How Mead Works – Valheim

Mead is an important part of Valheim. Once you master the art of brewing Mead, your journey through the Tenth World will become much smoother, as you’ll be able to better heal your Viking and better prepare for many of the challenges ahead. This guide will tell you all you need to know about Mead and how it works in Valheim.

Valheim is pretty generous with its definition of Mead. It groups things like wine, tonics, and concoctions under the same umbrella. This makes it easier for us to craft all our potions using the same mead-brewing system.

Meads and Mead derivatives available in Valheim are varied in what they do. Some, like the Medium Healing Mead, are straightforward potions that restore your health, stamina, or Eitr. Others will help you in combat, like the Poison Resistance Mead that naturally raises your resistance to poison. And then there are Meads that provide short and medium-length buffs. There’s Mead of Troll Endurance that increases your max carry weight, Tonic of Ratatosk that makes jumping easier, Brew of Animal Whispers that helps you tame wild beasts, and more.

valheim how to brew mead wine
In the Tenth World if you can drink it, it’s a Mead.

Once you have some Mead in your inventory, you can use it by right-clicking itYou can also assign it to your hotbar and then press the associated button to quickly drink the Mead even in combat. This is especially useful for the healing Meads.

After you drink a particular Mead, you won’t be able to drink another one for a while. For Meads with a set duration, this cooldown is equal to that duration. You’ll be able to drink a new buffing Mead immediately after the previous one’s effects run out.

The big exception there are the healing, stamina, and Eitr Meads. These tend to work fast, but then have an extended cooldown during which you can’t use another Mead of the same type. Important to note here is that this cooldown is shared between various tiers of Mead. This means that if you drink a Minor Healing Mead, you won’t be able to drink a Major, Medium, or Lingering Healing Mead for the next 2 minutes. The same principle applies to stamina and Eitr meads.

valheim how to brew mead cooldown
Watch this cooldown when drinking healing Mead.

Brewing Mead in Valheim is a multi-step process we describe in great detail in our How to Brew Mead guide. But in short, you will need to set up a Mead Ketill over a working campfire, and at least one Fermenter. You’ll be able to build these after you’ve obtained some of the resources found in the Black Forest biome.

When you first build a Mead Ketill and interact with it, you’ll have access to several basic Mead recipes. You unlock all the others automatically when you pick up some of the ingredients needed to brew the more advanced Meads.

Consult the Ketill for what you need, then combine those ingredients into a Mead Base for your Mead. When you have the Mead Base in your inventory, interact with an empty Fermenter. This will place the Mead Base inside and start the fermenting process. It takes 2 in-game days for Mead to ferment. After these two days interact with the Fermenter again and you’ll get your Mead.

valheim how mead works brewery
A nice basic Valheim brewery.

Below you’ll find a full list of all Meads available in the game. Keep in mind that while the game classifies the Love Potion as a Mead, you can’t actually brew it and simply have to buy it from the Bog Witch.

Barley x10
Cloudberries x10
Resistant VS Fire
10 minutes
10 minutes
Cloudberries x10
Grouper x3
Fragrant Bundle
Repels Deathsquitos
10 minutes
10 minutes
Mushroom x10
Yellow Mushroom x10
Weak VS Slash, Blunt, Pierce
Attack, block, dodge stamina use -80%
20 seconds
20 seconds
Honey x10
Sap x5
Jotun Puffs x2
Magecap x5
Restores 125 Eitr
10 seconds
2 minutes
Sap x10
Vineberry Cluster x10
Magecap x10
Eitr regeneration +25%
5 minutes
5 minutes
Honey x10
Thistle x5
Bloodbag x2
Greydwarf Eye
Resistant VS Frost
10 minutes
10 minutes
Honey x10
Blueberries x10
Cured Squirrel Hamstring
Movement speed +15%
Run skill +10
10 minutes
10 minutes
Honey x10
Blueberries x5
Raspberries x10
Restores 50 health
10 seconds
2 minutes
Sap x10
Vineberry Cluster x10
Smoke Puff x10
Health regeneration +25%
5 minutes
5 minutes
Honey x10
Blood Clot x4
Royal Jelly x5
Restores 125 health
10 seconds
2 minutes
Honey x10
Bloodbag x4
Raspberries x10
Restores 75 health
10 seconds
2 minutes
Scale Hide x2
Feathers x5
Magecap x5
Jump height +20%
Jump stamina usage -30%
10 minutes
10 minutes
Honey x10
Thistle x5
Neck Tail
Coal x10
Very Resistant VS Poison
10 minutes
10 minutes
Honey x10
Raspberries x10
Yellow Mushroom x10
Restores 80 stamina
2 seconds
2 minutes
Sap x10
Cloudberries x10
Jotun Puffs x10
Stamina regeneration +25%
5 minutes
5 minutes
Honey x10
Cloudberries x10
Yellow Mushroom x10
Restores 160 stamina
2 seconds
2 minutes
Trollfish x2
Honey x10
Powdered Dragon Eggshells
Maximum carry weight +250
5 minutes
5 minutes
Dandelion x10
Perch x2
Fresh Seaweed
Swim stamina usage -50%
5 minutes
5 minutes
Onion x5
Carrot x10
Pungent Pebbles
Double taming speed
10 minutes
10 minutes
Honey x10
Raspberries x10
Blueberries x5
Health regeneration -50%
Stamina regeneration -100%
10 seconds
10 seconds
Increases Troll spawn rate
5 minutes
5 minutes

We hope this guide helped you better understand the role of Mead in Valheim. If you have any additional questions about how Mead works in the game, don’t hesitate to ask.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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