Gaming News

chet tackles the burglar

Sim Brother Experiment Day 6: Water Everywhere

Chet and Margaret were not awake for long. By 00:15 everyone was tucked up in bed sound asleep, dreaming their dreamy dreams. The front door creaked open and a burglar complete with striped jumper, crept her way through the front…

chase breaks the dishwasher

Sim Brother Experiment Day 5: Sparks Fly

The start of a new Sim Brother day, and the clock moved more and more into the early hours of the morning. Margaret finished her book on pregnancy and went to bed, which left Chase dancing oblivious to how late…

obsidians painting

Sim Brother Experiment Day 4: The New House Guest

Another late night for over half of the house, but as the minutes ticked past each House-guest got weary and eventually went to bed. Only Obsidian remained, feeling fully refreshed from his good sleep. Obsidian was faced with a choice…

skyrim npcs

Skyrim NPCs Are a Development Priority

According to Bethesda’s oracle and resident director, Todd Howard, the absolute focus of the Skyrim team right now is improving interaction between players and Skyrim NPCs. “The big things for us are still — and we still struggle with —…

sims 3 logo

Sims 3 Sim-Brother Experiment

Akin to the popular reality TV program, Big Brother, I’m setting up a little Sims 3 experiment. I’ve created eight stereotypical Sims, I’ve turned up the AI and now I’m going to throw them in to a large house together…

obsidian insults lucifer

Sim Brother Experiment Day 1: It Begins

The first day of the Sim Brother Experiment. ***** Almost across the board, the first thing the house-guests did was to start gaping and gasping at the objects of the house. From the windows down to the big-screen television, the…