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Skyrim Info Summary and Screenshots

As you know a lot of new Skyrim info was released today through a number of media outlets. Luckily for you we’re here to make your life a little bit easier. We’ve taken a look at these previews and gathered…

Skyrim Screenshots and Info Explosion!

Today BethBlog has released information on all of the websites with new information on Skyrim from new creenshots to hands on previews. New information on dragons and fighting tactics “Many times the best idea is to run and take shelter…

diablo iii game preview

Diablo III: Game Preview

This year, Blizzard’s signature RPG dungeon-crawler series is to have a new addition, Diablo III. Diablo II is one of the best-selling RPGs of all time, but is this latest addition likely to take its place or are developers trying…

Fable III: How to Make Millions

Lionheads Fable III has more emphasis on making large amounts of money than any of it’s predecessors. Whilst Fable and Fable II were certainly made a lot easier by accumulating money. In Fable III millions of lives can depend on…

Skyrim Guide

Skyrim: 5 Things That Made Our Hearts Race

New skills, the lack of character classes, no more birth signs and a completely new environment to explore all are very exciting aspects of Skyrim but they aren’t the most exciting. Here’s a list of 5 things that made our…

Bombjack Arcade game screenshot

Top Ten Games of my life, So Far

Everyone has points in their life that are so significant that they completely change the way they think and act. Events so monumental in nature that you can’t ever imagine not having experienced them. Well my top ten games run…


Skyrim to be More Like Morrowind

Eurogamer interviewed Todd Howard and asked some pretty interesting questions, mainly one that deals with the feel of the game. Many of us compare Morrowind to Oblivion, some say Morrowind is better while others say the crown goes to Oblivion.…