

Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.
Mining And Smelting Basics For Beginners Action Shot

Mining and Smelting Basics For Beginners (Valheim)

You won’t get far in Valheim without proper gear, and a key step in getting yourself well-equipped is mining. In this guide, we’ll show you exactly where and how to mine ore, and how to turn that ore into metals…

Ultimate Ship Guide Valheim Sailing

Ultimate Ships Guide (Valheim)

The Viking longship is one of the most iconic parts of Viking lore. While we won’t quite be marauding the coasts in Valhiem, ships are still the only effective way to quickly traverse the huge world map without creating portals.…

Valheim Tips and Tricks Guide

Tips and Tricks (Valheim)

Who knew being a Viking was so much work? Between logging, mining, crafting, and construction, it’s hard to even find time to go and slay those mythical bosses. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks…

Cd Projekt Hacked Ransomware Gwent Leak

CDProject Hacked, GWENT Source Code Leaked

Someone has managed to hack Polish publisher CDProjekt, and they claim to have stolen the source code for Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3, and GWENT. CDProjekt released a statement on Twitter earlier this week acknowledging that they were the victim…

Simple Start: Valheim Beginner's Guide Little Base

Simple Start: A Beginner’s Guide to Valheim

Not to knock Valheim’s tutorial raven Hugin, but he doesn’t tell you everything you need to know to survive in the 10th World. Although it’s always worth hearing what Hugin has to say, we’re going to try to make it…

Valheim Combat For Beginners Battle Scene

Combat Basics for Beginners (Valheim)

Brave warrior, you were chosen by the Valkyries to be born again in Valheim for a single purpose: to slay the enemies of Odin who gather against him! Point being, an important part of success in Valheim is learning how…

How Food Stamina Health Interact Valheim Guide

How Food, Health and Stamina Work (Valheim)

Some of the mechanics in Valheim are fairly opaque, and the way food interacts with your Health and Stamina is definitely one of them. In this guide, we’ll give you a brief overview of how these three systems work together,…