a rumor — has been…

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Gotham Knights Mission 4.2 – The Orchard Hotel

This mission will see you infiltrating the elite Masquerade Ball at the Orchard Hotel in an effort to learn about who leads the Court of Owls. To begin, locate the Orchard Hotel on your map and head there, either using…

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Gotham Knights Mission 4.1 – Mark Hendricks

In this mission, you will be meeting with and rescuing a contact who will help you learn more about the upcoming Masquerade Ball at the Orchard Hotel (in Bruce Wayne’s honor). First, you’ll need to head to the quest marker…

Gotham Knights Mission 2.2 The Powers Club Featured Image

Gotham Knights Mission 2.2 – The Powers Club

In this mission, we will be investigating the Powers Clubs to check out rumors about the mysterious and elusive Court of Owls. To begin this mission, you will need to track down Alfred on Tricorner Island. If you unlocked the…

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Gotham Knights Mission 3.1 – The Key

In this mission, you’ll use the key you found in the Court of Owl’s hideout to continue investigating the shadowy organization. When this mission begins, you won’t have any Belfry-related chores to do, so you can immediately head out on…

Cyberpunk 2077 How to Free Brick Featured Image

How to Free Brick – Cyberpunk 2077

Maelstrom is a psychotic gang, more machine than man, they remain violent and unpredictable. This theme is extended through the current gang leader, Royce. Erratic and unpredictable, Royce has no intentions to honor Dexter Deshawn’s dealings with the previous leader,…

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Hearts of Iron IV Plane Designer Guide

With the release of the Hearts of Iron IV DLC By Blood Alone, Paradox gave us the highly anticipated plane designer. Following in the footsteps of the tank and ship designers, plane customization is based around choosing a chassis and…